God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1784

Just when Qiao fan thought that everything was under his control and even counted Song Fei\'s flicker, he saw that Song Fei\'s look remained unchanged and put his hand lightly to the transparent mask.

It was very abrupt. The transparent light suddenly disappeared and was clean, without even a trace.

An array disk that cannot be refined is equal to giving Song Fei points in front of Song Fei.

Song Fei whispered, "the Jinxian array plate is good. It\'s really good."

Seeing his array plate disappear for no reason, the relaxed Dongfang Kong suddenly shouted, "Yue Tianyu, what did you do?"

He can\'t help but be not excited. Even if he has a high status in the evil sect, there are only two Jinxian treasures. Now losing one is more painful than cutting his flesh.

Qiao fan took Dongfang Kong\'s arm and said loudly, "brother Dongfang, calm down. As long as you kill Yue Tianyu, you can take back what he took."

The original natural and unrestrained nature disappeared in an instant. Dongfang Kong shouted, "kill him, kill him for me."

Song Fei smiled faintly at the corners of his mouth, and the twinkling symbol appeared again in the hands of the people of Qingtian sword sect.

Qiao fan\'s face was on one side, and he snapped, "not good."

Without the barrier of the border, Song Fei and others rushed into the crowd of the evil sect, just like a wolf into a sheep. Song Fei waved a fairy sword with a golden fairy tool and made his surroundings empty in the twinkling of an eye.

The strange sword in the goat\'s hand was cut out like tofu. Every time he pulled out the sword, someone died under his sword, and the number of evil families was decreasing all the time.

Even the weaker Huang Tianhao and others, because they have practiced the ultimate skill, it is very easy to kill the evil sect experts in the same realm, such as cutting melons and vegetables. The miracle of Song Fei\'s defense of Xianshan is now performed on everyone.

Qiao fan and Dongfang Kong were completely shocked when they grew up. They had a strong psychological preparation for Song Fei, but now they found that they still underestimated it. Now, among the people brought by Song Fei, the weakest one is equivalent to Yue Tianyu in their imagination.

Each of the forty-two people in the line greatly exceeded their imagination. After killing a circle of people, Song Fei crushed the flashing talisman and appeared in the crowd again.

The countless magic power of the evil sect blew on Song Fei, and the power of the golden body was not destroyed, so that he could only attack but not defend. In an instant, more than ten people died in Song Fei\'s hands.

After a while, Qiao fan swallowed his saliva and snapped, "come on, use space to blast the jade slips."

The people of the evil clan reacted one after another, took out pieces of jade slips and crushed them in front of them, forming a dense space crushing area. Although the flicker skill can not stir up space fluctuations, it is also a real space skill. Song Fei and others dare not use the flicker talisman at the risk of falling into space turbulence.

The attack of Qingtian sword sect was slow. Qiao fan saw the opportunity and shouted: "shield of evil gods, limit Qingtian sword sect."

Countless evil believers began to sing, and the miserable white light condensed into a huge evil god shield to block between the people of Qingtian sword sect and the evil sect. Because of the previous rush into the crowd, Qingtian sword sect was divided into countless small groups to fight their own.

After seeing this scene, Qiao fan laughed and said, "hahaha, Yue Tianyu, you are so clever that you were mistaken. Now you are separated, and I can eat you step by step."

Seeing this behind the scenes, Dongfang Kong finally breathed a sigh of relief. When he killed Song Fei, he could get back his array plate and get unimaginable credit by the way.

Song Fei, surrounded by a crowd of evil sects, laughed and said, "brothers, it\'s time to test you."

At the same time, everyone of Qingtian sword sect raised his sword to the sky and shouted, "fight for the sect leader."

Zhang Xiong trembled excitedly: "for many years, we can finally fight side by side like this."

Lei Zhu licked the thunder flashing sword excitedly and said with a grin: "yes, I miss that moment. For this war, what\'s the fear of death? It\'s just war!"

Yunyi\'s golden light soared and whispered, "people of the evil sect are very strange. You will never think of what we think in our hearts. Fighting is the meaning of our survival. After suppressing ourselves for many years, we can finally release ourselves today. In fact, thank you."

"War, war, war!" the soaring war spirit soared into the sky. The madness of Qingtian sword sect shocked the fanatical evil believers. The fighting spirit of marching forward and the immortal war spirit were something many evil believers had never seen in their life.

"Evil god\'s shield? Just break it." the goat\'s strange fairy sword cut forward, like cutting a thin piece of paper, and fragmented the evil god\'s shield formed by hundreds of people.

Hundreds of people could not stop a sword in the goat\'s hand.

"What a sharp sword. What\'s that?" Qiao Fan said in shock.

The Eastern Air whispered: "an invincible sword, but no mana, is that a strange thing?"

Qiaofan suddenly said in a harsh voice, "Huifeng sword is a strange thing. Isn\'t this sword in the hands of an expert under the green emperor? I remember that the expert has been killed and this sword has been covered with dust for a long time. Today, it even appears in the hands of Qingtian sword."

Dongfang Kong stared at the big goat and said, "this man\'s name is big goat. His physical potential is far higher than that of the body repair under the command of the emperor of heaven. If he grows up, I\'m afraid it will be a nightmare for our evil sect."

"Kill him, kill him at all costs." Qiao fan shouted.

During the conversation, a black-and-white rainbow swept to the four directions, and the evil god shields swept were broken one after another. Then a very hot black figure rushed into the crowd. A yin-yang sword turned into a deadly weapon in her hand and instantly killed dozens of people.

The evil believers who have not been attacked display the anger of the evil god. The sword rain all over the sky envelops the people of Qingtian sword sect. Even Jun wanshuang in the crowd is targeted by the anger of the evil god. The little sword transformed by the anger of the evil god is like having eyes, avoiding the evil believers and falling on the people of Qingtian sword sect.

Except Song Fei and Dashan Yang, the others\' offensive is one of the slowest. Even if their strength is super strong, they also need to allocate some mana to fight against the wrath of evil gods. After all, it is a spell jointly performed by countless immortal experts. As long as it is not physical cultivation, even golden immortals can\'t fight hard with flesh. It is inevitable to consume mana.

Now the people of Qingtian sword school can\'t ignore the power exerted by Qiao fan.

"Kill!" the fighting will not stop because of the terror of the other party\'s attack. While they resist the anger of evil gods, the fairy sword in their hands still reaps the lives of evil believers.

But every time you kill someone, you will add a wound to your body.

But what about this?