God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1767

In front of Song Fei, someone was walking in the light of Buddha, seemingly slowly, but actually moving quickly.

That\'s Song Fei\'s old acquaintance. It can also be said to be one of Song Fei\'s rare friends in the apocalypse. It\'s true.

Yizhen was originally a disciple of the Buddha world. Later, he suffered ten times. He was a perfect good man in each life. He accumulated good thoughts, and soared to the sky. He showed extremely profound Buddhist accomplishments. Song Fei was not surprised to meet him outside the Dragon Court this time.

It seemed that he felt Song Fei\'s eyes. As soon as he really turned back, he gave Song Fei a kind smile.

They didn\'t speak. After a look, they used their magic powers and continued to show their unparalleled speed.

One white and one black young man looked at Song Fei and gave him a sneer of disdain.

This is night unintentional and white dust. Song Fei has long known their malice and doesn\'t feel much.

"Yue Tianyu, I heard you were having a good time in the fairy world. I don\'t know how you are in front of our demon world talents?" a demon God\'s son turned back and sneered. Through the separation of demon blood ants, Song Fei recognized him. He was the son of the demon God, named luotu. He was the top genius in the demon world. I heard that he had sneaked into the fairy world to challenge the pride of all fairies, Finally, the famous genius who killed the fairy world was frightened. When it aroused public anger, he sneaked back to the demon world. So far, he no longer looked down on the fairy world genius. It is often said that the fairy world genius is just like this.

This man\'s deeds have even been heard by Song Fei in the fairy world. When he saw Luo Tu today, he couldn\'t help looking more.

Seeing that Song Fei didn\'t answer, Luo Tu\'s face showed a fierce light and said sternly, "Yue Tianyu, if the devil asks you, you dare to ignore it."

Song Fei smiled: "how about me? If you are qualified to enter the Dragon Court, you will naturally know."

Luo Tu smiled coldly, "Oh, you have courage, but I don\'t know how many moves you can take from the Lord and the devil." seeing that Song Fei didn\'t continue to pay attention to himself, Luo Tu turned around and snorted coldly, with a stronger sense of killing in his eyes.

A huge ROC looked back at Song Fei and said, "a fairy world has been made chicken fly and dog jump by a scattered repair. The strength of the fairy world has fallen sharply in recent years."

At the same time, many eyes came from the front, and most of them had bad intentions. None of them had ever fought with Song Fei, but they had always heard the legend of Song Fei. For these highly regarded talents, killing Song Fei, a famous genius in the fairy world, is their favorite thing to do, including some geniuses in the fairy world.

Song Fei smiled and continued to speed up.

"Yue Tianyu!" Luo Tu, who just stopped paying attention to Song Fei, roared.

"Yue Tianyu, do you want to die?" a Hydra in the demon world shouted.

Each of these people wants to compete for the first place. Now the explosion of Song Fei\'s speed immediately makes them feel threatened. They shoot at Song Fei naked with threatening eyes.

There are anger, warnings, and many contain cold killing intention.

For these eyes, Song Fei was indifferent and his speed kept exploding.

The Hydra was so angry that his body suddenly became bigger. He even blocked all the roads in the valley like a hill. He can\'t fly here. Blocking the speed is equivalent to blocking Song Fei\'s passage.

Soon, the Hydra said angrily, "Yue Tianyu, if you just stepped over me, we will never die. Dare you."

When the Hydra was just halfway through his words, Song Fei, who was covered with Colorful streamers, stepped on his snake tail and then ran quickly along his body.

"Yue Tianyu, I\'ll kill you." the Hydra roared.

Song Fei said softly, "if you dare to fight me, your Dragon Court qualification will disappear immediately."

It was like a basin of cold water pouring on the nine heads of the hydra, which made his mind clear for a moment, but the Hydra became more angry with Song Fei.

Song Fei\'s body stepped on the hydra\'s body, then stepped on a giant in the middle of the hydra, and then stepped on the hydra\'s head, shooting into the distance with the help of reaction force.

Being trampled on the head is a great humiliation in any world. The Hydra shouted, "Yue Tianyu, in the Dragon Court, I must kill you."

Song Fei turned back, his eyes flashed a cold look, stared at the Hydra and said, "dare to deliberately be my road, you have already been my enemy. If I see you in the Dragon Court, I will kill you."

"You bully the snake too much. We\'ll see who, who has stepped on my head in the Dragon Court." feeling that someone stepped on his head, the Hydra was angry again.

"Hahaha, your big goat grandpa borrows the way, little bug. When you get to the Dragon Court, your grandpa cramps and peels your skin." a strong man laughed loudly in front of the hydra.

"Big goat? Big goat of Qingtian sword sect, I don\'t share heaven with you." the hydra\'s anger ran up.

"Little bug, excuse me." a figure wrapped in lightning stepped on the Hydra and continued to run away on his head.

Then, there was no wind, and Qin Shaofeng, two young people of the way of wind, sped away on the body of the Hydra without saying a word.

Hydra doesn\'t know what kind of mood to describe himself. He keeps roaring to ease his resentment.

"You are Yue Tianyu?" on Song Fei\'s right, the blood Luo Zi and red apricot of the Asura family are running at full speed. The ugly face of the blood Luo Zi yelled at Song Fei.

"I am Yue Tianyu." after saying this, Song Fei\'s speed surpassed the two people in the Asura world.

With Song Fei\'s faster and faster speed, more and more people are left behind by him. In order to get the first place and get the best dragon ball, Song Fei doesn\'t care whether he will be hated or not.

Soon, when Song Fei\'s speed surpassed one of xuanyuanbuke\'s cousins, there was an empty front, and there was no figure except the winding canyon.

Countless eyes shot at Song Fei\'s back, and all kinds of resentment or murderous emotions were captured by Song Fei through his eyes. For these, Song Fei all smiled calmly, and his figure went farther and farther in everyone\'s line of sight.

The power of the combination of the five elements, each of which has practiced the ultimate skill, is now promoted to Jinxian level. Song Fei\'s own power is equivalent to five bodies that have practiced the ultimate skill. Even if these separated talents are only ten, the combination of the strength of the ultimate skill and the four separated bodies is far from being comparable to ordinary talents.

Now Song Fei has passed his speed experiment, and his five element combination still has a great advantage. Of course, it does not rule out that some people are not gifted in speed, but have special talents in other fields. After all, this is only the first level.