God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1805

The flaming flame spewed out from Tang Yanbin\'s body along his pores. His whole body was wrapped in the flame, and his body was burning.

When his body is completely burned, a new Tang Yanbin will be born in the fire. At that time, his strength will be stronger and his cultivation will be more terrible.

Similarly, the higher the original cultivation, the more terrible the strength after rebirth.

Originally, when the senior management of the rosefinch family gave them the Phoenix pill, they hoped that they would absorb enough chaos in the Dragon Court, then commit suicide in the Dragon Court and then be reborn. In this way, they could step into the golden fairy and maximize the harvest in the Dragon Court.

At present, they don\'t absorb much chaotic gas, which is far from reaching the time to use Phoenix pill, but now Tang Yanbin is dead, so he has to use Phoenix pill to revive.

The power of the top pill radiated incomparable light and heat. The terrible power even couldn\'t bear the separation of magic blood ants in the distance, and subconsciously stepped back a few steps.

This is also the characteristic of Phoenix pill. In order to avoid damage during Nirvana rebirth, even ordinary golden immortals can\'t bear the attack of Phoenix pill flame. This Phoenix pill contains the flame of Phoenix family experts, which can\'t be blasphemed by ordinary people.

The raging flames are burning more and more, and the fire is burning in the sky like clouds, turning the blue sky and the earth red. The dark clouds in the sky are cleared, the ice and snow are melting rapidly, and the surrounding miles have become a terrible hot world like magma.

The little silver dragon hovered around the fire, constantly circling around the fire disc, staring at the flame melted by Tang Yanbin.

The Phoenix people clenched their teeth, refrained from fighting against the little silver dragon, and quietly waited for Tang Yanbin\'s rebirth. If Tang Yanbin could be promoted to Jinxian, he could reverse the war situation at one stroke. For this, the Zhuque people have absolute confidence.

Tang Yanbin carefully manipulates the feathers of the middle and old ancestors to prevent the little Yinlong from sneaking attacks on the people. As others think, everything waits for Tang Yanbin\'s rebirth.

"Eech!" the little silver dragon roared. Looking at the increasingly powerful flame, he suddenly leaned out his head, opened his huge mouth, bit the burning Phoenix pill into the entrance, and then closed his huge mouth.

People of the Phoenix family stared at the terrible flame that disappeared in the mouth of the little silver dragon. Some couldn\'t believe it was true. The nirvana rebirth of the Phoenix pill, but they had never heard of this scene. Even if there were failure cases in the past, it was because there were extremely powerful golden immortal experts who destroyed it and reversed the vitality of the Phoenix pill, which led to the failure of rebirth.

But I\'ve never heard of a flame being swallowed in one bite. Even these rosefinches, who claim to be the flame controller, can\'t swallow such a hot flame.

At this time, Tang Jinyu was shocked. The plume in his hand burst into a fierce fire. Then he turned into a huge fan and fanned it towards the little silver dragon, roaring: "save people!"

The mana of the Zhuque people should not break into the plume like a capital, making the flame on the plume more hot and terrible.

The fierce flame hit, and the little silver dragon\'s whole body was wrapped by the flame and gave a violent roar.

After opening the dragon\'s mouth, a fierce fire broke out in the little silver dragon\'s mouth, and the power of the Phoenix pill was still strong.

On the little silver dragon, the silver light suddenly rose. The silver light in his mouth wrapped the flame of Phoenix pill and firmly pressed the power of the flame. Then, the little silver dragon closed his mouth and the fire splashed in his mouth.

The Zhuque people couldn\'t help jumping from the corner of their eyes. These lights were originally used to form Tang Yanbin\'s body. At this moment, they were bitten by the little silver dragon. It\'s hard to say whether they can be reborn from nirvana.

"Kill!" the devil blood ant shouted coldly. At such a moment, it would not let the little silver dragon fight alone. The magic light on the black magic sword appeared, and the cloak behind him danced more violently. At the next moment, his body suddenly rushed out and rushed to the rosefinch family.

The flesh of the rosefinch family is relatively weak, and the devil blood ant is the top flesh of the three worlds. The tentacles transformed into two magic swords are even harder than the flesh of the divine beast.

Tonghe closely followed Song Fei. A blue fairy sword appeared and burst into a beautiful blue light.

Song Fei looked at Tonghe in surprise. She didn\'t hide her strength.

"Separate two people to stop them." Tang Jinyu shouted fiercely. The focus of the goal is still on xiaoyinlong.

Since the silver light soared, the fire resistance of the little silver dragon has greatly increased. The silver light on his body isolated the flame, roared and circled in the sky, and constantly patted his claws on Tang Jinyu and others under the protection of the feather fan.

"Brother, our magic weapon has little influence on this guy." someone said anxiously.

Tang Jinyu shot again. The sky turning seal in his hand suddenly came out, slapped it on the little silver dragon\'s head, shot his body out and crushed the iceberg.

"Roar!" the little silver dragon shook his head, flew into the air again, and attacked the people fiercely again.

In the dragon\'s mouth, the Phoenix Dan flame, which was compressed by the silver light, was consumed violently. The little silver dragon began to separate the flames from the belly and swallow it into the belly. It was originally the essence of Tang Yanbin\'s growth. It was also a great supplement to the little silver dragon, and it was equivalent to eating a Tang Yanbin and a phoenix Dan.

The rosefinch people looked at the fire getting smaller and smaller, and their hearts were anxious. However, they had no choice. Under the attack of the little silver dragon, they struggled to support, had defensive power, but had no ability to snatch food.

"Ah!" there was a scream on the right. Song Fei\'s magic sword stabbed a rosefinch youth\'s forehead, instantly pierced his divine consciousness, and suddenly turned into a huge rosefinch. His body fell. Song Fei grabbed the rosefinch\'s wings with his right hand and pulled him into the magic weapon of space.

On the other side, the blue light broke out on Tonghe. The sword light cut off the young rosefinch\'s head, and then cut it into his forehead.

The strength of Tonghe impressed song Fei. Unexpectedly, her own strength was so strong that she surpassed the genius of the rosefinch family.

Once again, he put the body of the Zhuque people into the magic weapon of space. Song Fei smiled coldly and said, "continue to kill!"

The cold magic sword was cut out with one sword, and the magic light turned into black to strangle the rosefinch people.

The magic light roared on the feather fan, which made the whole team of rosefinch tremble fiercely. Then, the little silver dragon\'s tail patted the red feather fan fiercely, just like the stars. This blow carried infinite power.

The rosefinch people under the protection of the feather fan spit blood one after another.

"Brother, I can\'t hold on." someone shouted.

"Go, go," Tang Jinyu snapped.

"But!" someone turned his eyes to the mouth of little silver dragon.

Tang Jinyu said sternly, "if you make a decision, you will suffer. I can\'t control who wants to die with him. Anyway, I\'ll leave with those who want to live."