God Level Demon

Chapter 2789

2802. Chapter 2789.

Chapter 2789.

Now, Universe, Central Universe, a mysterious place.

A giant majestic southern gate, Universe Void, countless Invincible Saint, walked out of the South gate, one after another standing around the South Gate, emits out deep and unmeasurable aura.

“Finally left that ghost place.”

“Abyss magic power is terrifying, not all of us Heavens and Myriad Clans creature can resist.”

“If it were for the past 10 minutes, I’m afraid it would be difficult even for our Invincible Saint to resist the Corrosion of Abyss, when the time comes, even if we are afraid, to fall into Abyss.”

“Abyss is indeed not the place where we can stay, and demon stays in Abyss among them, simply blessed by heaven, and is based on invincible position, which, in any event, cannot be extinguished, has always been the scourge of our present Universe.”

Many Invincible Saint discussion spiritedly, after half an hour of fighting, their bodies were broken and their bodies were bleeding everywhere, apparently suffering a lot of injuries.

Even if they were to block those Abyss King, it was also the life and Death Battle between Invincible Saint and, if there was a slight negligence, it would be consigned to eternal damnation.

Most importantly, if Abyss World is injured, those Abyss magic power will immediately follow the wound Corrosion body, which is extremely serious.

So every pride Invincible Saint will be careful to avoid being rebuilt, otherwise they will remain in Abyss World for ever.

Fortunately, the accident never happened, nor did they compromise anyone.

“By the way, Dark North, how’s the plan going?”

One pride Invincible Saint looks at Dark North Saint, Starto talk.

sōu sōu sōu!

Other Invincible Saint, who also looked at Dark North Saint, spent considerable effort to block those Abyss King, in order to be successful in the plan.

If the plan is unsuccessful, then it doesn’t make any sense.

“The plan has been successful, and Demon Lord did not find my hands and feet, but it was possible to see Heavens Will.” Dark North Saint said solemnly.

“Success is good, and the so-called conspiracy can be seen in the day when it works.”