God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1773

"We have no time to take care of the battle of the experts and can\'t do anything. We can only hope that the king of hell in the ten halls of the five heavenly emperors will be powerful. So next, we have to do our own things well. Second uncle, when we encounter the Qi of chaos, except for a few friends who make friends with us, others should grab it. When we encounter the evil sect, it\'s a word, kill!"

"Yes!" they all said in unison.

Seinfeld Road: "Now, let\'s look at the map, the map inside the Dragon Court. If I guess right, we are in the west of the Dragon Court. The range of the Dragon Court is very large. If we run at a high speed, I\'m afraid it will take me three months. In addition, the terrain here is complex and there are all kinds of terrain, so the sneak attack will come at any time. There are signs in several dangerous places above, but there are no more dangers If someone finds out some secret places, second uncle, you must inform me. Don\'t act rashly. "

"Well, good!" Qin Shihu said.

Seinfeld Road: "In addition to the three world geniuses and evil families who enter here, there is also a very terrible power, that is, the monsters in the Dragon Court. These monsters have their own intelligence, and they know that chaos gas will be generated every million years. They will also rob chaos gas, kill outsiders and plunder treasures and resources. Moreover, local monsters are likely to have golden immortals Existence, if you really encounter such existence, second uncle, you should also inform me in time. "

"Hmm!" Qin Shihu said.

"Finally, pay more attention to the news of the mountain and river country map. If the evil gods and the experts of the three worlds suffer losses this time, maybe the mountain and river country map is our capital to protect our lives. If nothing happens along the way, we will gather here in the southeast. This place is called canglongling, which has an extremely terrible existence, but it also has a lot of chaotic Qi. Finally, let\'s join hands and have a look Do you have anything else to do to conquer this place? "


"In that case, let\'s act separately immediately." song Feidao.

Qin Shihu led the brigade to leave. This time, Song Fei specially exchanged two jade slips that can be transmitted over a long distance. If there is no accident, they can communicate with each other at any time.


On a desert far away from Song Fei, a young man with blond hair and more than 100 people in black robes walked slowly.

The blonde youth is also dressed in black robes, but his blonde hair emits golden luster like gold. Behind him is a golden long sword. The sword body is narrow and long, and the arc is beautiful. Just looking at the shape, it is a rare fairy sword.

Suddenly, the golden fairy sword made a sound of sword sound, which immediately attracted everyone\'s attention.

An old man with white hair and black robes stood beside the blonde youth and whispered, "Sir, what happened?"

When the old man with white hair and black robe said this, his tone was very awed. The young man in front of him not only had a high degree of fit with the evil and divine power, and reached the 80 people had dreamed of, but also had a very high talent for cultivating immortals. He was very talented in the golden way. His predecessor was a gifted disciple of Shenshan, who practiced the ultimate skill of the golden way.

Later, he believed in evil gods. His talent not only did not retreat, but also improved his strength at a terrible training speed. Even without divine power against the enemy, his strength was no less than that of the descendants of the emperor of heaven and the son of the demon God.

If you use the power of evil gods and fairyland magic, his cultivation will be more terrible. Ordinary gold immortal masters are not his opponents. Such a person is destined to be a great figure of the evil sect and one of the most outstanding believers under the evil gods in the future.

The young blonde moved the golden sword to his body, gently stroked the sword and said, "do you remember the muddy secret under the green emperor?"

The white haired old man said, "it is said that Lord Tianji\'s art of occupying and attacking has been instructed by the green emperor and is far more than ordinary people in the control of the future."

The blonde said with a smile, "yes, it\'s him. He said that if I took this broken dome sword, the soul of the sword would appear in the Dragon Court. His calculation can\'t be wrong. The integration of the soul of the broken dome sword is not far away."

The white haired old man was surprised: "breaking the dome is actually breaking the dome. It\'s a booty obtained from the high disciples of Shenshan. That war made our evil sect famous and promoted the majesty of God. The only drawback is that we only have 12 sword bodies, but the soul of the sword doesn\'t know the end."

The blonde said with a smile, "since the soul of the sword has entered here, it is time for the soul of the sword to return. If I Qiao fan hold a complete broken dome sword, neither the genius of Heaven nor those of the evil sect will be my opponent."

The white haired old man hurriedly said, "I wish your Excellency the combination of fairy swords."

"Ha ha!" Qiao fan laughed, "but our task is to kill more people in the fairyland and compete for the Qi of chaos. God himself sent us in, and we can\'t live up to God\'s expectations."

More than a hundred people said in a loud voice, "evil gods are eternal."

Qiao Fan said, "come on, we can\'t fall behind."


There are all kinds of wonderful creatures growing on the black wasteland. Song Fei is walking on the wasteland with his other half.

Suddenly, a bucket thick vine broke out from below and turned into a whip to sweep to the rightmost cloud Yi in an instant.

The speed of trees and vines is too fast. With Yunyi\'s strength, they are swept away by trees and vines and draw a long distance on the wasteland.

"Be careful!" when the crowd shouted this sentence, Yunyi had flown out, and then countless flying swords hanged at the trees and vines. The trees and vines were also very fast, and suddenly penetrated into the earth.

"Where to go!" Zhang Xiong plunged into the earth and chased the trees and vines.

Song Fei quickly flew to Yunyi\'s side, lifted Yunyi up and whispered, "how about it."

Yun Yi rubbed his chest and said, "if he didn\'t use all his mana as defense for the first time, I\'m afraid that blow was bad."

Song Fei nodded and said, "it\'s all right." then he pulled up Yunyi and patted his dirty clothes.

After returning to the crowd, Zhang Xiong emerged from the earth. In everyone\'s eyes, Zhang Xiong shook his head with a bitter smile: "that guy\'s speed is so fast that he ran away."

The goat said, "guild leader, is this the living creature in the Dragon Court?"

Song Fei shook his head and said, "it\'s like a creature in the demon world, but it\'s like a vine demon in the demon world. I\'m not sure. If the other party doesn\'t hit it, it\'s more like testing us. He\'s so familiar with the terrain and can test us in the dark. I suspect it\'s a creature in the Dragon Court." after saying that, Song Fei\'s thousands of miles\' eyes burst out and quickly searched around. After a while, he said, "Without seeing any information, the enemy is very cautious."

Before long, they suddenly looked up. A huge cliff appeared in the distance. Looking at the top of the cliff from a distance, there was a chaotic air mass emerging.

Song Fei said loudly, "come on!" Song Fei took the lead in running towards the cliff. When he approached the bottom of the cliff, he could not fly, but he ran on the cliff like a flat ground.

The goat said angrily, "MD, the chaotic air mass is getting smaller. Someone robbed us."