God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1709

Barney, a first-class master of Jinxian in the central evil city, is under the command of the eighth prison envoy horn. A young man with a bright smile, tall and confident, is also a majestic figure who used to be in the northern battlefield. There are not many experts in the fairy world.

At the moment, bane is slowly groping inside the explosive Jedi with a team, and making marks along the way. As long as there are marks, it means safety all the way.

If you encounter danger or find the trace of Song Fei, the rest of the people and horses can quickly support along the signs along the way, and the signs along the way can also touch the explosive Jedi more clearly and make a safe passage.

This time, the power of the evil clan is unprecedented. It has never invested so much manpower at one time. The quantity and quality of experts are far higher than before.

While carefully avoiding the dangerous area in the explosive Jedi, Barney\'s mouth didn\'t fork out: "all of them were captured in the evil city, and they were able to escape in the evil city. It\'s really a loss of the authority of the evil god."

Around Barney, an old man of Tianxian level 9 exclaimed, "Yue Tianyu is really magical. He has been in the limelight in the fairy world in recent years."

Barney snorted coldly disdainfully, "what about a little fairy? I guess it\'s just a chess piece in the fairy world."

"Chess pieces?"

Barney Road: "Hehe, doesn\'t the fairyland have to set up several talents every few years to inspire other young people\'s self-improvement? I guess Yue Tianyu is just a genius packaged by the emperor of heaven. Think about it, Yue Tianyu has only been promoted from a small fairy to a fairy in a few years. Even if there is a magic weapon to help him, how can he break through the great realm so easily without experience 。”

The old man said, "Sir, you mean that Yue Tianyu\'s original strength was immortal."

Barney\'s mouth sparked a faint smile: "Hehe, that must be the case. The emperor of heaven must have shielded Yue Tianyu\'s realm with his magic power and made him appear as a genius. With the power of the later stage of the immortal, those who are lower than his realm are naturally not his opponents, and it is very easy for him to become famous. And think about it, all his deeds happen in the fairy world. Who knows if they are made up by the high-level of the fairy world. Only through the battlefield The tested genius is the real genius, but what about Yue Tianyu? I\'ve heard that he slipped back to the fairyland after appearing on the battlefield for a few days. He went to the battlefield just to gild. Hehe, which real genius was not trained on the battlefield? "

After a pause, Barney said, "what about those famous fairyland geniuses on the court? Are there still few geniuses I have slaughtered? Shenshan disciples, descendants of the emperor of heaven, which kind of geniuses have not been killed. It\'s OK that Yue Tianyu doesn\'t appear in front of me. If he does, I\'ll beat him back to his original form, and then let him beg for life and death, kneel in front of me and admit his hypocrisy."

The old man smiled and said, "your strength is equivalent to that of the golden immortal in the fairy world. It\'s natural for you to take Yue Tianyu."

Barney frowned: "it\'s just that the fire and prohibition here are too annoying. Otherwise, Yue Tianyu would have been a prisoner in my hands."

"You guys!" Barney said to several of his men, "the people in the fairy world pay attention to the principles and principles. You scold me and scold all the curses of the people in the fairy world. If Yue Tianyu doesn\'t have the city hall, it\'s best to let him appear angry. If he doesn\'t appear, it can also eliminate my hatred."

"Yes, sir!" several people brightened their eyes when they heard the speech, and then began to scold, starting from the 18th generation of Song Fei\'s ancestors, then scolding the women around Song Fei, and then the secret organs on the women.

It\'s really how dirty and dirty they come. It can be seen that these people are often scolded by people in the fairy world.

As his subordinates scolded more and more, Barney slowly smiled at the corners of his mouth and said faintly: "since Yue Tianyu you are a shrinking turtle, you should continue to shrink. Anyway, I will find you sooner or later, so that you can\'t shrink any more."

Just as his voice fell, the flame around Barney suddenly changed. The infinite flame was controlled by an invisible hand. Generally, it split in front of him, and there was a passage for one person to walk. In the passage, the light golden flame wrapped the man in white and walked towards Barney and others step by step.

The man\'s face was calm, but the killing intention flashed in his eyes occasionally, which made others subconsciously feel the threat.

Looking at the visitor, Barney laughed: "Yue Tianyu, I didn\'t expect you to be so easy. Are all the geniuses in the fairy world so stupid?"

Song Fei said faintly, "originally you were only my third goal, but now you have become the first goal. I can only say that your challenge has succeeded."

While they were talking, the old man beside Barney quietly crushed a jade slip. Barney looked at it with a faint twinkle of displeasure. If he called for reinforcements, he would be divided up. However, the prison commander issued a strict order. Anyone who saw Yue Tianyu must send a message at the first time, which made Barney unable to stop. He had to make up his mind to end the battle faster.

Barney said with a smile, "hahaha, that\'s good. If you didn\'t get fired, wouldn\'t you be a prisoner of others? Yue Tianyu, I don\'t have time to talk to you, but don\'t worry. I\'ll talk to you when I catch you."

Song Fei looked at the mark behind Barney and others and said faintly, "there really isn\'t much time!" the voice fell, and Song Fei turned into streamer and took the initiative to approach.

"Hahaha, come on. I heard that you cultivate the sun\'s true fire. I don\'t know how much this power exceeds other fire skills." Barney\'s right hand is empty towards Song Fei, and white ropes fly out of his fingers. Unexpectedly, he plans to crush Song Fei directly with his power.

A Jinxian level master has an overwhelming advantage in the face of a celestial being, even if the other party has practiced the ultimate skill. Even the immortal body, which ranks second in the ultimate skill, can only protect itself in front of the Jinxian and can\'t fight back.

Barney has never seen the first sun really fire.

Five pale streamers approached Song Fei\'s body and planned to wrap him tightly.

In Song Fei\'s body, the pale golden flame suddenly burst open and knocked the five ropes to pieces.

Barney was stunned at first, and then laughed: "hahaha, it\'s worthy of the sun\'s true fire. It can offset the power I hit casually. It seems that I really need to use real power, Yue Tianyu. I\'ll be serious this time. Eat my sword of evil gods."

The pale light in Barney\'s palm condensed into a lightsaber. Facing Song Fei who was getting closer and closer, Barney showed a faint smile and then drove the evil god\'s sword to chop him hard on his forehead.

This blow, with Barney\'s full confidence.