God Level Demon

Chapter 2762

2774. Chapter 2762 is too arrogant.

Chapter 2762 is too arrogant.

“Come on out.”

It was at this point that Xia Ping was looking at an empty space away from start to talk, where he had seen the Demon of concealing in Void deep place long ago.

It’s just that the other side didn’t do it to himself, and he was disinclined to pay attention, but now he needs to deal with surroundings’ eyewitnesses after we’re done with these Extreme Antiquity Demon.

After all, his strength cannot be disclosed for the time being and is known by other Abyss Demon.

“Can’t you come out yet? Do you think I’m lying to you?”

Xia Ping raised the eyebrow, he Void a fist.


This is fist’s horror, and with the power of the building, the Space-Time Law of surroundings has been changed instantly, and this Void is like the glass was blown out and completely shattered.

Kächā said that when there were three or four silhouette immediately on the ground, the emergence of Abyss Demon Xia Ping also recognized that Hebrew, Catherine, white fox, charm, and scarlet-red Scorpion Demon, among Abyss women, Devil.

And I don’t know when they were gathered together, so they came to their own side.

“Austin, did you actually find our whereabouts?”

Dark Spider Catherine startled, a little unbelievable looking at the Xia Ping in front of her eyes, because, according to her understanding, the flower Ostin should have had no such power.

But not only is a fist killing three Extreme Antiquity Demon, killing the other twelve Extreme Antiquity Demon and even with no difficulty.

You know, she’s a dark spider, Catherine, Innate has a dark Domain Divine Ability that can make her body with no difficulty and aura merging Void deep place.

Once she uses dark Domain, merging Abyss Void, and even Abyss King, it is difficult to find her trace, but this flower Ostin with no difficulty finds out, it seems that her dark Domain can’t hide from each other at all.

She felt that Austin had changed completely, and that Austin, who she knew, seemed to be another demon.

“Of course, no Abyss Demon can hide in my front of those eyes.”

Xia Ping stood up, as it should be by rights.

“Austin, when did you get so strong in the end? Fifteen Extreme Antiquity Demon has been transformed by you, so effortless and simple, that’s definitely not the power of ordinary flowers. When did you have such a strong power in the end, or did you hide all demon before?”

The white fox is curious.

Because at her cognizance among them, the flower Austin should not be so powerful, that’s pretty boy, the weaker Demon of the pity.

But now it’s quite different, and there’s an unprecedented strong Abyss Demon Qi, with King’s style, no less than those Abyss King.

So rude and unreasonable aura, too, left her unhappy, with different charm.

“No, he shouldn’t be a magic Austin, he should be another Abyss Demon. Who are you in the end, why are you taking a flower, Austin? The real flower Austin in the end went somewhere?”

The glamor, staring at Xia Ping, started to suspect Xia Pings true identity, because in her memory among them, the real flower Austin would never have been so powerful.

So the only explanation is, this is impersonate’s flower Austin.

“Interestingly, if he was fake, how did the end hide the Soul review of the Demon Temple, knowing that even Abyss King could not conceal such a review.”

scalet-red Scorpion Demon was curious to stare at Xia Ping.

“This is a troubled group of women, and originally doesn’t want to do it to you, didnt expect each and everyone to be so smart. Don’t you know what it’s called a curious cat?”

Xia Ping looked at this group of Abyss women Devil in his face.

“Interesting. Did Austin want to do something to us?”

“That’s funny. I’ve never thought Austin would have that idea.”

“You don’t think we’re the same as those trash before, you want to use your little tricks against us, tell you that it’s not working.”

“Austin, whether you’re real Austin or fake Austin, doesn’t seem to show you a little color, no one knows who Abyss among Boss.”

And when you hear that, Dark Spider Catherine laughed at Abyss and Devil Town, they don’t think the flower Austin is their opponent, even if it’s hidden, they can’t beat them.

And before Austin wins, it’s just crafty plots and machinations.

If it is not a plan that leads to the killing of Fifteen Extreme Antiquity Demon himself and the killing of themselves, and the remaining three are seriously injured, then Austin will never win.

In the context of a positive battle, they do not think that this flower Austin has any victory.

“Woman, you’re too proud.”

Xia Ping’s freshly looking at this group of Abyss women Devil.


in a flash, the imminent outbreak of the enormous Illusion Technique power from him, the strength of Illusion Technique True Solution, and the collision of another Illusion Technique World, surrounded these Abyss women Devil instantly.

And Illusion Technique’s speed goes far beyond the other Divine Ability Technique, and only single-thought can arrive, and such speed simply is faster than light speed.


Dark Spider Catherine, and Abyss Devil, who suddenly felt the great Illusion Technique’s power to infiltrate their Soul, seemed to want to pull them into Illusion Technique’s World among them and fall completely.

“Funny Austin, you think Illusion Technique in the district can handle us, too small to look at us.”

Dark Spider Catherine sneered, who immediately wanted Strength of Abyss and tried to crush Illusion Technique World’s total bombardment from Illusion Technique World among the world.

But this is just the beginning of that’s all.

One, two, three, four, twenty Illusion Technique World was crushed, and the dark spider Catherine was given complete Seal in the meantime.

And other Abyss Demon, like white fox, charm, scarlet-red Scorpion Demon, etc., is just 18, 17, or 15 Illusion Technique World’s repression and Seal about effortless.

They were instantly dumbstruck, physically unable to move a single step, surroundings were brought up by countless Illusion Technique rune Seal, and any Abyss Divine Abilitys Power in the body could not be used, trapped in the middle of sleep and found nothing outside.

“Interesting. Can’t 20 Illusion Technique World resist?”

Xia Ping stood up and the freshly looked at had fallen into Devil, such as Illusion Technique World’s dark spider Catherine.

(This chapter is over)