God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1721

When the second warden sent Hess back to the explosive Jedi from the eastern evil city, he held a small white evil god statue in his hand.

The statue is as crystal clear as crystal, and the miserable white luster inside is hidden without hair, with a high taste.

When Hess appeared in front of the evil believers and held up the small statue, everyone dared not hesitate any more. They all respectfully knelt down to the evil god statue. This pocket statue seemed more dignified than the previous huge statue.

"Sacrifice!" howled Hess. This time, there were many sacrifices brought from the evil city. Eight people in black flew out from behind Hess. The eight people in black raised their space magic weapons and flew out of the space magic weapons one after another with fear or numbness.

Among these creatures, there are people, demons, and even some rare spirits and divine beasts.

These creatures were placed in cages in front of the statues of evil gods. The cages were piled up like a mountain. I\'m afraid they were no less than a million, full of a large void.

"Child, don\'t be afraid, there\'s a mother." a beautiful lady in green tightly hugged the girl who was only six or seven years old in her arms. The girl was fat and looked very cute, but at the moment she threw herself into her mother\'s arms and trembled.

"Evil clan, you can\'t die easily." a big man was roaring, his fingernails clasped into his palm, and his angry eyes looked around the black robed people, "kill 180 of my family for no reason. Even if my gods and souls are destroyed, this hatred will never disappear."

"Brother Qing, we can\'t help each other in this life. If one day we can reunite, we\'ll continue the front edge." a pair of lovers held each other\'s hands tightly, and a deep despair flashed in their eyes.

"Mom, don\'t be afraid, you close your eyes and it will be over soon." a young man squatted beside an old woman, left tears and comforted in a low voice. Then he roared bitterly at the man in black robe. "Something is coming at me. Why bother my old mother, evil sect. We have no grievances, and you are a group of animals."

"Wow ~ wow ~" hundreds of children are held in a cage. The oldest is no more than ten years old and the youngest is only three years old. These children are all powerful. Even in the fairyland, they are good seedlings for practicing immortal Dharma. At the moment, these children are ruthlessly still in the void. Even if they cry bitterly, the black robed people\'s eyebrows won\'t frown.

"Even such a young child will not let go. It\'s a sin." someone woke up from numbness and exclaimed.

An old man sighed softly: "regard the common people as pigs and dogs, and the common people will slaughter you as pigs and dogs in the future. The evil sect acted with no conscience. The most regret in this life is to kill the evil sect too little."

Noisy curses ring through the void, which is a living hell on earth.

Hess shouted, "sacrifice, start."

As Hess continued to recite the sacrificial words and gradually communicated with the evil gods, the pale light on the pocket gods became brighter and brighter, and the light spread far away, almost suppressing the flame light of the explosive Jedi.

Everyone\'s faces were painted pale and flashed in the light.

The light shone on all kinds of creatures in the cage, like a sharp sword stabbing them, and even made their flesh and blood die away quickly. The flesh turned into pure energy and flew to the small gods. The creatures in the cage gave out bursts of sad wails because of pain.

Soon, the wailing stopped, and the creatures in the cage quietly turned into fly ash.

On the statue, the light became more concise, and a light column suddenly appeared above its head, which made the statue full of frightening authority.

"See evil gods!" all the people in black knelt down and shouted loudly.

The statue suddenly moved, and he stretched out his right hand to point in the direction of the explosive Jedi.

In the void, pale light suddenly emerged from the darkness, and little light seemed to become a star river across the universe.

No one can describe the length of this galaxy, as if the whole universe were separated by this galaxy.

Then, the Star River condensed and turned into a huge evil god sword. The power of the evil god sword filled the air, so that everyone couldn\'t kick out.

It seems that this power does not belong to the three realms, and it seems that it has exceeded the cognition of everyone present. An idea emerged in everyone\'s mind that even if hundreds of millions of people here jointly display the sword of evil gods, it is not as powerful as one ten thousandth of this sword.

Only the God in their hearts can have such great power.

This is a miracle.

The sword of the evil god cuts into the explosive Jedi, and everyone\'s innate prohibition is exploding. These prohibition forces that can collapse the void are exploding under the cover of the sword of the evil god, but they can\'t weaken the power of the sword of the evil god.

After the sword of the evil God fell down with the momentum of destruction, in addition to prohibiting the extinction, the flame was also extinguished silently. The whole explosion flame was held by a huge hand, and then it exploded instantly.

A moment later, the evil god\'s sword dissipated, and the starry sky became dark and empty again. At the moment, the place where the explosive flame Jedi was located has become a void starry sky. Everything in the explosive flame Jedi turned into nothingness under the evil god\'s sword, as if it had never appeared before.

Finally, the light on the statue faded and flew back to Hess\'s hands.

"Finally, it\'s over!" the thought flashed through everyone\'s heart.

Hess shouted, "summon all the evil sect soldiers and let them tell the fairy world that Yue Tianyu despises evil gods and has been killed by miracles. Whoever blasphemes against God, even the eternal genius, should be destroyed."

No one cares about the death of the evil clan, because an evil god has sent down a miracle to kill more people than the life of the evil clan.

No one will feel it a pity that Song Fei was not captured alive, because this is what God did himself, and everything is taken for granted.

The news soon spread to the northern battlefield. The name of Yue Tianyu, who had been lurking for 50 years, finally resounded through the fairy world again.

Some things must be hidden. The explosive Jedi sent hundreds of millions of people to encircle and suppress Song Fei, but Song Fei killed hundreds of millions of troops, and even hundreds of golden immortal masters fell. These news even spread to the fairy world, and then from the fairy world to the third world.

Buddha world, demon world, demon world and human world were all deeply shocked by this news.

People in the three realms can\'t understand the details of the explosive Jedi very clearly, but everyone knows that Yue Tianyu stirred the wind and cloud, leaving a miracle in the nest of the evil sect that no gold immortal expert has ever created.

While people admire Song Fei, they also feel sorry for his death. Except for a few people who don\'t believe that Song Fei is dead, many people don\'t doubt it. After all, it is spread by the evil clan, and evil god forces have been mobilized. In that place, if evil gods take action, even the ancestors of Shenshan can\'t be spared.