God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1771

Soon after the big goat stepped into the grassland, others came one after another.

The fourth place is the red apricot of the Asura nationality, the fifth and sixth are Qin Shihu and Qin Xiaoru, and the seventh is an expert in the earth, named Jiang Tianyou. The eighth is Yue Xiaxia, the ninth is luotu, the son of the demon God in the demon world, and the tenth is xueluo son in the Asura world.

Among the top ten, Qingtian sword sect occupied five places, and Song Fei himself was the first in Dalan. This time, he really absorbed countless hateful eyes.

The top ten are still colorful dragon balls, but the fourth to tenth are still much smaller than the third.

The Dragon Balls outside the top ten became golden. This time, the performance of Qingtian sword school was still eye-catching. Jun wanshuang won 18, Xiao Qiang won 21, Yue Sihua won 29, Bai Xuan and tengsnake won 32 and 33, Xiao Hei won 39, the divine beast qingluan won 41, and Yunyi won 58.

Among the top 100 are Yunyi, Baixin, chenwufeng, Qin Shaofeng, Xiao Li, Lei Zhu, ziri, Bi song, Lan Yu, Xuanwu, Yangxia mountain and Yangda.

It can be seen that even the disciples of Qingtian sword sect who have practiced the ultimate skill are not the strongest talents in the three worlds. Except Song Fei, others have been crushed by others.

Among the three realms, hundreds of millions of creatures were born. Many top talents also practiced the ultimate skill, and their ultimate skill was personally realized. Yunyi and others did not have an advantage in front of them, but were somewhat inferior.

However, in the top 100 ranking, Qingtian sword sect still has a bumper harvest. From the 11th to the 100th, it occupies the 22nd place, nearly a quarter. It is unprecedented for a small force to occupy so many places.

In fact, the ultimate skill is too powerful and difficult to understand. Not many people in the three realms feel the ultimate skill. If they really talk about talent, Yunyi and others may not even squeeze in the top fifteen.

As for the next ranking, Qingtian sword sect has made another brilliant achievement. All the people brought by Song Fei have entered the top 300 because they have practiced the ultimate skill.

All 78 people entered the top 300 and held one third of the quota. Such achievements have made almost all hostile forces jealous and hate, and they want to pull out their swords and kill all Qingtian sword sect.

As for the latter places, there is no Optimus sword sect, because all the people brought by Song Fei have entered the top 300.

Silver dragon balls are used from the 101st to the 300th, red dragon balls are used in the first 1000, and blue dragon balls are used in the last 500, with the effect decreasing in turn.

Before long, 1500 people gathered on the grassland. It can be seen that there are indeed many talents in the three circles. Even if the test of entering the Dragon Court is very severe, 1500 talents still emerged in a short time.

"Damn it, if the Optimus sword sect hadn\'t intervened, our white tiger clan would have two more places."

"The two young people of our rosefinch family were originally expected to enter the last 100. It was Yue Tianyu who robbed so many places that they didn\'t come in, causing us to lose two future golden immortals. We must make a good calculation with qingtianjian sect."

"Yue Tianyu, at least ten people are missing from our demon world. I must eat him after entering."

"We, the shadow demons, must kill Qingtian sword sect. Rob his dragon balls to make up for their mistakes."

A pair of angry eyes and angry twisted faces all show the resentment against Qingtian sword sect.

At this time, a very nice voice sounded: "a group of people don\'t look at it. After entering the Dragon Court, the force is the strongest and the most united."

The most powerful force after entering the Dragon Court? Of course, it does not refer to their original power, but the power of those who enter the Dragon Court.

Countless people suddenly found that the Qingtian sword sect with 78 people would immediately become a well deserved super power after entering the Dragon Court.

According to one world, the number of people in the demon world, demon world and earth world is more than that of qingtianjian school, but these are composed of countless forces, but if the forces alone are far inferior, the Xuanyuan family ranked first has only entered more than 30 people.

Of course, if these people in the big world can really unite, it may not be too difficult to kill qingtianjian sect.

Someone looked at the direction of the voice and said sternly, "who are you? Dare to speak for Qingtian sword sect."

All the people looked at it together. The person who had just spoken was a tall, beautiful and dusty green fairy.

The woman whispered, "I\'m right here. If anyone wants to be dissatisfied with me, he can enter the Dragon Court and shoot me."

Someone secretly scolded, "don\'t you see that woman standing among the forces of the green emperor? Who dares to provoke such a person except those who are not afraid of death."

"Dragon ancestral court, it\'s time to open it."

"Dragon Court, I finally came to you. I seemed to see my appearance after I became a golden immortal."

For Tianxian, Jinxian\'s longing for immortality is more than that of ordinary people. Standing in front of the Dragon Court, not many people can resist the excitement in their hearts, including everyone of Qingtian sword school.

Now 1500 people have arrived, and the dragon balls have been distributed. Next, it\'s time to enter the Dragon Court.

Just as everyone was looking forward to the opening of the Dragon Court, the earth suddenly trembled violently, and everyone felt like stepping on a small boat sailing in the rough waves.

They didn\'t feel anything at first, but suddenly everyone\'s heart inexplicably emerged with deep fear.

This fear makes people feel that they will die in the next moment. The immortal\'s spiritual sense is very sensitive and there will be no inexplicable premonition at all. Everyone\'s mind suddenly appears enlightenment. There is great danger here.

Everyone couldn\'t help looking around, and not a few violent experts roared angrily to vent their depression.

Suddenly, an angry roar sounded above the people\'s heads: "evil god, you can find here. Do you want to start a full-scale war?"

Listen to this voice, it\'s the master who presided over the test before.

Everyone was shocked when they heard the angry voice. Was it an evil god? It\'s a character that even all the top experts in the three worlds are afraid of. It\'s said that the Sun God Emperor was killed, but the evil god has been hiding in the forbidden place. This time, the fairy world dares to face the Dragon Court hosted by countless top experts, so the meaning is very frightening.

Evil sect, are you going to invade the three realms? When evil spirits come, do you want to fight with all top experts with one person\'s strength? Three world experts join hands with the evil sect. Who is weak?