God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1762

Listening to LAN jing\'er\'s words, she becomes benevolent if she doesn\'t succeed. It seems to be an understatement, but Song Fei seems to see a girl in blue fighting and escaping among countless fierce animals. In order to survive and cope with more and more powerful fierce animals, she has to become stronger and stronger.

In the wind and rain, the girl was crying helplessly. Among the animals, the girl was fighting with blood alone. The sharp claws and teeth of the animals broke her body, and the blood stained her body. She had no backup, and she couldn\'t even find a shoulder to rely on. She had to rely on her small body to survive tenaciously from countless huge and ferocious herds, Defeat a powerful monster with a weak body.

It\'s hard all the way, as if you can\'t see the future, because this road will last for millions of years.

Song Fei sighed, "if you can get out of that secret place, don\'t think about it. You have succeeded."

From Song Fei\'s words, LAN jing\'er heard that he understood the bitterness and helplessness in his heart. At this moment, LAN jing\'er suddenly felt very happy. What others saw was his strong side. Only in his eyes did he regard her as a weak girl.

This is a silent tacit understanding, which is touched by people who understand each other.

LAN jing\'er said with a smile, "don\'t talk about that. Anyway, it\'s just killing monsters and ferocious animals. There\'s nothing to mention. This time, I must enter the Dragon Court. There are many dangers in it. Elder martial brother Wang Yue asked my younger sister to follow."

Song Fei said, "it doesn\'t matter. As long as the people of your sect have no opinion, I\'d be happy to let you be by my side."

LAN jing\'er said with a flat mouth: "this time, the person leading the team is an expert of martial uncle yichenzi. His acting style is very disliked by my younger sister. I can\'t plan for different ways."

Song Fei said, "sister LAN, how sure are you to compete for the quota of the Dragon Court this time."

Hearing this question, LAN jing\'er\'s body stiffened slightly, and then said with a smile: "ten percent can\'t reach the point. There are too many geniuses in the three worlds. Even if I choose 1500 in the fairy world, I don\'t have much advantage."

Song Fei said, "what\'s sister Lan\'s skill?"

"Immortal!" Lan jing\'er\'s face was a little gloomy. "I have the golden immortal level skill given by my master, but it\'s a pity that I only realized half of it. If you give me another ten thousand years, I will be able to realize success."

The immortal level skill does not have the slightest advantage but a huge disadvantage to compete with the talents of the three realms.

Song Fei couldn\'t help recalling the scene of LAN Jinger going to the northern battlefield to kill the enemy. Only because she heard that she fell, she fought hard to kill the enemy regardless of her own safety. Her clothes were completely dyed red. The originally detached and beautiful fairy became a demon king covered with blood. When she saw LAN Jinger, Song Fei was inexplicably moved.

The secret of the ultimate skill has been exposed, and the cost of the ultimate skill to yourself is negligible.

Song Fei said softly, "come with me." after that, a portal appeared beside Song Fei.

"Good!" Lan jing\'er didn\'t care what happened to Song Fei at all, and didn\'t care if she was alone. She entered Song Fei\'s magic weapon in a big way.

Now there is no one in Kunpeng palace. If Song Fei wants to do something, even Jun wanshuang beside him can hide it, and there is an acceleration array inside. There will be 100 hours in a minute outside.

"Elder martial brother Yue!" Lan jing\'er stood in front of Song Fei. In front of her were dense buildings. At the moment, they were standing in front of a silent palace.

"Here you are. Take the opportunity to refine it. This is a hundred jin immortal spring, which you will use later." Song Fei took out a blue soul mark and whispered.

"Is this the mark of Kung Fu?" Lan jing\'er was puzzled.

"Well, this skill is called Taiyin Kui water. You are good at refining." song Feidao.

Blue jing\'er\'s eyes widened in an instant and said with an incredible voice, "Taiyin sunflower water! Has the Taiyin emperor fallen?"

"Don\'t think too much." Song Fei looked at LAN jing\'er\'s surprised expression like an ordinary girl and patted her head, "remember to keep it a secret."

"This, this is too precious." Lan jing\'er\'s voice trembled with a trace.

Song Fei said softly with a smile, "is it precious? Then you can\'t waste it. Come out after you understand it." after that, Song Fei disappeared.

Holding the blue soul mark, LAN jing\'er suddenly smiled with a thick happiness, and then whispered, "thank you."

When Song Fei appeared on the grass, Feng Xian came and was whispering with Jun wanshuang\'s women.

"Brother Yue!"

"Xiao Qi!" Song Fei said with a smile. Today Feng Xian is still dressed in women\'s clothes. Her long blue skirt can\'t hide her tall and moving figure. Even sitting, you can see the graceful outline under her robe.

Song Fei sat on the grass and said with a smile, "congratulations on Xiao Qi\'s successful exit."

Feng Xian said with a smile, "it\'s nothing, just drink tea with Xuanyuan and Heiya, and then practice. The time is over. I\'m here today to pay attention to several people."

"Oh!" Song Fei\'s heart moved, and he immediately put a ban on himself. The ban can be soundproof. Unless the ban is torn, only those who are ten times stronger than Song Fei can hear the voice in the ban.

Fengxian Road: "Brother Yue, you are now famous in the three realms, but you also offend many enemies. The geniuses of the night family and the white tiger family say they will kill you in the Dragon Court. The night family has no intention. The white dust of the white tiger family is a peerless genius. They have been fighting with the Asura family all the time. They have great fighting talent and far more fighting experience than others. They have to guard against them. After all, they are the White Emperor I don\'t know if the genius of the descendants of the White Emperor will help them. If the descendants of the White Emperor do it, your danger will increase greatly. "

"Hmm!" Song Fei nodded and put the names and images of the two people into his heart. Then Song Fei found that the person who laughed at himself and wanted to go back was unintentional that night.

Feng Xian continued: "the rosefinch Shuangbi also left the pass. They are Tang Jinyu and Tang Yanbin. Although the rosefinch family has not investigated the cause of Tang Yu\'s death, they all suspect that you killed Tang Yu, and these two people are Tang Yu\'s relatives. Although they had an ordinary relationship with Tang Yu in the past, if you killed Tang Yu, they will naturally avenge you. And I get a hint of information that Tang Yu may not be dead."

Song Fei nodded and said, "I\'m not surprised that Tang Yu didn\'t die. By the way, I know little about the Asura family. What\'s the matter with the immortal experts fighting with them?"

Feng Xian said, "there is no land in the Asura world, only a vast sea of blood. Where is it called the Styx? All creatures are born from the Styx. Therefore, the Styx is also the cradle of the Asura family."