God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1801

Snow mountain, ice valley.

In the vast white sky and earth, the three figures slowly stepped on the ground full of ice, and there was a cold and cool air under their feet.

For the three people, such coldness is nothing. In the demon world, although there is no ice in some areas, the degree of coldness will be 100 times that here.

The ice rain of ice butterflies in the demon world can freeze the blood of immortals in the same realm.

Among the three, the middle one wore dark armor and showed his face with long black hair. The long hair danced behind him in the cold wind, which added a little freedom and uninhibited to him. Behind him, the scarlet cloak swayed fiercely, and in order to add a bit of bloodthirsty charm.

On the right, Tonghe is still in her original dress, putting the whole person in black armor. No one can see her beautiful face and proud posture.

On the right, the young man in silver armor looked around curiously, holding a huge unknown monster in his hand. His thigh was gnawing, and the whole thigh quickly disappeared in his mouth. Even the hard bone was no different from tofu in his mouth.

"It\'s right ahead." the magic blood ant pointed to the Rift Valley Road in the distance with his magic sword. The snow was everywhere in the distance. If it wasn\'t for Song Fei\'s guidance, Tonghe and others would be very difficult to find the Qi of chaos. In this weather, even with the help of divine consciousness, it would be several times more difficult to find the Qi of chaos than in other places.

Tonghe was silent for a while. After a while, he said in a hoarse voice, "you haven\'t been to Longting before. How can you bring us here from a distant place?"

Song Fei said faintly, "because I have a map."

Tonghe subconsciously said, "impossible."

Song Fei suddenly turned his head and stared at Tonghe, humming, "huh?"

Tonghe seemed to be aware of something, slightly bowed his head and said, "I have many contacts now. Naturally, I know that the chaotic Qi in the Dragon Court appears randomly, and there is no map."

Song Fei said faintly, "Oh, you\'re explaining? What are you hiding?"

Tonghe was surprised and said nothing more. The black armor silently followed Song Fei like a puppet.

The next moment, their bodies flew out and landed on the edge of a rift valley.

Standing at the cliff mouth of the rift valley, you can see that there is a thick chaotic gas below. Although it is only a quarter of that absorbed by Optimus sword sect, there are only three people here. When absorbed completely, each person absorbs more chaotic gas than several people of Optimus sword sect twice.

For a small team, such chaotic Qi is extremely rare. The general chaotic Qi is less than one tenth of that here. Such as the big chaotic air mass absorbed by Song Fei before, it can only be regarded as having bad luck.

"Let\'s go!" Song Fei took the lead in jumping into the rift valley, then took out his own dragon beads and began to absorb the Qi of chaos.

The Dragon Balls of the three people were all gold, but they were the largest gold. The three people suspended in the Qi of chaos and began to absorb and practice crazily.

Song Fei secretly said that it was a great harvest to get that little tree demon. Although he was timid, he really knew the map in the Dragon Court like the back of his hand. Except for the five fierce places he didn\'t dare to go, most of the other areas were visited by him. Even if the ice Valley here was very remote, he couldn\'t escape the search of the little tree demon.

Moreover, there is more than one place. Song Fei also mastered the thick chaotic Qi in several places, which is just the closest to the separation of magic blood ants.

Time passed imperceptibly. Song Fei vaguely heard the noise outside the rift valley, which made his eyebrows wrinkle gently.

In the ice and snow sky, a group of 27 people shuttled through the wind and snow. The group radiated fiery power. The snowflakes falling on them evaporated into water vapor before they got close.

It seems that this is not a group of people, but clusters of burning flames.

Of course, it\'s not too much to describe them with fire, because they are the favorite of the three worlds who control the fire, the highest sacred beast of fire, rosefinch.

Since Song Fei forcibly drove away the last time he found a huge chaotic gas, the rosefinch family was angry with the timidity of the Phoenix and the white tiger family. In the view of the rosefinch Shuangbi, if it were not for the concession of white dust and Yanqing Yao, the huge chaotic gas must be in the hands of the three divine beast families.

After leaving the valley, although the party also encountered some chaotic gas one after another, compared with the chaotic gas, it was less than one tenth of it.

Therefore, while complaining about the other two sacred animals, the Zhuque people itch the teeth hated by the Qingtian sword sect and want to kill it quickly.

Because of the gap, the three beasts acted separately, and the rosefinch chose a remote area.

A Zhuque clansman flew from a distance and then said to Tang Jinyu and Tang Yanbin: "two brothers, I found the gas of chaos in front, and it\'s still a big group?"

Tang Yanbin said, "can someone occupy it?"

"Yes. But only three people in the demon world."

"Oh, only three people?" Tang Yanbin sneered. "Kill it."

Tang Jinyu was a little cautious and asked, "but the son of the devil?"

The Scout replied, "it\'s not the son of the demon God, but like a demon king called Optimus. This person is a rising generation in the demon world and has no background."

Tang Yanbin sneered: "There is no backstage, which means that he has no deep background and can\'t compare with the son of the demon God. What\'s more, even if the son of the demon God has only three people, we have an absolute advantage. Hum, Optimus, I hate it when I hear this name. Just because of this name, I\'m going to catch the demon clan, skin it, cramp it, draw out his soul and burn him with my rosefinch flame Soul, let him suffer forever. "

Hearing Tang Yanbin\'s last ferocious words, even the people of the rosefinch family secretly shivered and burned their souls with the fire of the rosefinch. The pain is comparable to any cruel criminal law, and they don\'t burn him, but burn him forever. Just because the demon family is called Qingtian, it can be seen how much Tang Yanbin hates Qingtian sword school.

Of course, there are too many people in the three worlds in the name of Optimus, and the rosefinch family did not connect the devil blood ant with Optimus sword sect.

With the scouts coming back, a total of 28 people flew forward quickly and passed through layers of ice and snow. They soon saw a crack in the earth, lying silently like the wound of the earth. There were snow-white ice and snow on both sides of the crack. Under the ice and snow, there was solid ice accumulated for many years. Such hundreds of millions of years of cold ice was close to an immortal treasure. Of course, Zhu People of the sparrow family don\'t like these low-level treasures. It\'s not just them. Anyone who enters the Dragon Court won\'t care about these low-value things. Only the Qi of chaos is their only pursuit.

The people of the rosefinch family stood above the rift valley and looked down at the three figures suspended in the chaotic gas below. The corners of Tang Yanbin\'s mouth slowly aroused a cold smile, which was a cold smile when abusing others.

The next moment, Tang Yanbin grabbed a flame with his right hand and formed a dazzling fireball. He threw it out. The fireball pierced the sky, cleared the ice and snow on the track, and blasted it hard at the chest of the possessed blood ant.