God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1706

The sea of fire in front of him is getting closer and closer, and Song Fei\'s body is getting worse and worse. What the three Jinxian don\'t understand is that Song Fei\'s speed hasn\'t slowed down. Like an immortal cockroach, it erupts amazing vitality.

Song Fei\'s thousand mile eyes still burst out golden lights, and the troops in the far distance rushed in the direction of themselves like endless waves.

"Strange, his speed hasn\'t decreased sharply!" the old Jinxian whispered, his eyes full of doubts.

Jinxian youth sneered: "regardless of him, I have received the order, the interception of other troops is ready, and Yue Tianyu has entered our pocket."

"Oh, catch a turtle in a jar." old Jinxian\'s eyes lit up.

"Exactly!" the golden immortal youth nodded, "and the prison warden is coming. I heard that there is more than one prison warden. Yue Tianyu can\'t fly."

If the periphery of the explosive flame Jedi was compared to a vast wall, Song Fei saw that an endless army had poured in in all directions except the explosive flame Jedi. There were no less than 100 such armies, each led by a Jinxian level master, even if they were weaker than the just one, It\'s enough to entangle Song Fei for a moment.

Moreover, as they get closer and closer to Song Fei, the distance between them is closer and closer. Song Fei is more unlikely to break through the army of evil sect before the arrival of reinforcements.

Seeing this scene, Jinxian youth and Jinxian old man were not in a hurry. They continued to keep the fastest speed and closely followed Song Fei to prevent him from disappearing in their sight.

The light in front of him became brighter and brighter. The red light from the distant fire shone on Song Fei\'s face, making his blood color more bright.

The edge of the explosive Jedi is finally here.

At this moment, the numerous evil clan troops finally came from a distance. They intercepted Song Fei on the edge of the explosive Jedi in a three-dimensional way. Except behind, Song Fei\'s sight was all dark.

"Yue Tianyu, see where you can escape." the golden immortal youth smiled grimly. "If you take another step forward, you will be the innate prohibition of the explosive Jedi. If it is triggered, you will be broken to pieces."

In Kunpeng palace, Su cancan clenches her teeth tightly and calculates how she can use her strength to open a channel for Song Fei to escape. She is similar to the idea of the golden immortal youth. She thinks that Song Fei has been driven to death. If she can\'t break through, she has only two choices: capture alive and be forbidden and destroyed.

The beasts watched silently. The injured beasts took the pill given by Song Fei. At the moment, most of their injuries recovered, but the eyes of each beast were still full of fierce light.

Looking at the fighting spirit of the beasts, Su cancan turns his head and asks, "do you regret it?"

The white tiger roared softly, then looked up to the sky, and his eyes exuded a firm look: "it\'s better to fight happily than to be enslaved by others. Although the time I woke up is short, it\'s worth my life."

Bai Ze got up from the ground, tried to stand straighter and whispered, "I\'m willing to fight to the death!"

The Golden Dragon chose in the middle of the sky, waved his claws and said in a deep voice, "whoever wants to move my guild leader, just cross over my body."

One beast stood upright, emitting an unprecedented sense of war, and said loudly, "fight, tear these people in black."

Chaos uttered a fierce roar: "if we want to fight to death, how can we fall behind us." the power of the four fierce beasts is comparable to the five top divine beasts. The flesh of chaos is not weaker than the white tiger. Naturally, it is unwilling to lose to these divine beasts.

Su cancan said, "although I promised to trust him, I\'d better be ready for a dead battle. Even I don\'t have the confidence to break out of the siege."

Although Su cancan doesn\'t understand what song Fei does, even at this moment, she doesn\'t have any complaints in her heart.

In order to prevent Song Fei from being affected after triggering the congenital prohibition, although Song Fei was surrounded, the evil sect still kept a long distance from him.

Song Fei stood on the edge of the explosive Jedi and looked at the many evil families. Suddenly, a relaxed smile was released from the corners of his mouth.

Song Fei\'s flesh suddenly shook hard and shattered three evil spears inserted into his body. Then his flesh recovered quickly in everyone\'s eyes. The broken limbs were reborn and the meridians grew crazy. The original scarred and broken body recovered quickly in an instant at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this scene, not only the evil clan was surprised, but also the beasts in Kunpeng palace were surprised and almost lost their chin.

The white tiger looked resentful and said, "how did the sect leader do it? It\'s almost immortal. I think my body is strong, but I don\'t have such recovery ability at all."

Su cancan bit his lips and said, "blood is reborn, the top magic power in the fairy world."

The big goat understood the magic power of blood drop rebirth 100000 years ago. Song Fei has been practicing hard in Qingtian Xianshan for 100000 years. It is impossible not to practice this life saving magic power against heaven. At the moment, blood drop rebirth has been great. As long as there is a drop of blood, song Fei can rebirth with fresh blood. Of course, if there is only a drop of blood left, even if Song Fei is reborn, he will become very weak and need a long time of cultivation to restore his strength.

"How dare you cultivate the blood dripping rebirth? No wonder you cheated me by flying with our strength with the help of the spear of the flesh against the evil gods." the golden immortal youth smiled again with a surprised voice. "However, good, the blood dripping rebirth that could have brought you hope. I don\'t know if it can take you out of the siege. If not, you\'re afraid to be more desperate."

Suddenly, someone shouted, "welcome to the prison envoy!"

"Welcome the prison emissary!" all of a sudden, the evil sects made a startling cry. Song Fei quickly showed his thousands of miles\' eyes and saw a huge black ship like a planet coming in his direction in the endless distance. The meteorites in front of him were crushed by the black building ship one after another. The terrible smell brought by the ferocious black bow, Song Fei felt frightened even though he was far away.

Here comes the warden.

Listening to the cheers of evil believers, Su cancan\'s face in Kunpeng palace changes greatly. If there is a prison envoy coming, even in her heyday, she can\'t protect Song Fei, let alone use only three attacks at the moment.

It seems that the arrival of the prison commander makes Song Fei more hopeless.

Song Fei whispered, "it\'s all right. The means of holding the prison are too unpredictable. I\'d better avoid it earlier."

At the next moment, Song Fei took out a flashing symbol and directly crushed it. Then Song Fei\'s body disappeared into the sight of everyone.

At this moment, the army of the evil sect gave way to a huge channel. The black building ship, with the momentum of destroying everything, pressed towards the area where Song Fei was located. The second prison envoy was standing at the bow of the ship, looking at the distance with a dark face. As long as he was closer, Song Fei entered his magic range.

Just when everyone thought Song Fei was the most unlikely to escape, his figure just disappeared in the open space.