God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1751

Two pairs of masters fight each other in the sky. The overflowing power can easily crush the mountains and crush the stars.

The sky in the fairyland is called nine days. Nine is the ultimate. It can be seen that the sky in the fairyland is very high. Only in this way can the power leaked by the golden immortal master above nine days not cause damage to Qingtian city.

Similarly, it\'s the only way. Tang Jingxin and others don\'t care about the wanjian stars below. After all, the wanjian star array is arranged in Xianshan and exists as a protective array. If the distance is too far, the wanjian star array can\'t play its peak power.

The power of the two pairs is earth shaking. Everyone below looks at the battle in the sky and stares wide for fear of missing any detail.

Such a battle is not only rare in life, but also a great opportunity for the people of Qingtian city below. The perception and application of Jinxian master for the avenue can be expressed in the form of magic. If a local immortal can understand one ten thousandth of them, it will be a great harvest.

Then, Lian Kang of Tianxing sect walked out of the crowd and smiled at Qin Shihu and said, "Qingtian sword sect is really extraordinary. There is such a genius, but I don\'t know how many such talents there are. Next Tianxing sect Lian Kang, I\'d like to ask the Taoist friends of Qingtian sword sect for advice."

His words were generous and decent. People who didn\'t know thought he was fighting with Qingtian sword sect, not with the purpose of killing the door.

"I\'ll come. I can\'t just eat and don\'t do it all the time." Qin Shihu walked out from behind a young man with elegant appearance, wearing a bachelor\'s robe and long hair floating behind his head at will, as if he wanted to go with the wind and be free from dust. The whole person was natural and unrestrained.

Standing behind Qin Shihu just now, people didn\'t feel anything. Walking out from the rear at the moment immediately attracted the attention of countless people. This natural temperament alone was enough to arouse everyone\'s surprise.

Lian Kang\'s eyebrows wrinkled slightly. He felt that he looked familiar, but this man\'s reputation in Qingtian sword sect was not obvious, which made Lian Kang somewhat confused and said, "who are you?"

Sima zhe smiled and said, "I\'m Sima Zhe. I see the elder. I\'ve just entered the fairyland and was forced to join the Tianxing sect. I\'m just a little person. The elder doesn\'t know."

"Sima zhe?" Lian Kang\'s eyes suddenly widened. He stared at Sima zhe with an unbelievable expression. With his cultivation of being a golden immortal and a strong man, he had to be moved when looking at Sima Zhe. Lian Kang continued, "that\'s Sima zhe who Yue Tianyu had a feud with my Tianxing sect for you?"

Although he doesn\'t know Sima Zhe, as the supreme elder, because Tianxing sect has a feud with Qingtian sword sect, he naturally needs to know the whole story. When hearing the gang disciples talk about it, in order to avoid responsibility, those disciples maliciously belittled Sima Zhe and described him as a shameless villain who betrayed the sect and colluded with outsiders.

But when he saw Sima zhe today, Lian Kang knew that he had listened to slander. A shameless villain could never have Sima Zhe\'s bearing, let alone dare to stand in front of him in just a few decades.

Lian Kang\'s killing intention slowly converged and said, "if you go back to our Tianxing sect, you can be the elder of our Tianxing sect and rank among the top 10 in power. If you promise, I\'ll retire and cancel my gratitude and resentment with Qingtian sword sect in the future."

Sima zhe said: "Sima zhe didn\'t lose the Tianxing sect, but the Tianxing sect lost me. The gratitude and resentment between Tianxing sect and Qingtian sword sect is the fault of Tianxing sect. Why should elder Lian Kang say some words of compassion as a winner? After all, I have been protected by Tianxing sect and have a little incense affection. If Tianxing sect retreats, I will persuade the senior management of Qingtian sword sect to dissolve the hatred with Tianxing sect. This time The supreme elder\'s crime of offending Qingtian sword sect can also be forgiven. "

After that, Sima zhe turned back, hugged Qin Shihu and said, "what do you think of this, deputy guild leader?"

Qin Shihu quickly saluted back and said, "on behalf of Qingtian sword sect, I announce that Sima zhe can handle the gratitude and resentment of Tianxing Sect on behalf of Qingtian sword sect."

On one side, Tang Jingxin hummed coldly, "are dying people still dreaming of living?"

Lian Kang said: "yes, your Qingtian sword sect is about to be destroyed. I just pity your talent and can\'t bear to let you fall. And our tianxingzong doesn\'t owe you at all."

Sima zhe snorted coldly, "it\'s not bad for me to give someone away with my daughter?"

Kang Lian said, "the road is ruthless. It\'s just a little woman. Which woman is not a bargaining chip for marriage. Moreover, the sect decided to reward you and make up for you with a greater reward."

Sima zhe shook his head and said, "I\'m cultivating the sentimental Tao. Different Tao don\'t work together."

Behind Sima Zhe, a woman Lang said, "father, let me come."

The woman in green gown walked out from behind Qin Shihu. When her magic power showed and her robes danced in the wind, the color of the whole heaven and earth seemed to be bright.


"It\'s too beautiful to blaspheme."

Looking at this beautiful woman who can\'t be described in words, the rock firm heart of Jinxian strong man can\'t help but raise ripples. Lian Kang looked at this head slightly upturned, and his face was full of proud women. Some couldn\'t believe it and asked, "you are simazhe\'s daughter."

Bi yanrou said faintly, "yes, I\'m the little girl. Senior master, if you want to avenge the day, you should start by killing a senior master."

"How domineering! Is it blind for tianxingzong to give this goddess to the quilt?"

"Yes, how can such a woman be willing to send it out? If there is such a goddess in our sect, she must give it well. Even a few eyes can make people clear."

"Hahaha, it can\'t be that tianxingzong is a group of heavenly eunuchs. They can\'t do personnel, so they don\'t care whether fairies are beautiful or not."

"I see, tianxingzong is a group of women. They envy the beauty of the green fairy, so they want to send him out in a hurry."

"It\'s strange. Since it\'s a group of women, how can we carry on the family line?"

"Maybe Lao Wang next door helped them, ha ha."

It can\'t be denied that even the fairyland is also a face watching society. The original biyanrou is the image of a weak person. When the poor little woman is combined with a beautiful and suffocating peerless woman, the hormones in the human body can\'t help bursting out.

The words of scolding tianxingzong become more and more vicious. The talent of scolding people has nothing to do with cultivation. What\'s more, Lian Kang is a Jinxian master. If he really scolds people, whether he can win or not, even if he wins, he will lose face, and the scolded person can boast that he has scolded Jinxian master, which is a great honor.