God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1816

When Yue Xiaxia returned to the small valley, the battle of encircling and suppressing the evil clan had just ended. This battle was a rare victory and captured countless treasures and wealth.

Except song Feijun, Wan Shuang, Xiao Qiang and others who want to be promoted, others are all excited to clean the battlefield and collect all kinds of treasures from the bodies of evil believers.

Tens of thousands of celestial experts, even if they are not from the fairyland, will eventually get valuable treasures by crossing the northern battlefield and going deep into the secret land of the universe.

This harvest is definitely a super harvest. Maybe if you exchange these treasures after inventory, you can exchange a five element sword.

Even the five element sword of Jinxian level can be divided into three grades. Treasures of this level, such as the broken dome sword, are equivalent to the top grade. Above the top grade, there are a bi Yuantu and Xuanyuan sword, which are second only to the top ten innate spiritual treasures. They are listed as the unique products of Jinxian tools.

The heaven and earth chess game in Feng Yue\'s hand is only a top-grade Jinxian treasure. As long as it is ranked as the top grade, everything is extremely terrible, such as broken dome, such as rain and dew.

Of course, the five element sword can also be exchanged for a unique treasure, but it is not what song Fei can expect. Even killing a hundred times more evil believers can not exchange for a unique treasure.

This shows how precious a Biyuan Tu sword is.

Two golden fairies were seized from Dugu Hong\'s brother and sister. They were the giant axe and the ice white sword.

Song Fei threw the axe to Zhang Xiong. The mallet held the axe and couldn\'t close his mouth with a smile. He stroked the cold axe surface more carefully than stroking the woman\'s skin.

As for the white sword with ice attribute, although ice evolved from the way of water, there are some differences between the two. The way of ice can use the magic weapon of water attribute, but not vice versa.

There is no way to cultivate ice in Qingtian sword sect. Song Feizhi can put him away for later use.

After handling these two treasures, Song Fei immediately began to absorb the Qi of chaos. Feng Yue and others did not absorb the Qi of chaos together in order to be grateful, but left immediately after thanking Song Fei.

Before leaving, Song Fei instructed them to find another chaotic gas. Through the investigation of the little tree demon, although the chaotic gas was relatively small, there was no one around, and it was also the nearest place. If they were allowed to find it by themselves, they might find such a big one when.

After cleaning the battlefield, because fewer people were absorbed this time, most of the chaotic Qi still remained to be absorbed. According to the plan set by Song Fei, the unit was again this time.

Qin Xiaoru and Yue Xiaxia, who have mastered the way of space, lead those who have not been absorbed to the next chaotic Qi. By the way, they take a small tree demon to show the way, and Qin Shihu stays to protect the Dharma for everyone.

As time went by, Yue Sihua took the lead in conflicting with the obstacles of Jinxian realm and successfully stepped into Jinxian. Then he began to refine the treasure Yue Xiaxia got from situ Liu: taixuan water beads.

Taixuan water beads are made from the heavenly Gang water above the nine heavens and the yellow spring water below the nine earth. However, millions of tons of Jinxian level water are only refined into a fist sized bead. We can see the power of this magic weapon.

Although it is slightly inferior to the rain dew sword, this magic weapon has been ranked as the top grade. It is the most precious magic weapon in the hands of Qiao fan and other four people.

This magic weapon is not as powerful as the fairy sword in terms of attack and destruction, but its victory lies in the myriad changes, which lead to various mysteries. If it is in the hands of Yue Sihua, the power that taixuan water drops can play is more terrible than Yulu sword.

The cultivation of Jinxian level and the handy magic weapon have greatly increased Yue Sihua\'s strength in an instant. Similarly, the power of taixuan water beads will be countless times more terrible than that in situ Liu\'s hands.

Poor situ Liu, Song Fei and others handed him over to Feng Yue after collecting his treasure, and Feng Yue killed him with a sword.

In this way, situ Liu has made great contributions to Qingtian sword sect.

After refining the taixuan water drops, Yue Sihua jumped in front of Qin Shihu and said with a smile, "second uncle, let\'s have a competition."

Qin Shihu nodded: "it\'s all over."

"OK, second uncle, you should be careful." at the next moment, huge waves appeared in Yue Sihua\'s hands and rushed to Qin Shihu. Suddenly, countless blue water people sprang out of the waves.

The essence of these water liquids is Tiangang water and huangquan water, which are golden fairy level water liquids. At the moment, every little water man turned into is equivalent to a golden fairy.

Water people seem endless. As long as the taixuan water drops are not destroyed, these water people can be born continuously under the support of Yue Sihua\'s mana.

Thirty blue water people attacked Qin Shihu. It was not that Yue Sihua didn\'t want to turn out more, but that it took Yue Sihua\'s expensive mana to produce every little water man. Even if he practiced Taiyin Kui water, he could only turn out thirty.

However, the strength of these 30 water people was extremely terrible. For a moment, Qin Shihu was in a hurry and was suppressed by Yue Sihua.

Because both sides stayed behind, the battle continued until three minutes later, Qin Shihu said, "stop, little fellow, uncle is not as good as you."

The blue water man dissipated, leaving only the last blue water man to turn into Yue Sihua.

Qin Shihu said with a smile, "it\'s really good. Your strength is not even as good as your uncle."

Yue Sihua said with a smile, "my uncle is flattered. If you hadn\'t used the fairy sword, how could I defeat you."

The way of sword, after all, has too much lethality, so Qin Shihu has not used the fairy sword. If he holds the magic weapon of the same level, Yue Sihua has the confidence of invincibility, but he is not sure of winning.

"If my sister holds the magic weapon of the same level, with the horror of the sun\'s true fire and talent 11, she should be able to defeat my second uncle." Yue Sihua thought later.

"Yes, your sister is becoming more and more powerful. Maybe only your father can hold him down in the future. Fortunately, the girl is sensible and has never been bothered." Qin Shihu sighed.

Just as they were talking, there were violent waves in the valley. A black-and-white entangled light column rushed into the sky. The rules between heaven and earth seemed to be distorted and blurred under this light column.

In the Qi of chaos, a woman in black stretched her hands and feet, closed her eyes, and the breath of life and death surrounded him and her. Her hands slowly held up two light groups, one cold and the other hot.

Yue Sihua said with great joy, "great, my mother has made a breakthrough."

At the critical point, the master of Qingtian sword sect finally ushered in the tide of breakthrough.

Qin Shihu\'s face showed deep relief. From now on, Qingtian sword sect finally rose.