God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1735

Looking at a figure spitting out from the mouth of white tiger, Chi Bai was more and more shocked: "night cold Xuan, night cold ink, 18 night guards, ha ha ha, good, it\'s worthy of brother Yue. He can catch such good goods. Ha ha ha, it\'s great."

Song Fei said with a smile, "well, I didn\'t let the two golden immortal masters come for nothing."

"No, No. and it\'s worth it," said Chi Bai. "If nothing happens, I\'ll take them back first. I don\'t know what brother Yue wants to sell?"

Song Fei pondered for a while and said, "genius baby!"

"Baby?" Chi Bai was stunned. "Even the most talented baby is not as valuable as Han Xuan this night. After all, it\'s just a baby. It\'s full of aura, and only one in ten thousand is likely to become an immortal, and the probability of becoming an immortal is even lower."

Song Fei said with a smile, "so let\'s use the amount to make up for it. You release the news that the buyer only wants talented babies. If the people participating in the auction prepare babies and don\'t exchange them, brother Chi, if you want to sell them, you can also collect them for me, and the handling fee will be as much as possible. Therefore, the specific value will be evaluated by your Jiuli tribe."

After exchanging skills with Fenghua, Song Fei can not lack them for the time being, but what song Fei lacks most is the potential of Qingtian sword school.

Those recruited from outside are not as loyal as those trained by themselves. They have been branded as a sect. In addition, they have been trained to be loyal to the sect since childhood. There are very few betrayers. Moreover, Song Fei believes that his disciples will only be proud of their sect identity.

Chi Bai said, "I see. Three days later, I will spread the news. I will specially inform the night people and hold the auction ten years later. With ten years of preparation time, they can collect enough talented babies."

"OK, please brother Chi." Song Fei said.

"If nothing happens, I\'ll go first." Chi Bai hugged Song Fei.

At the same time, bailing saluted and said, "great grace will always be remembered and will never be forgotten."

"You\'re welcome, Miss bailing." Song Fei hugged his fist and watched them leave.

Looking at the disappearance of several people, Song Fei whispered, "I thought Chi Bai would hesitate when he saw ye hanxuan and others. I didn\'t expect to be so refreshing."

Feng Xian said with a smile, "he didn\'t say anything wrong. There\'s really nothing in the fairy world that they dare not sell."

Song Feiqi said strangely, "aren\'t they afraid of revenge? No matter how strong the Chiyou emperor is, the night family is a big general under the command of the Western emperor of heaven. Such people offend a lot. If they unite, I\'m afraid the Chiyou emperor should avoid it."

Feng Xian said, "Tianyu, you only know one and don\'t know the other."

Song Fei said, "Oh, I\'d like to hear it in detail."

Feng Xian said: "in fact, not only did they not object to the auction of population, but they still acquiesced. For example, if someone auctioned our disciples, they would only try to buy them back, rather than investigate the responsibility of Jiuli tribe."

"Why?" Song Fei said subconsciously.

Feng Xian said, "Tianyu, you are a leaf covering your eyes. Think about what would happen to the man captured alive if there were not Jiuli tribe. If you didn\'t know Chi Bai, how would you treat ye hanxuan."

"It\'s natural to kill." Song Fei suddenly realized, "although the existence of Jiuli tribe has made some people lose face, it can minimize casualties. Those who can let Jiuli tribe auction must not be idle people, so it\'s a pity that such people die. For their relatives, it\'s good as long as they live. They really can\'t care so much about losing face."

"Exactly." Feng Xian said, "The Jiuli tribe\'s massive trafficking in human beings has always been safe, but these people must be captured by others. The Jiuli tribe is also disciplined and never takes the initiative to capture people alive. Even if they take the initiative to capture people alive, they will tell outsiders why they are captured. Don\'t underestimate Chiyou Shengjun. Anyone who reaches that level has a far better grasp of the overall situation than the fairy world Others can compare. "

"I see." Song Fei said, "by the way, brother Hei, what do you mean by the Dragon ancestral court just now?"

Heiya fuforehead said: "I really should tell you some public secrets mastered by the high level of the fairy world. If you miss the Dragon ancestral court, I don\'t know how to regret for you."

LAN jing\'er said, "we really ignored that elder martial brother Yue\'s time in the fairyland was too short after all. Unexpectedly, I didn\'t expect to know some public secrets. If I had time, I\'d like to tell elder martial brother Yue some secrets of the fairyland."

Song Fei said, "what is the Dragon ancestral court? It\'s so important."

Black cliff slowly converged his expression and said seriously, "the Dragon ancestral court is a secret place created by the Dragon ancestral dragon and the strong people of the three worlds, which is based on a chaotic place."

"The land of chaos?" Song Fei widened his eyes. He once realized the Tao in the chaotic secret land of the Sun God Emperor for a hundred years. The harvest is unimaginable. Up to now, he has not digested it completely. Is there a land of chaos in the three realms?

Black cliff shook his head and said: "Nature is not a real place of chaos, but a secret place closest to the place of chaos. After being transformed by the dragon family and various ancestors, you can more clearly understand the great road. It is the best secret place for the experts at the peak of heaven to attack the realm of golden immortals. Among the three worlds, many golden immortals have the opportunity to understand the golden immortals only after they understand the Tao in the place of chaos "The number of golden immortals in the fairy world would be at least half less if it were not for the presence of the Dragon ancestral court."

"It\'s so magical," Song Fei said in surprise.

Black cliff said, "this was created by ZuLong and strong people from all walks of life. The strong people are all at the level of emperor of heaven. It is said that dozens of top strong people have been sent out. You say God is not magical."

Song Fei said, "in that case, it must be difficult to get the quota."

"Difficult, not difficult," said black cliff, "The Dragon ancestral court is opened once a million years. Only the immortal talents in the later stage of heaven are eligible to compete for places. Each time, there are only 1500 places. You know, it is not just the people in the fairy world, but the 1500 talents jointly selected by the three worlds. Although there are more talents in the fairy world, it accounts for about one third. In addition, the earth, Buddha and demon world The world, the demon world and the Ashura world all compete for these places, so there are countless people who want to enter. Moreover, it is said that after being promoted to the golden immortal, the later cultivation will be 10% faster than that of the golden immortal who has not experienced the Dragon ancestral court. Therefore, even if he can be promoted to the golden immortal, his genius in the fairy world will press the realm and waste millions of years competing for the Dragon ancestral court I don\'t know how many years these people have stayed at the peak of immortals, and their strength is unfathomable. "