God Level Demon

Chapter 2764

2776. Chapter 2764 Impact on Extreme Antiquity

Chapter 2764 Impact on Extreme Antiquity

Abyss Forbidden Area, a hidden remote mountain.

At this juncture, Xia Ping is hiding in this place, entering Mountains and Oceans Book World among, temporarily closed down cultivation.

although this time Abyss Forbidden Area Great Competition was only three months old, this time he entered Abyss Forbidden Area Great Competition, and not how high he wanted to be, he just wanted to explore Abyss’ secret.

So he doesn’t need to spell his life, like other Abyss Demon, everywhere to search treasure, in order to raise his name.

And if you want to find more secret, I’m afraid it will take stronger power, so after having these rocks, Xia Ping would like to use them to increase some of his own strength.


Xia Ping’s knee is sitting on the ground, centred on his body, strong Creation Domain spreading to all directions, with space law, Time Law and Creation Law, many Strength of Law’s continuing operation in Domain among all times generating strong creativity and changing Matter World.

“The Stone!”

not saying anything further, Xia Ping immediately runs the French power on his own, refining a piece of stone that was burned up by Hell Furnace, quickly turned into a pound of energy, flowing into his body and flowing into every cell of his body.

♪ huālālā ♪

At a time when the energy of these rocks was obtained, the cultivation base simply on his body was increasing at what level, as if every cell was overwhelmed by a pound of power.

Most importantly, Creation Domain on his body has also begun to produce a series of transformations.

Space law, Time Law and Creation Law continue to operate, and vaguely appears to have created a huge crystal barrier that has created space barriers for Creation Domain.

And these space crystal walls are the premise of the birth of the World Law, as at this moment, the Creation Domain of Xia Pings body has begun to transform into World Domain, bringing the World Law together.

If the laws of the World were indeed brought together and entered Extreme Antiquity, then the Xia Pings power would immediately change Heaven and Earth turning upside down, and the strength would be hundreds of times higher.

when the time comes, every inch of flesh and blood on his body, every cell will evolve into each and everyone’s microworld, and the body will be tempered to a very strong degree.

If so, every cell on him would be a microworld, full power mobilization, the power of millions and millions of world would have erupted simultaneously, with the outbreak of might it be obvious.

in reality, this is a reminder of the World Law, which reached the horror of the Extreme Antiquity border Saints, which is so much more powerful than the creature Saint Saint.

Only physical changes occur, and the ability to store is far from being able to create Saint Saint.

Of course, Extreme Antiquity Saint is not only a legal force on his body that goes far beyond Late Antiquity Saint, but most importantly the World Law Code, so that it has the power of the world.

If Saint Artifact is motivated by the energy of the world on its own, Saint Artifact can play a 70-80 percent battle strength, not at cracking a joke.

Even Peerless Grade Saint Artifact, if he uses the power of the World, can do it well beyond Late Antiquity Saint Saint.

Xia Ping, if he was promoted to Extreme Antiquity and rehearsed the strength of the world, then Peerless Grade Saint Artifact Mountains and Oceans Book, Invisible Palace, Immemorial Heavenly Dragon Talisman, and so on, could be more powerful than ever before.

Even if he pushed divine tools up, he’d become more responsive, and that was a qualitative improvement and change.

the initial Xia Ping has been promoted to Late Antiquity Realm Completion, with a thorough appreciation of Creation Law, a very strong physical foundation and a foundation for Extreme Antiquity.

“Then try to get promoted to Extreme Antiquity.”

Xia Ping’s eyes reveal a bright light to be honest, and he wants to be promoted to Extreme Antiquity at this time, making Creation Domain Negotiation World Domain, the World Domain, the World Law.

A Great Thousand Worlds will be blown up in a hectare if the World Law is rehearsed, the World Domain, the power of the world is overwhelmed by no effort, a fist bombardment.

Most importantly, the World Domain is surrounded by the repression of other Saint Saint with no difficulty, trapping enemy with one of its own Great Thousand Worlds among us.

Even a dozen power, under the pressure of the World Domain, only 50 per cent will remain.

So it was obvious that under the strength of the World Domain, Extreme Antiquity Saint simply of World Law was based on invincible position.

Of course, the power of the World is much stronger than the strength of the plant, with the defeat of no difficulty, which is like the difference between cotton and steel, incomparable.

Lare Antiquity Saint Saint cannot overcome Extreme Antiquity Saint without the most powerful Saint Artifact support, and it is absolutely only in the case of Extreme Antiquity Saint instant kill.

After all, the world monstrous talent, like Xia Ping, was unable to appear once in the age of millions and millions, not so randomly, and simply could appear in Universe among them.

The vast majority of Late Antiquity Saint’s encounters with Extreme Antiquity Saint can only be absurd and cannot be counterproductive.

“Let’s go.”

At this point, Xia Ping runs his own creation Domain, sitting in it, as if he was a Holding of the Heaven Giant Column, which upheld the world.


Throughout the heck, the whole Creation Domain’s fierce shock, buzz, seems to have struck several times with millions and millions of medals, and countless laws are swimming crazy.

Space law, Time Law, Creation Law, the immortality of power appears to be embedded in the formation of Vortex, as if the changes in the laws of millions and millions of megavoid had led to the legal profound mystery of vast and limitless principles, symbolizing the operation of the rules of all myriad things.

And the rules of Creation Domain became operational, and he started drastically consuming the body’s vast source energy, which seemed to be rapidly disappearing with the visible speed.

Xia Ping operates many of the rules on his own, and the consumed Universe Source Energy Energy is more than a tongue, and that energy is sufficient to support a Great Thousand Worlds for several years.

It can be said that the energy consumed in each operation is astronomical.

It’s kind of like a Universal Battleship, a single start, and the consumed wealth is inconceivable, if not Universe Kingdom, it’s hard to afford it.

Same reason.

From Late Antiquity Realm to Extreme Antiquity, it is inconceivable that the process among them requires consumption of Universe Source Energy.

don’t say promotion in reality, even if every shock hit Extreme Antiquity, the energy that needs to be consumed is a general number of astronomical figures.

So the ordinary Late Antiquity Realm Saint would basically not be able to hit Extreme Antiquity’s territory as they were completely incapable of shocking, and only if they were prepared to do so would they choose to hit once, try to promote to the Extreme Antiquity, bring together the World Law, and bring creation Domain transformation on their own to the World Domain level.

(This chapter is over)