God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1753

The pale golden sun is so hot that even the golden immortal Tang Jingxin has to change color. From the original indifference, he has become cautious now.

The transparent flame is like the color of the sun. The light stabs in all directions and shines on people. It is warm and has a comforting power.

However, Tang Jingxin, who was hit by the sun\'s true fire, was dignified.

The red plumes danced around Tang Jingxin, emitting unparalleled light and heat, drowning the whole sky. The light golden flame did not have the majestic vastness of the red flame, but firmly occupied a place in the red flame, just like the smiling Yue Xiaxia. It seemed weak, but showed unparalleled strength.

Secondly, the fierce is that biyanrou is soft and honest. Biyanrou\'s mana strength is not as strong as Kanglian, and it is far less powerful in mana. However, with the way of life, the top Avenue in the three circles, biyanrou shows extremely tenacious toughness. Under the impact of Liankang\'s mana, the green light of life emits an unparalleled breath of life and the way of wood of the five elements, In biyanrou\'s hands, the way of life for recovery makes people feel unmatched. It has never given way to the golden way.

Sometimes, people have a vague illusion, as if what biyanrou holds in her hand is not the wood fairy sword, but the invincible golden way fairy sword.

Arrogant, domineering and arrogant, he is like its master. Even if he is pressed, he is also like a seed that can break the rock, but on the whole, Lian Kang has the complete upper hand.

The battle of the big goat was not beyond the expectation of others. The golden body was in the immortal realm. There was only one move to kill the immortal, which could be compared with the golden immortal level magic, but it was far inferior in the mystery of power. The big goat had no defense, but became a sandbag beaten by others.

Sima zhe can only defend. The way of Tai Chi is the strongest defense Avenue, and the attack is slightly insufficient.

However, no one sent by Optimus sword sect has such combat power. Even if Yue Tianyu is absent, he will not dare to despise Optimus sword sect in the future. Today\'s battle really shocked everyone.

In Qingtian palace, Song Fei is comfortably lying on the master\'s chair. Jun wanshuang peels grapes for him on his left. She sends crystal clear grapes containing Fairy Spirit into Song Fei\'s mouth. Baiyun makes tea for him on his right. After making tea, he hands the tea cup to Song Fei\'s mouth and feeds Song Fei to drink.

Life and death battle above, but Song Fei enjoys embracing left and right below. Each one is unparalleled.

Baiyun whispered, "husband, who do you think will win their battle?" although Baiyun\'s strength has been improving all the time, her main mind is still on alchemy. She has not been strong in her talent for combat, and her view is naturally not as clear as others.

Song Fei\'s eyes stayed a little on biyanrou, and then subconsciously smiled. She thought that she had never changed, and she was the biyanrou she saw for the first time.

This feeling even made Song Fei feel a little different. His heart had hidden waves. In his mind, he involuntarily emerged the scene of seeing Bi yanrou for the first time. Her once words seemed to ring in her ears: "I, yuehuazong, who dares to deceive."

"Husband, why don\'t you speak? Sister Baiyun asks you." Jun wanshuang lowers her head and whispers in Song Fei\'s ear. She blows her breath gently, which makes Song Fei surprised and react back.

Baiyun said, "what is my husband thinking? Looking at the look in his eyes just now, it seems that he is thinking about a beauty."

Song Fei quickly hid his embarrassment and said with a smile: "Nothing. Does Baiyun mean the fighting of the above five people? In my opinion, among the five pairs, only Xia Xia can remain invincible, but it is impossible to defeat. Sihua can live longer, but he will die if he goes on for a long time. Dashan sheep doesn\'t have to worry about him. With the physical strength of the immortal golden body and the extraordinary ability of blood regeneration, it is difficult for the big goat to die, and he also kills him Never die each other. Although my second brother and yanrou seem to be invincible, the gap in the realm is hard injury. If they can\'t win at the first time and compete with immortal sword experts, they will suffer losses. As time goes by, their mana will soon run out. "

"Ah!" Baiyun didn\'t expect the seemingly equal battle, but Qingtian sword sect was completely at a disadvantage. He couldn\'t help but exclaim, "husband, you should find a way to save them."

"Hehe, wait a minute. I\'ll do it later." song Feidao.

Jun wanshuang said with a smile, "the beasts you brought want to fight, and I stopped them outside."

"Let them continue to hide. There are too many cards missing. What if they are targeted." Song Fei said faintly. It is because Song Fei\'s cards have not been understood by others, so they won\'t try their best every time, and they will only see that Qingtian sword sect has all kinds of magical means and don\'t dare to fight.

Jun wanshuang asked, "husband, how does your Buddha compare with Xia Xia and can defeat Tang Jingxin."

Song Fei shook his head: "if the five elements fit, Xia Xia is not my opponent. If Xia Xia wants to beat me alone, his flame talent is great. I think no one can suppress him in the way of flame in the same realm, not even divine beasts."

With the passage of time, the audience who had more and more confidence in the Optimus sword sect also found that the experts sent by the Optimus sword sect were weak. The big goat was randomly beaten like a sandbag, but his immortal killing style could not effectively hit the opponent.

Bi yanrou\'s edge began to be covered. It was like a sharp sword out of its sheath. Now it seemed that the blade of the sharp sword was broken and began to retreat under Lian Kang\'s attack.

Sima Zhe\'s Taiji defense is really strong, but blindly defending can\'t counterattack. The mana gap between Tianxian and Jinxian begins to show. Luo Xintong\'s mana attacks Sima zhe like an endless stream, and Sima Zhe\'s mana becomes weaker and weaker.

In Optimus City, the most people are the shopkeepers and clerks of various shops. They began to worry: "what should we do? If Optimus sword sect really dies, our good days will come to an end."

Such a question is destined to be answered by no one. Everyone frowns and is at a loss. Almost all the shopkeepers of shops don\'t want Optimus to change its master.

The fighting people of Optimus sword sect became more and more vulnerable. When the people of Optimus city became more and more worried, Song Fei finally sat up from the master\'s chair and whispered: "for such a long time, you should be able to deeply feel the power of Jinxian. Now, that\'s it."

While talking, Song Fei\'s hand showed a green fairy sword in his heart. The fairy sword had the power of green wood and was named Huichun.