God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1728

Song Fei showed a strange smile on his face and said with a smile: "so, if you can really buy it, elder martial brother is willing to pay any price for sister Su?"

Fenghua was stunned. Then he looked at Song Fei with a meaningful smile and said, "although I haven\'t returned to the fairy world for a long time, I\'ve heard that you have some means to teach people the ultimate skill. Why, just came back, I wanted to pit your senior brother."

Song Fei smiled, "how can you? I just feel guilty that you can\'t give her the ultimate skill because you\'ve worked so hard for sister Su, elder martial brother. As elder martial brother said, the shop operates some skills. If elder martial brother wants, younger brother is willing to give you a 20% discount."

Fenghua said, "we need a 20% discount between our martial brothers?"

Song Fei said, "little brother, you are the second generation of the largest officials in the fairy world. Don\'t bargain."

Fenghua smiled faintly and said, "well, you can make a price. It\'s a skill involving the way of yin and Yang."

Song Fei was surprised: "Yin and Yang? Sister Su\'s talent is the golden way."

Fenghua said, "that\'s the talent that hasn\'t untied the seal of the soul before. Twin souls, one Yin and one Yang, is the best talent for cultivating the way of yin and Yang."

Song Fei took out a black-and-white soul mark and emerged in the void. He smiled and said, "a million kilograms of milk of the earth. How about it? It\'s very cheap."

Fenghua pondered for a while: "if you sell this skill to Shenshan, the price is low. OK, elder martial brother, I will send the milk of the earth to your fairy mountain in half a month."

"It\'s worthy of being a senior brother, and doing things is straightforward." Song Fei was so excited that he couldn\'t help himself. The milk of a million catties of earth is an absolutely huge wealth, which is better than the nameless fairy mountain for myself at present.

Of course, for the heavenly emperors, the value of the nameless fairy mountain is far greater than the milk of the earth, which is an eternal treasure, and the milk of the earth, no matter how precious, is one drop less.

With so many milk of the earth, the sun is really hot and colorful. There is no suspense. The cultivation of the golden body can surpass other parts again.

The ultimate skill is really worth the price, and it is better than it. But if Fenghua didn\'t take the lead, Song Fei still didn\'t dare to sell, even Fengxian couldn\'t do it. It\'s not that he doesn\'t believe in Fengxian, but because of Fengxian\'s status, he can\'t make decisions on major events, but Fenghua is different. His influence is second only to a few limited people such as the Qing emperor.

Fenghua didn\'t ask Song Fei how to get his soul mark, but said, "if you still have the same soul mark, brother is willing to buy it at the same price, the milk of the earth and magic weapons can be used."

Song Fei said, "now the milk of the earth is enough. If you still want the soul mark, please prepare enough gold fairies. I want the flying sword as the main weapon, supplemented by other magic weapons. If there are other treasures, I just don\'t know what kind of soul mark you want, senior brother."

Fenghua pondered for a while and said, "under my father\'s command, there are several meritorious men who have made great achievements for the fairy world. If they can exchange for their soul mark, their strength can be better. They can also contribute more when killing evil families in the future."

Song Fei said, "hero of the Terran, I shouldn\'t have asked for any conditions, but the Qingtian sword sect is rising at the moment, so I can only exchange with my senior brother."

Fenghua shook her head and said, "as long as you don\'t ask for Xuanyuan sword and other treasures, ordinary gold fairies, we still go out of the ground. Half a month later, I\'ll go to Qingtian fairy mountain to talk to you about the exchange."

Song Fei said, "please keep it a secret for me, senior brother. Although others speculate that I have special means, it\'s one thing to speculate, and it\'s another thing to be confirmed. If it\'s confirmed by the evil sect, I\'m afraid I\'ll use the will of the evil god to kill me directly."

Fenghua nodded and said, "don\'t worry. By the way, when the news of your death reaches the fairy world, some people are ready to move. Some of your friends went to the desolate battlefield to kill the enemy in order to avenge you. These people are loving and righteous."

Song Fei was surprised and said, "good friends? But Fengxian Xuanyuan won\'t take them."

"It\'s them." Fenghua said, "if you hurry now, you may be able to save their lives. You can\'t even find the body later."

After that, Fenghua\'s body disappeared.

Song Fei roared, "Hey, Feng Xian is your descendant. You are indifferent."

The ethereal voice came: "my wind family will never raise flowers in the greenhouse. If the descendants of the wind family die in the battlefield, they will die."

"You\'re cruel." Song Fei gritted his teeth. "While saying let them die, he told me, you..."

"Husband!" Qin Xiaoru interrupted Song Fei\'s soliloquy.

There was a murderous flash in Song Fei\'s eyes and said in a deep voice: "the three killed the enemy for me. There must be nothing wrong, otherwise I will feel guilty all my life. Xiao Ru, go all out to the desolate battlefield. Everyone, prepare for the war."

"Yes!" shouted the beasts.

"Xiao Ru, you also shut down the jade slips. Since so many people think we are dead, let\'s die temporarily. I want to see what ghosts and ghosts will come out when I\'m away."

In the desolate battlefield, the subordinates who had fought with Feng Xian and others either died or were sent back to the fairyland by them. Only the remaining four people were constantly fighting.

The blood dyed the robe red, making the four people look like they were picked up from the blood.

Mana is constantly drying up, pills are constantly consumed, the wound is broken when it is healed, and continue to take pills to recover.

"Hahaha, cool, I\'ve never killed anyone so happily." Heiya kept cutting down the man in black robe with an earthy yellow fairy sword. Taking advantage of the gap, he wiped the blood on his face with his right hand, which made his face more bright red.

Twenty three bodies have floated around, and there are eight enemies in front. You can have a rest as long as you kill these eight people. If you can\'t kill them, the exhausted four don\'t know what heavy price to pay.

The Qing emperor\'s Heart Sutra was running wildly in Feng Xian\'s body. Two blue streamers penetrated into the three people\'s body, which shocked the three people\'s spirit and killed the enemy more fiercely.

"Kill!" black cliff, Xuanyuan Buke and LAN jing\'er rushed ahead, with ferocious faces like demons. Their bodies shone brightly, urging mana to continue to work hard with the people in front. Feng Xian keeps up and continues to devote her strength to the three.

Just halfway through the distance, the four people saw eight people in front of them and suddenly burst out a flame. The four people were slightly surprised and thought they had displayed some unknown magic weapon.

But I saw that after the flames on the eight people started to burn their bodies. Under the burning of the flame, their bodies burned more and more like pouring oil. Within a breath, they burned them into nothingness.

The remaining storage rings were floating in the void, and everything seemed so strange.

"Who!" Xuanyuan suddenly turned his head and shouted in a direction behind him.