God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1723

Internal struggle is the eternal nature of mankind.

There is no shortage of surging dark tides in the seemingly calm world of the fairyland.

Above the Optimus fairy mountain, a golden giant pierced the sky like the Optimus pillar and pointed down towards the Optimus fairy mountain.

The nib is stained with light ink. The nib is as sharp as a knife and goes straight down, as if to pierce the whole Qingtian fairy mountain.

"Bold!" a cold roar rose from the inside of Qingtian fairy mountain, and then a golden fairy sword rushed into the sky. The fairy sword became larger and intertwined with the golden pen.

A loud cry came from the sky: "how can Qingtian sword sect without Yue Tianyu stop me?"

A golden palm appeared on the nine days. The falling palm tore the clouds, covered the sky on Qingtian fairy mountain and made it dark below.

"Array up." there was another big drink. Thousands of swords emerged on the fairy mountain, and countless sword blades rushed into the void and met the golden palm.

"Cut!" countless immortal swords condensed into a huge sword and cut into the golden palm.

The golden palm was twisted by the fairy sword, and the golden pen got rid of the entanglement of the golden sword and rushed into the sky.

Come fast and go fast. In an instant, the sky over Qingtian fairy mountain was cloudless and clear again.

In the Qingtian hall, Qin Shihu sat in the vice seat in front of him, raised his eyebrows and looked a little gloomy.

Looking at the void, the goat hummed coldly: "in just five days, three golden immortals came to attack our qingtianjian sect. They really deceived me. No one in qingtianjian sect. I really want to go up and catch that bastard and beat him."

"Don\'t be impulsive." Jun wanshuang frowned, sat in another vice seat and said in a deep voice, "some cattle, ghosts and snakes will come out after my husband hasn\'t returned for a long time. I\'ll wait for my husband to come back. Some people can\'t see more clearly until he comes out."

Yangxia mountain hugged Jun wanshuang and said, "madam, have you received the news from the guild leader recently!"

"No!" Jun wanshuang said.

Yangxia mountain said with a smile, "as Madam said, maybe this will give some enemies a good chance to come out of the water and kill them again when the guild leader returns." while talking, there is a purple flame flashing in Yangxia mountain\'s eyes, concentrating on cultivating the sun\'s true fire. With the blood of the God Emperor, Yangxia mountain can be described as a thousand miles a day, and its own flame has reached the purple of the seven colors, Go one step further and you\'ll be promoted.

Song Fei can only be promoted to colorless after swallowing countless talented earth treasures. Yangxia mountain has been practicing silently and can quickly promote purple, which only shows that he is no worse than Song Fei in the talent of sun true fire.

The last sentence fell, and Yangxia mountain severely squeezed his fist. There was a flame in the palm of his hand, and then it was pinched and dispersed, showing an extremely strong sense of war.

Yangxia mountain kept a low profile for countless years, which was caused by the cautious character in the first half of his life. With the enhancement of strength, the blood in his body gradually awakened, and the hegemonic character inherited from the God Emperor began to awaken slowly.

At this moment, looking at Yangxia mountain, we can no longer connect him with a submissive old man who has experienced many vicissitudes. It is not just him. With the enhancement of strength, the self-confidence of everyone of Yangzu is increasing.

But every time he said the word "guild leader", the respect in Yangxia mountain\'s eyes remained unchanged, as if it had changed back to the old man who endured humiliation for his people when Song Fei first met him.

Opposite Yangxia mountain, Yue Xiaxia subconsciously imitated the action of Yangxia mountain pinching the flame. A cluster of flame appeared in the palm of his hand, and then crushed it.

Seeing this scene, Yangxia mountain\'s original serious face unconsciously smiled. In the perception of the way of fire, Yangxia mountain\'s confidence became more and more sufficient, but when he saw Yue Xiaxia, he had to admire his guild leader that he really had two evil children. After 100000 years of hard training, Yue Xiaxia\'s flame is not only stronger than himself, but now he has reached the peak of purple and is about to step into colorless.

Jun wanshuang looked at a corner and said, "Zhang Xiong, how\'s Qingtian city?"

Zhang Xiong hugged his fist and said, "someone deliberately spread the news of the guild leader\'s death in Optimus city. Now people in Optimus city are terrified, and we are trying our best to appease them."

A trace of murderous spirit flashed on Jun wanshuang\'s face and said coldly, "for any rumor maker, kill him."

Feeling the cold words, Zhang Xiong said seriously, "yes!"

"Broken sword!" Jun wanshuang said again.

"My subordinates are here!" Duanjian got up and said respectfully.

Jun Wan said: "Let Hong Rui come back and take charge of Qingtian city in person and pay close attention to everyone. This is a good time for the tide to clear the sand. The people of the medicine hall have followed their husband through life and death. I can believe it. The main energy is focused on the tool refiners in the tool refining hall and the managers of Qingtian city. If you find something different, you don\'t need to scare the snake, just record it."

"Yes!" replied the broken sword.

Then, Jun wanshuang said to Qin Shihu, "second uncle, do you see anything else to add?"

Qin Shihu shook his head and said with a smile, "these are not the directors of his subordinates. His wife\'s decisions can\'t find the slightest problem."

Jun wanshuang looked back at the hall and said with a smile, "we continue to face the fairy world with a low profile according to the decision of recuperation. The big goat did well just now and didn\'t impulsively go up to kill the enemy."

The big goat grinned and said, "madam, you have opened your mouth. How can the big goat not obey orders."

The atmosphere in the hall gradually recovered. Even if there was a lot of noise outside, none of the people here thought Song Fei would die. The more things he experienced with Song Fei, the thicker his trust, and the number of fatal crises have passed. For everyone, this crisis is not necessarily much more dangerous than the previous crisis.

Yangxia mountain said, "madam, are we going to meet the guild leader in the northern battlefield?"

"No!" Jun wanshuang said, "when the sect leader left with Xiaoru a month ago, he told me that keeping Xianshan is my first priority."


A few gold pens entangled with Optimus sword sect flew into the sky and penetrated into layers of clouds. They were held in the hands of a middle-aged man with golden light all over the nine days. The man had a long beard and a pair of Danfeng eyes narrowed slightly. Looking at the bottom, he said coldly: "what a Optimus sword sect. When I return again, it will be the day of your demise."

The next moment, the golden man blinked and disappeared in the void. When he appeared again, he was in an elegant valley surrounded by green mountains and green water.

In the valley, a faint voice came: "Gu Danyang, how about Qingtian sword sect?"

The golden man called Gu Danyang walked towards a cabin in the valley, opened the door and entered the cabin. There was a huge garden. In the garden, a man in red was facing him with his back and his hands on the strings.

Gu Danyang said: "after 50 years of recuperation, the strength of Qingtian sword sect has increased rapidly, but it is far from our enemy."