God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1811

Tonghe said, "I\'m under the orders of Optimus. Anything can be negotiated with Optimus."

For Yue Tianyu, who is well-known in the three circles, Tonghe keeps a strong vigilance even if he is promoted to Jinxian.

Song Fei said with a smile, "this time I just want to see you. Ha ha, I forgot to tell you that the Optimus devil you have been following is a part of me."

"What?" Tong he thought he had heard wrong. But how can the ear power of the golden immortal strong hear wrong?

This time, Tonghe was completely shaken by the earthquake. Even the Jinxian level divine consciousness could not turn around.

Tonghe grabbed his helmet and pulled it hard, revealing his unparalleled beauty, but with a strong unbelievable expression on his face, which affected her beauty.

"Separation, just a separation?" Tonghe murmured, looking at the separation of magic blood ants.

The devil blood ant turned his mouth slightly and said with a smile, "if you can\'t accept it, you can think Yue Tianyu in the fairy world is my separation. Anyway, we are all controlled by one soul."

Separation? Tonghe still whispered, as if his mind had not turned around.

After a while, Tonghe whispered, "Yue Tianyu of the fairy world, master the secret of the ultimate skill." after that, Tonghe showed a bitter smile, "I should have guessed it. I was so stupid that the little silver dragon jumped on you and didn\'t find the secret."

Song Fei said, "thank you for being with me for hundreds of thousands of years. Now, you are the person of Qingtian sword sect."

Jun wanshuang came forward, took Tonghe\'s hand and said, "sister, welcome to join our Qingtian sword sect."

"Optimus sword sect? I joined the Optimus sword sect?" Tong he suddenly looked up at the separation of magic blood ants and said, "but why do I always feel a little different."

At this moment, the devil blood ant had no arrogance when he was bloodthirsty. Instead, he quietly explained: "being a devil, you should have the devil\'s nature. Being an immortal, you should have the immortal\'s spirit. Do you want me to be as detached as the people in the fairy world?"

"I see." Tong he sighed, "you\'re playing a big game of chess, and I\'ve always been a chess piece."

Song Fei said: "no, you used to be a chess piece, but now you are your own. You have been your own since you met me. With the improvement of your status, you should have heard of Qingtian sword sect."

Tonghe nodded: "Qingtian sword sect has a small number, but it has mastered a large number of ultimate skills. The people of Qingtian sword sect are extremely United."

Song Fei said, "yes. Unity is the greatest strength of our Qingtian sword sect. You are welcome to join us."

Song Fei stretched out his hand.

Tonghe was stunned and stretched out his hand with iron armor.

Song Fei held Tonghe\'s hand, and the devil blood ant separately held Tonghe\'s other hand. They said at the same time, "thank you for your persistence for many years. From now on, unless I die and Qingtian sword sect is destroyed, you will never be alone."

Tonghe didn\'t have a moved expression. Anti Russia and Japan looked at the devil blood ant and said, "you make me strange."

Song Fei said, "take your time to adapt. This is the real me. You have been wandering for many years. Although I don\'t know where your home is, if you don\'t want to go back to your previous home, Qingtian sword sect is your new home."

"Home!" a trace of yearning appeared in Tonghe\'s eyes, and his voice was choked.

Song Fei said, "now that you\'ve seen me, you know my identity. Then you go first and go to another place with me to absorb the Qi of chaos. Don\'t absorb it this time. I want Xiaoyin and Fenshen to be promoted to Jinxian. After absorbing it, you go to Longmen and I\'ll go later."

The picture of mountains and rivers was left in the dragon\'s gate. Song Fei\'s heart was thinking about the dragon\'s gate all the time and wanted to rush to the dragon\'s gate immediately.

Therefore, Song Fei asked the little tree demon to keep an eye on the movement in the direction of the dragon\'s gate all the time, and any trend should be reported to him at the first time.

Now, Song Fei doesn\'t let everyone absorb the Qi of chaos, but first let the top 100 people in the Longting trial take the lead to absorb it, and then let others absorb it after they break through the golden immortal.

Not long after Tonghe left, Qin Shihu and Qin Xiaoru broke through one after another. For a time, the sword spirit of heaven and earth was vertical and horizontal, and time and space were distorted. The vision of the two breaking through together deeply shocked everyone of Qingtian sword school.

With the breakthrough of Qin Shihu and Qin Xiaoru, everyone of Qingtian sword sect has greatly increased their confidence.

Eighty percent of Song Fei\'s sword walking God has turned into gold. As long as he increases by another two tenths, he can step into the golden fairy at one stroke.

Song Fei said, "Xiao Qiang, big goat, Wan Shuang, how much difference do you have?"

The goat said with a trace of cry, "soon, it\'s almost a little."

Jun wanshuang said, "me too. I\'m almost able to break through."

Song Fei said, "who is more than nine tenths, raise your hand."

Soon, Jun wanshuang, Xiao Qiang, Bai Xuan, Teng snake, Bai Xin, Yangxia mountain, Yangda, Yue Xiaxia and the divine beast qingluan, and the rest of the top 100 experts have also been promoted to more than eight tenths.

"It\'s still a little short." Song Fei sighed. If all these people break through, their strength can be greatly increased.

With the participation of the evil sect, the competition for the dragon\'s gate will be difficult. In addition, the Qi of chaos will become larger this time, and many other forces will be promoted to Jinxian. If there are not more advanced ones, I\'m afraid there will be no advantage in entering the dragon\'s gate at that time.

In particular, Song Fei has to face the advanced blood Luozi of Jinxian. No one knows to what extent the strength of blood Luozi will be improved after a period of time. The power of a nose sword is too terrible, which is far more powerful than the power of breaking the dome sword.

"Unfortunately, I still need too much chaotic Qi to absorb. When I step into Jinxian advanced level, my strength will increase greatly. Moreover, this promotion to Jinxian may be the last lucky draw. I don\'t know what the divine exchange system can bring me?"

The chaotic air in the fog has been absorbed. To break through, others have to continue to look for another large chaotic air mass.

Song Fei summoned a small tree and said, "search for the Qi of chaos on the way to Longmen."

A vine of the little tree demon has been delayed to the direction of the dragon\'s gate. Naturally, the scene along the way is clearly observed.

The little tree said, "there is one place that is not occupied yet, but it is only one-third as big as today."

"Go!" Song Fei shouted. The party suddenly rushed to the sky. The little tree demon controlled the big tree to run behind. Since Qin Shihu\'s father and daughter stepped into Jinxian, Song Fei no longer had to worry about the little tree demon\'s disobedience.

Just after flying out of the incense, the little tree demon said, "guild leader, your friend has been ambushed."

"Friend, ambush?" Song Fei was stunned and then said in a deep voice, "who is it?"

"Those people in green clothes who just left. They were ambushed by the evil sect and confined to a cliff. That cliff is what I said before. The woman named Feng Xian was injured, and the injury was very serious."