God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1814

Four masters who had stabilized the realm of Jinxian joined hands and finally overcame Feng Yue and broke his defense of heaven and earth chess game.

Fengyue and others suffered heavy losses. Facing the intact experts of the evil sect and tens of thousands of evil believers, there was no chance of winning.

The surrounding void is blocked, and it has become an extravagant hope to escape with secret methods.

Qiao fan and other four masters stood proudly in the void and looked down coldly at the people below.

Dugu Hong sneered: "you are a genius under the command of the Qing emperor. Aren\'t you good at refining pills? Take the pills and fight again. It depends on how many pills you have or how strong I am."

The heart of all the geniuses in the Qing emperor\'s vein has fallen to the bottom of the valley. Everyone silently took the pill. Feng Yue\'s eyes looked up and showed a strong killing intention.

The wind slowly said, "we try to pull a cushion."

"Then you have to pull a cushion when you die." Fengze was vicious, and the others were silent, but the killing intention in his eyes had told them what they thought. These people are Tianjiao. Naturally, they won\'t have a way to die. They also have to pull a cushion when they die.

Feng Xian\'s eyes looked into the distance from time to time, and then sighed gently.

The stronger the wind, the louder he said, "I know you all have a lot of regrets, but if you die here today, you are destined to regret for life. The only thing you can do is to kill a few more people."

"Kill!" the crowd shouted.

"Kill!" Feng Xian\'s fighting spirit soared in an instant.

The eyes of a group of people are filled with a strong sense of death and war.

Qiao fan sneered: "if you still have to fight tenaciously, it will make you despair. Who..."

Qiao fan\'s last sentence made everyone look a little changed.

In the distance of the sky, there was a frightening roar: "kill!"

In the endless distance, the terrible power is wildly spreading. Feng Yue and others try to look into the distance. Unfortunately, the power of the evil sect has isolated their divine consciousness, so that they can\'t see it very clearly.

Feng Ze whispered, "it seems that someone is killing the evil clan? What a terrible power."

They craned their necks to see what was happening there, but they could not see clearly. Only the terrible pressure seemed to stab into the heart of the evil clan crowd from far to near. In an instant, the formation of the evil clan was disrupted. Many evil believers who had originally displayed the anger of the evil god now targeted the outside.

Then they saw that the evil believers who blocked their realization fell from the sky like dumplings, as if tens of thousands of evil believers could not stop the edge of the group.

In the crowd below, everyone is happy. No matter who comes, as long as it is the enemy of the evil sect, it is his own ally.

The wind wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and said in a deep voice, "this is a great help. We\'re going to owe an adult."

Long Qingqing, the beautiful dragon woman, looked at the sky and said, "no matter how much kindness, as long as we can live, even if it needs to be repaid forever."

Living is everything.

In the sky, Qiao fan roared like losing heart: "Yue Tianyu, it\'s you again."

With Qiao fan\'s loud drink, Feng Yue and others finally saw that the evil believers blocking their sight were emptied, and then the familiar faces appeared in their sight.

Yue Tianyu, as well as his Qingtian sword sect, are walking leisurely step by step. Every step is accompanied by the death of countless evil sect experts.

Dugu Hong suddenly shouted, "Yue Tianyu, you\'re here at the right time. Let me take your military skill today."

Qiao fan suddenly shouted: "retreat, Dugu Hong, your brothers and sisters can\'t love war."

Dugu Hong gave Qiao fan a cold look, and his face was full of ridicule.

The beautiful Dugu Bingyun said coldly: "the soldiers of the evil sect, how can they come out of such a timid person? I think highly of you. I\'m going to form a partner with you."

"Ice cloud, No." Qiao fan drank.

Although he was promoted to Jinxian, although his strength increased greatly, Qiao fan felt that the shadow of death was so strong when he saw Song Fei and qingtianjian send their hands, which made him want to get rid of the world in front of him immediately and escape as far as possible.

Dugu Bingyun did not pay attention to Qianfan, but went to Qingtian sword sect with Dugu Hong.

Qiao fan\'s immortal sword was full of crazy killing intention. He loved Dugu Bingyun and didn\'t want him to fight alone. This love even exceeded his life.

Aside, situ Liu coldly shouted, "the overall situation is important, and Yue Tianyu is invincible. Don\'t you feel the power of several people around him?"

"Ice cloud!" Qiao fan grabbed his hair painfully.

"Go," situ Liu shouted.

Qiao fan shouted: "Bingyun, if you don\'t go, I can only give you up. For the sake of the overall situation, we must keep a useful body."

Hearing this, Dugu Bingyun sneered even more. Then he said coldly, "I\'ll take Yue Tianyu\'s head and terminate your engagement."

Qiao fan, who knew the character of Dugu Bingyun\'s brother and sister, looked up to the sky and sighed powerlessly. Then he suddenly became alert and saw a Golden Shadow of Taiji diagram rising below. Below the shadow, there was a face filled with murderous wind.

"Go!" Qiao fan dared not hesitate any more and suddenly turned into a golden light and shot into the distance.

Situ Liu also used the secret technique. His body turned into a stream of water and disappeared in the void.

"Damn!" Feng Yue\'s face was ferocious and angry. He was still besieged by tens of thousands of evil believers. He couldn\'t do his best. He couldn\'t keep Qiao fan and situ Liu at all.

In the sky, Dugu Hong\'s brothers and sisters were getting closer and closer to Qingtian sword sect, and the huge axe sent out a very heavy smell.

Dugu Bingyun\'s body was filled with cold air. Before people arrived, the cold air had extended to the crowd of Qingtian sword sect.

Their faces were ferocious. Looking at Song Fei, their eyes were full of killing intention.

Next to Song Fei, Yue Xiaxia patted Yue Sihua on the shoulder and said, "brother, I\'ll find you a present."

While talking, Yue Xiaxia\'s body turned into a streamer and disappeared.

Song Fei didn\'t care about Yue Xiaxia\'s leaving or staying. He looked at Dugu Hong\'s brother and sister with a gloomy face and said, "kill them."

Beside Song Fei, Qin Shihu suddenly stabbed Dugu Bingyun with a golden sword in his hand.

The tip of the sword was far away from Dugu Bingyun. However, Dugu Bingyun\'s eyes suddenly widened in the distance. She looked at a golden light in front of her forehead, and then pierced all her defenses and instantly pierced her forehead. In this process, she didn\'t have the slightest resistance.

With his eyes open, Dugu Bingyun\'s face was frozen, and he kept his original flying posture. The speed was slower and slower, and his heart stopped slowly.

Qin Shihu said indifferently, "hold the immortal sword in your hand. If you fight seriously, it will take me at least one incense to win you. You gave up your defense and chose to attack with all your strength? Hum, it\'s a waste of that good sword."

"Little sister." Dugu Hong shouted loudly, and his whole face suddenly turned red and roared bitterly, "Qingtian sword sect, I want you all to be buried with me."