God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1737

Heiya continued: "the eighth ranked Lingbao is the earth book. Its owner is Zhenyuan immortal in the world. Some people say that Zhenyuan immortal is actually the spirit of the earth book. Of course, this rumor can not be verified. Because Zhenyuan immortal is low-key, I don\'t know about the earth book.

The ninth place is the red Hydrangea ball in the demon Queen\'s hand. This ball is a treasure of attack. Unless there is a congenital treasure to resist, it will destroy everyone. The tenth place is the God killing gun. In the hands of a demon God in the demon world, I don\'t know which demon God it is and what role it plays. However, since it is a robbery, the combat power should be very strong and mysterious The other nine magic weapons.

Basically, every big world has innate Lingbao. I have the most in the fairy world, but there is none in the Asura world. However, it is said that the supreme ancestor of the Asura family, the Styx River, has two treasures second only to the innate Lingbao, which are the supreme slaying Taoist soldiers, yuan Tu sword and a bi sword. The attack power of these two swords is known as the first under the Lingbao, and even Xuanyuan sword is inferior. It is said that the demon emperor and empress The fall of the son was that Asura\'s genius attacked her with Yuantu and a bi swords. Originally, the ancestor of Styx planned to get the map of mountains and rivers in the demon world, but he didn\'t think that the treasure finally fell in the ancestral court. "

Song Fei said strangely: "since it falls in the ancestral court, and the ancestral court is jointly created by the heavenly emperors, why don\'t they take it out."

Black Cliff Road: "Take it out and give it to who? Who can afford to pay enough price to others to take the treasure? If others don\'t say, the demon emperor alone won\'t agree, and others naturally don\'t want to see the demon emperor regain control of the mountain and river state map. Therefore, it\'s not that the mountain and river state map can\'t be taken out, but someone doesn\'t want to see him take it out. Of course, if someone enters the Dragon ancestral court, he can get the treasure , no one else can say anything. Of course, those who get the treasure should also prevent the poisonous hands of the demon emperor and others. After all, such a heavy treasure will make anyone jealous. "

Song Fei said, "is there any news about the map of mountains and rivers?"

Black Cliff Road: "No, all the geniuses who have entered the ancestral hall for many years are looking for the map of mountains and rivers, but they all end up in failure. Maybe they are controlled by a creature in the ancestral hall, and the creatures who have the map of mountains and rivers can\'t fight. So, brother, even if you enter the ancestral hall, you must pay attention to safety. If you really encounter the creatures holding the map of mountains and rivers, you will still be in danger It\'s better to escape. Although Zuting is the place where golden immortals are promoted, it is also the place where geniuses fall. There are countless geniuses every time. "

"I understand!" Song Fei said.

Song Fei\'s mind was still immersed in the innate Lingbao said by Heiya and continued to ask, "are there only these ten innate Lingbao? Is there a better treasure up there?"

Black cliff shook his head: "never heard of it."

In the divine exchange system, there are many magic weapons whose points far surpass the ten innate spiritual treasures mentioned by Heiya. Among them, the strongest are Pangu axe and creation Jade Butterfly, followed by Pangu flag, Tai Chi diagram, chaos clock, heaven and earth tripod, creation furnace, four swords and array diagram.

The points of each of these treasures are more than the sum of the top ten congenital Lingbao. You can imagine the power of these treasures.

But such points are not what song Fei can exchange. Song Fei doubts whether he can earn enough points in his life to exchange for a treasure.

As for the power of these treasures, Song Fei doesn\'t have to think about it. He\'s afraid he can\'t imagine it by imagination.

Feng Xian said, "if you can really get the map of mountains and rivers, your Qingtian sword sect can really be tied with the super first-class sect. Even compared with the ancestor of Shenshan, your heritage is not weak."

Song Fei whispered, "go to heaven step by step."

Black cliff nodded: "indeed, anyone who can get the map of mountains and rivers can ascend to the sky step by step, at least in an invincible position."

Song Fei said, "don\'t think so much first. I don\'t even have a few golden fairies. It\'s too early to think so far."

Xuanyuan said, "everyone says that the map of the country is still in the ancestral court, but if it is obtained in advance, who will spread it? Maybe it has been secretly taken out."

Heiya said, "it\'s also possible. At least if I get it, I will hide it secretly. I won\'t hand it over until I have the ability to protect this magic weapon. So I say brother Yue, you should listen to it. Unless I have bad luck, I\'m still persistent."

"I understand." Song Fei said with a smile, "don\'t worry, I have a normal heart. I have the best. It doesn\'t matter if I don\'t have it. Yes, when was the map of mountains and rivers lost?"

Black cliff said, "two million years ago."

Song Fei said, "it was the opening of the Dragon ancestral court. There is great hope."

Feng Xian said with a smile, "you\'d better take advantage of this hundred years to continue to cultivate. At that time, there will be a large number of talents. That\'s the real top talent in the three circles, not the waste material of night Han Xuan. If you don\'t prepare well, you\'ll be a joke if you don\'t earn a place."

Song Fei nodded and said, "really, if you miss this time, you\'ll have to wait a million years. I really can\'t afford to wait. What about you? Don\'t you try your best to break through?"

Feng Xian said: "after a while, I will also close down. My family has prepared resources for me to close down. This time, I\'m afraid it will take a million years."

"So long?" Song Fei exclaimed. "How long will it take to meet?"

Feng Xian shook her head and said: "I\'ve been inside for millions of years, and I\'ve been outside for less than a hundred years. Yehan Xuan used this secret place to break through to the later stage of Tianxian, so I say he\'s a waste material. In that secret place, as long as no fool can accumulate powerful mana. Moreover, entering this secret place consumes a lot of resources. If I enter alone, the consumed resources are equivalent to the value of a golden fairy, and only the drowning animal in Yejia I love my son, the tigress, so I\'m willing to open that secret place for night Han Xuan. "

Song Fei said to Heiya and Xuanyuan, "are you also closed?"

Xuanyuan said: "Millions of years is too long. If you are alone, it will be a great test for your mind. I have seen you in yehanxuan before. You are a handsome childe. You are definitely not as extreme and persistent as you are today. You must have been lonely for millions of years, which has greatly affected his mind. We have discussed that the three of us will shut down in the same secret place. Since then, every millennium , you can also drink tea and have a rest, so as not to go crazy. "

"So good!" Song Fei said. Then he saw that LAN jing\'er\'s face was a little lonely and couldn\'t help asking, "younger martial sister LAN, what\'s your plan?"

"I!" Lan jing\'er was stunned, and then burst into a bright smile. "Little sister knows that her talent is limited. It is far from being comparable to several brothers. I will also go back to shut down, but in my current state, I can\'t just shut down. I still need to practice constantly to enhance my perception. Maybe I will come here to kill the enemy after closing down for a period of time."