God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1807

The wind and snow roared, the glacier cracked, and the earth trembled.

This is the shock caused by Jinxian power.

After a breakthrough of incense burning time, Tonghe finally opened his eyes. Suddenly, two blue lights burst out of his eyes. The blue light shot into the distant mountains. In an instant, the sky fell apart, and the infinite glaciers turned into annihilation powder under the blue light.

It carries great prestige.

At the next moment, Tonghe turned his eyes to Song Fei, with inexplicable and complex meaning in his eyes.

Song Fei got up and walked step by step to Tonghe.

Tonghe was motionless and looked at the man in front of him with a complex face.

Some of his practices are not recognized by the river. For example, he is too bloodthirsty and regards life as an ant.

However, for Tonghe, the people in front of her had a great impact on her. Even though she had strong strength in the past few years, she always felt a sense of fear when facing him. This fear didn\'t dissipate until it broke through to Jinxian at the moment.

Now I have enough strength to defeat him without listening to him, but what should I do?

Seeing his breakthrough, what would he do in front of him? Can you trust yourself as before? Or do you want to win yourself over in another way?

Yes, he is a golden immortal. It\'s worth him to spend a lot of money to win over. This man is mercenary. He should be able to see the key to the phenomenon.

Now I have absolute strength to leave him.

Song Fei stood in front of Tonghe and said faintly, "what you practice is the ultimate skill of water system."

Tonghe was shocked in his heart and said secretly, is he asking about himself? He doubted for a long time, and now he can\'t help it. Next, do you want to inquire about his identity?

Song Fei continued, "I guess you don\'t want others to know your real skill. In that case, you can use this in the future."

Song Fei stretched out his right hand, and a crystal clear blue mark flickered in the palm of his hand. The blue mark was slowly rotating. With his appearance, it seemed that he immediately deprived her of the power of the water system of heaven and earth, and all the water forces in the five elements seemed to work with it.

Beautiful, mysterious, noble, can\'t be.

No beautiful word can describe it. It is the most beautiful essence in the world.

"Soul imprint?" Tonghe was shocked. "The power of this soul imprint is extremely pure. I was shocked by its powerful power. What kind of soul imprint is this?"

Without knowing his specific name, Tonghe knows that the soul mark in front of him is far beyond his understanding. Does he want to win himself over with such treasures? Does he really think he needs something to win him over?

Should I accept it?

Song Fei said with a smile, "yes, it\'s just a soul mark. I need strong people around me. You were not qualified before. Now I see your potential, so you are qualified to use him."

qualified? Tonghe\'s heart is full of surprise. It turns out that it\'s not to win over, but to be qualified?

"Hum, what kind of soul mark, I haven\'t qualified before?" it\'s rare that Tonghe\'s tone has become a little tough, which has never appeared before.

Song Fei faintly spit out four words: "Taiyin sunflower water!"

"Boom" exploded in Tonghe\'s mind like a loud noise. His mind was completely filled with four words, Taiyin Kui water.

Taiyin sunflower water, the ultimate water system skill ranked first in heaven and earth, is also the ultimate skill. It is also divided into 369 grades. Its own water system skill is in front of the water surface of Taiyin sunflower, which is the difference between mortal magic and celestial magic.

Tonghe didn\'t expect that the people in front of her could take out the Taiyin Kui water skill, but she was convinced by the pressure on the soul mark, which was far higher than her own skill.

Woo yourself? Are you worth the value of a Taiyin sunflower? Ten of them are not worth a tenth of the value of this skill. Tonghe smiled bitterly, and all his thoughts disappeared. It turned out that he had no complex ideas at all, just as he said, because he was qualified.

Hum, are you not qualified before? Tonghe thought without a fork in the river.

Tonghe didn\'t ask the origin of the soul mark, but whispered, "don\'t you ask me anything?"

Song Fei said with a smile, "ask again when you don\'t have a knot."

Tonghe: "what is this? Bind me with this soul mark for a lifetime?"

Song Fei said with a smile, "don\'t be silly. You are already my man? Do you still want to betray?"

When the word betrayal was said, the fierce light suddenly appeared in the little silver dragon\'s eyes.

Am I already your man? The river is silent. I have been with him for hundreds of thousands of years, plus the time in the magic weapon of space. Hundreds of thousands of years is not long, but it can change a lot and change a person\'s heart.

For hundreds of thousands of years, wave after wave of people changed around him. Many people died after surrender, and then new generals appeared. Only those magic blood ants, little silver dragon and himself have never changed. In many dangerous battles, he sacrificed many powerful generals, but rarely let himself rush to the front.

Tonghe silently took over the soul mark, and his mood was a little complicated.

"Are you about to step into Jinxian?" Tonghe river.

Song Fei nodded: "if we can find such a large chaotic air mass again, we should be able to break through."

There are few people in history who can find such a great chaotic gas. Even if they do, scuffles will occur. Finally, they will be occupied by forces with a dominant number of people, and it rarely happens that only three people occupy it.

Of course, there are also some super talents who take the lead, promote Jinxian in the Dragon Court, and upgrade their cultivation until they reach the middle level of Jinxian.

The main god of the devil blood ant is a devil blood ant flying virtual shadow. At the moment, most of it has become golden. As long as you absorb the same amount of chaotic Qi, you can step into the golden fairy at one fell swoop.

Tonghe sighed, "it\'s a pity that such a chaotic air mass is difficult to find. If we are unlucky, we can\'t find such a large chaotic air mass in the Dragon Court."

Song Fei smiled: "don\'t think too much. You can understand the Taiyin sunflower water first. When you practice the Taiyin sunflower water, your strength will at least double. Then we will have more confidence to seize the Qi of chaos. When the three of us are promoted to Jinxian at the same time, we can walk sideways here."

"OK!" Tonghe continued to acquiesce in Song Fei\'s entourage, followed his orders, and began to silently absorb the soul mark of Taiyin Kui water into his forehead. Song Fei\'s right hand moves her into the magic weapon of space.

It takes a lot of time to realize the ultimate skill. The time in the Dragon Court is precious and there is no spare time to waste.