God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1809

In the competition just now, Yue Xiaxia didn\'t use all his strength, and Song Fei naturally didn\'t use up all his mana.

But this time, Song Fei had a clear understanding of Yue Xiaxia\'s strength.

If you try your best, Yue Xiaxia\'s strength will be no less than the shadow demon called night charm you met before.

Jinxian and Tianxian, one is heaven and the other is earth. Once they break through, the carp will jump over the dragon\'s gate and ascend to the sky step by step.

Yue Xiaxia\'s breakthrough well explains this point. After stepping into Jinxian, her strength has increased more than a thousand times, and she has some mysteries of Jinxian. Her means in battle will become more complex.

At the moment, Yue Xiaxia is far more than everyone. If you don\'t use magic weapons, one can be hostile to everyone of Qingtian sword sect.

In the ancient dragon\'s gate, there were often inconspicuous people. Because of good luck, they took the lead in promoting Jinxian after harvesting more chaotic Qi, and then killed the four sides.

Everyone is a genius. If the difference between treasures is not too great, the realm of Jinxian has an overwhelming advantage.

Zhang Xiong said excitedly: "stepping into Jinxian can improve so much. It\'s really a good expectation."

The rest of them also have bright eyes. With the example of Yue Xiaxia, people become more eager to promote Jinxian.

Dashan Yang said, "guild leader, when we raise a few more to become golden immortals, we can crush them with our fingers."

Song Fei said with a smile, "ha ha, so you all promote Jinxian as soon as possible. Second uncle and Xiaoru, you\'re almost there."

Qin Shihu and Qin Xiaoru are among the top ten. They have the same colorful dragon beads as Yue Xiaxia, just because Yue Xiaxia absorbed more dragon beads than the two of them when they separated last time.

So not surprisingly, one of their father and daughter will be the next to ascend.

Qin Shihu nodded and said, "it\'s a little short. If there\'s such a big mess of chaos, you can be promoted to Jinxian."

Qin Xiaoru also nodded and said, "I\'m almost there, just a little."

"OK, great." Song Fei laughed happily and said here. Song Fei suddenly looked up and looked at the sky obliquely above. "Someone is coming."

The familiar laughter came from the distant sky: "brother Yue is so excited. He is so happy."

After seeing the visitor, Song Fei\'s smile was even worse. What came was Feng Xian.

Feng Xian\'s long green dress fluttered in the wind. Looking at her clothes, she looked quiet and pure in the sky.

Beside Feng Xian, there are talents under the command of the green emperor and the arrogance of the dragon family.

At the moment, seeing Song Fei, the Tianjiao of the dragon family are kind, and the descendants under the green emperor look at Song Fei with a kind face.

After a hurried farewell to the previous Longting trial, I didn\'t have a chance to meet him. At the moment, Feng Xian introduces a grandson of the Qing emperor and Tianjiao of the dragon family to Song Fei.

"This is my second brother, Feng Yue." Feng Xian pointed to a handsome young man in blue, who had pure eyes, sword eyebrows and stars, giving people a feeling of peace.

"Fengyue, I\'ve seen brother Yue. When I came here, my nine sons still thought of you." the young man under the command of the Qing emperor smiled and saluted Song Fei.

"It\'s brother Feng. You\'re polite." Song Fei felt a lot more friendly when he heard the other party mention the wind chime.

"Fengze, meet brother Yue." a young man with a folding fan saluted Song Fei. His behavior was very casual, but he gave people a feeling of natural and unrestrained.

Feng Xian said with a smile, "brother Fengze is the descendant of Fenghua\'s ancestor. If you talk about generations..."

As soon as he said this, Feng Ze immediately said to Feng Xian with a bitter face, "it\'s agreed not to mention it."

To ask him to call a person younger than himself shishuzu, Fengze feels full of bitterness. If it is spread out in the future, it will become the laughing stock of his peers.

Fortunately, Song Fei rescued him in time and said with a smile, "I told elder martial brother Fenghua that I would have different opinions with his descendants, otherwise I can\'t afford to give him such a gift."

"Hehe, thank you, brother Yue, for your understanding." Feng Zelian hurriedly said.

Among these people, the most famous is Fengyue, the second brother of Fengxian, followed by Fengze. On the side of the dragon family, the first is a woman, who is the Dragon Qingqing of the Qinglong family. Of course, there are other descendants of the dragon family. The more famous are the Dragon Yi Xi of the fire dragon and the Dragon Zixuan of the Yellow Dragon.

After greeting, Song Fei asked, "have you had a hand with the evil sect?"

Feng Xian nodded and said, "they were in an ambush, but they underestimated our strength and were finally repulsed by us. However, from the mouth of the prisoners, what they ambushed was not us, but a smaller force. It\'s their bad luck."

Song Fei looked at Feng Yue and said, "if I guess right, brother Feng Yue has promoted Jinxian."

The wind on one side nodded silently: "this time, the amount of chaotic gas exceeded our expectations and was several times more than previously recorded. I was lucky to absorb a lot of chaotic gas, so I was promoted to Jinxian."

Fengze opened the folding fan and said proudly, "I\'m about to be promoted to Jinxian. I\'ll be a Jinxian master in the future. Brother Yue, if you want to fight, inform me and I\'ll help you."

Feng Xian joked, "if you don\'t do it, aren\'t you afraid that Fenghua will peel your skin?"

Feng Ze tilted his head and looked at Feng Xian. He said with a strange smile, "seven younger sister, how can you help outsiders speak? How can you say I\'m also your brother? Do you harm me so much?"

Feng Xian said with a serious voice: "little woman always can\'t bear to look at affectation."

Feng Ze shook his head: "it\'s really a woman who doesn\'t stay."

"What are you talking about?" Feng Xian was angry.

"OK." Feng Yue said, "don\'t make people laugh. By the way, brother Yue, the white dust broke through the golden fairy and joined several lucky people to break through the golden fairy\'s arrogance. He threatened to avenge you. You should be careful when you meet them."

Song Fei nodded silently and said, "this guy is lucky."

Feng Yue said, "there are too many chaotic Qi this time. If you are lucky, you will have a chance to break through Jinxian. Brother Yue, you have many enemies, so you should be careful. I heard that one of your great enemies has broken through Jinxian."

formidable enemy? Song Fei was surprised and blurted out: "blood Luo Zi."

Feng Yue nodded: "it\'s him. He\'s alone. No one dares to compete with him with a nose sword. As long as he finds a larger chaotic air mass, it\'s not difficult to break through."

Song Fei whispered, "it makes him want to break through. It\'s some trouble."

Song Fei was still terrified by his bloody practice. Now he broke through the golden immortal and his strength increased greatly. If he offered a nose sword again, his strength would be more than a thousand times.