God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1769

"Sect leader, I\'m coming." the big goat shouted. Despite the fire rain falling on him, he has the immortal golden body spell and the blood dropping regeneration magic power. The fire rain can\'t stop the big goat\'s footsteps. The big goat is one of the few people who can walk normally.

Song Fei has no way to cultivate the wind. Similarly, relying on the strength of the immortal golden body to test the defense, I\'m afraid no one can compare with him and the big goat.

At the beginning, the big goat went hand in hand with many experts practicing the way of fire, but when entering the Jiutian Gangfeng area, the big goat still maintained the original speed, but the monks of the way of fire were far from it. Each one could only run mana to resist the attack of Jiutian Gangfeng, and the speed was more than twice as slow as before.

At this moment, the particularity of the big goat was also reflected. He walked towards the front with his head held high and his chest held high. The vigorous wind in the nine days blew on him like a breeze blowing on his face.

"Who is this? How can it be so powerful."

"Physical training? When did the three worlds have such a powerful physical training?"

There is a man in the fairy world: "that\'s the big goat, under Yue Tianyu."

"* * *, a Yue Tianyu is a headache. How can such a scourge come out?"

"He is a physical trainer. He resists the test with his physical body. Isn\'t it that the next defense test is very smooth?"

As everyone expected, big goat and Song Fei were at ease about the defense test.

Compared with the big goat, the rest of Qingtian sword sect are relatively low-key. Even if they are as strong as Qin Xiaoru and Qin Shihu, they still need to use their magic to resist this space, so they can\'t do it as easily as the big goat.

After jiutiangang wind, there is Jiuyin water. This water is extremely Yin. It can erode iron and break gold. It belongs to Jinxian level water. Song Fei still passes through it lightly.

After the nine Yin water, there was a god killing thunder. The nine color thunder flashed in the void like pillars connecting heaven and earth, and then exploded on Song Fei.

Song Fei\'s body disappeared in the thunder and went farther and farther. Dashan sheep followed him behind him.

With the passage of time, Qin Shihu and others have gradually demonstrated their strong strength. They have entered the top ten, followed by Sihua and Xia Xia, Song Fei\'s sons and daughters. Behind them are Bai Xuan and Teng snake. If it weren\'t for this Dragon Court, the brothers and sisters deliberately suppressed the boundary. Even if they have been promoted to Jinxian, they also have the ability to suppress some Jinxian, It is not difficult for them to travel here.

The two people of the Asura family also showed extremely powerful means. Bleeding light appeared on them to resist all attacks. Although their pace was not as easy as that of the big goat, they also crowded into the top ten ranks. The two geniuses specially sent by the ancestor of the blood River were really good.

Among the top 50, all are super talents trained by major forces, including Shenshan disciples, Buddhist disciples led by Buddhist Yizhen, Jingchen and little nun Miao Yue, the most outstanding genius of the divine beast family and the top experts in the demon world.

Generally speaking, there are the most experts in the fairy world, followed by the earth world, and there is little difference among the demon world, the demon world and the Buddha world.

After experiencing the killing thunder, Song Fei finally crossed the black wasteland and hid his whole body in a thick fog.

At this moment, the big goat has just stepped into the God killing thunder area. The others, including Qin Shihu and Qin Xiaoru, are still resisting in the Jiuyin water, not even half the distance.

Song Fei also passed this level with great advantages and entered the third level.

After entering the fog, Song Fei found himself in an empty space. There was no end to this space. There was no sky and earth. Only the dim light shrouded in this space, so that it would not be too dark.

This place is like a cosmic void without stars.

A majestic voice sounded around: "Yue Tianyu, pass the second pass and open the third pass to test his combat power and attack. The puppet will pass the pass. The test is over."

"Have you finished the last one?" Song Fei whispered.

As Song Fei\'s voice fell, a dark black tiger puppet suddenly appeared in the void in front of him. The whole puppet was the size of a hill and was composed of unknown materials.

The black tiger puppet\'s eyes burst out with golden light, and his dark bones give people an indestructible feeling.

Song Fei whispered: "To test the fighting power and attack power, can I think that without a certain attack power, I can\'t break the puppet\'s defense at all? Speed, defense, attack and combat power, it seems that this time to enter the Dragon Court, each one should not only reach the top 1500, but also reach a certain standard. Otherwise, there may be insufficient places. It seems that this time At the Dragon Court, the three realms are to choose the top talents who can really fight against the evil clan in the future, not to promote people to Jinxian. Times are changing, and the requirements of experts in the demon world have changed. "

For a time, Song Fei thought of a lot, and felt that the masters at this level of the heavenly emperors were worried. From the previous blood refining to the current Dragon Court, all showed the urgent determination of the heavenly emperors to cultivate talents.

Song Fei whispered, "is it really such an urgent time for the war situation? Is the real war between the evil sect and the three realms about to begin?"

"Roar!" the black tiger puppet in front roared, breaking Song Fei\'s meditation, and then waved his claws towards Song Fei.

Song Fei smiled softly: "what do you want to do so much? There is no equal strength. Knowing too many things will affect your mood. Everything will wait until you are promoted to Jinxian."

The black tiger pounced, and his dark body grew rapidly in Song Fei\'s sight. The sharp claws on his front claws suddenly jumped out of sharp light and patted Song Fei\'s head.

The speed of black tiger is very fast, no less than that of an ordinary Jinxian master in the early stage. The attack brought by such speed is also no less than that of an ordinary body repair Jinxian.

This further confirmed Song Fei\'s guess that without a certain talent, he would die if he met this puppet. There is no doubt that the heavenly emperors have resorted to all means in order to cultivate experts. If the experts participating in the Dragon Court can\'t beat the black tiger and don\'t admit defeat at the first time, it must be the end of the destruction of the gods and souls.

The pale golden flame condensed in Song Fei\'s palm, and a long flame sword with a length of several kilometers suddenly took shape from Song Fei\'s palm.

The dazzling sword light cut through the center of the black puppet. The black tiger disintegrated into pieces and finally dissipated into the void.

The last level, a second kill.