God Level Demon

Chapter 2734

2745. Chapter 2734 Search mission

Chapter 2734 Search mission

next day at noon.

When Monica came to date, she was obsessed with looking at Xia Ping, pretty face Pan Hung, start to talk: “Lord Austin, last night, I ordered people to find more than 80 missions, and I don’t know which mission Austin wants to implement.”

“Oh, what mission?”

Xia Ping raised the eyebrow, a dark-gold card he looked at at at Monica, all of which portrayed the Mission’s contents, which was also a unique mission card for His Highness Demon.

But these mission cards can only be obtained if they promise to take over the mission.

However, Monica was waiting for the mission, and she took advantage of her powers and stopped them directly, and then handed them over to Xia Ping for slow selection.

When Xia Ping is selected, these missions will only be referred to other Demon.

That’s the power of evil.

If the rest of the Demon’s Temple knew about this, I’m afraid each and everyone would envy it, and it is estimated that hate for Xia Pings would have to be more upstairs.


Xia Ping was just Divine Consciousness scanning these mission elements knowing things like the back of the hand.

to be honest, most of the missions of these Demon temples are pursuit Demon.

Because His Highness Demon is, in fact, a law enforcement agency across Abyss, responsible for overseeing the major Kingdom and maintaining the law and order of the major Kingdom.

But, as Abyss Demon, the individual is brutal, Innate brutality, and always full of the yuwan of slaughter, which comes from Demon’s instincnct.

Just borrowing a piece of law to get these Abyss Demon restraint up, that’s simply fantasy story.

Even under the repression of the Demon Temple and numerous Abyss Kings, the vast majority of Abyss Demon is already in compliance with the law and will not indiscriminately kill innocent people.

However, there are still a small number of Demon who can’t control their own impulses, thereby creating a slaughter in terrifying somewhere, leading to countless deaths and injuries.

Such an act would violate Abyss law and would be directly sanctioned.

Of course, the ordinary Demon can be solved by the guards of the major Kingdom, but there are also some terrifying Demon that needs the elite of the Demon Palace to be solved.

Obviously, these pursuit missions were promulgated only if the major Kingdom was unable to resolve them and handed over to the Demon Palace.


are, however, many special missions, in addition to these pursuit missions.

Like exploring Abyss Secret Realm.

in reality, even Abyss Demon knows that Abyss, which are not 100 per cent of the vast vast range of powerful and dangerous Secret Realm, still exist.

Such Secret Realm is afraid to enter even Abyss King.

So those high demon will issue these exploring missions, hoping that other demon will help explore them.

Since, of course, such a mission is dangerous, simply nine deaths and still alive, it is also quite surprising that many Demon are willing to risk it.

In addition to exploring Secret Realm, there were some missions that surprised Xia Ping, which was when she was a rapist.

Such a mission seems to require some loyal and devoted Demon, trained by the Demon Palace, and then, without speaking infiltrate of the world Universe among them, when Abyss were detected.

And that kind of adultery is hidden for a long time until the critical moment is revealed.


Xia Ping’s eyes showed a slight bright light, and he gave such a mission to His Highness the Didnt expect Demon, openly and without fear, and simply was unbridled, saying that he had inserted a number of details of rape in the current Universe.

But think about it. It’s normal for the Demon Temple to act.

After all, this place is the deepest place in Abyss, and all Heavens and Myriad Clans Life will not be able to enter, otherwise they will be corrupted quickly by Abyss Power, which will fall into Abyss creature.

So, of course, they’re secure in the knowledge that one has been backing, and they’re not afraid that their intelligence will be disclosed.

can imagine, Abyss Demon’s infiltration of the current Universe is estimated to be a long and cumbersome month, without knowing how much time it has gone through and how many rapes have been inserted.

They are prepared for such a plan for the next war.

Once war erupts, all Heavens and Myriad Clans will be greatly created.

Xia Ping thought of it here, the more he felt Abyss Demon terrifying, which race was prepared for so long, as soon as the war erupted, then the size and destruction power, if not Immemorial Era, could be more than proposed.

“Lord Austin, do you know which mission you want to pick up?”

Monica looks at Xia Ping, start to talk.

“Just this mission.”

Having heard that, Xia Ping pointed to one of the Mission cards.

“Picard Shaitan!”

Monica saw this mission card, and beautiful eyes showed up a bright light: “Lord Austin, this mission is not easy, but this sandwich is famous Demon.

It has fled more than 100 years, and within these 100 years, it has destroyed more than 10 cities, every time it slaughtered Demon in a small town, extremely cruel, which was a first-class felony and could be executed without trial.

The Shaitan had blood, fought strength extremely powerful for life in slaughter, and was extremely hidden, and had sent an elite Squad pursuit by the Demon Temple, but it had escaped and even killed several others. According to intelligence reports, the power of this devil has reached Early Antiquity Realm. “

She’s the devil’s strength isn’t easy, fighting power super.

And Austin was just Immortal Demon, and if this mission were to be taken over, failure would be irrelevant, and it would be too painful to be killed by this sandwich.

“What? Are you worried I’m not a samurai opponent?”

Xia Ping, look at it.

to be honest, he would also like to take on more difficult missions, but his current identity is just Immortal Demon, and Rank at the Demon Palace is very low and is not in a position to take over more difficult missions.

And this pursuit of the Shaitan mission, which is the best mission ever since, once completed, he will be more upstairs in the authority and position of the Demon Temple.

Of course, he is not afraid that he will expose himself to real power.

Because, in the role of true Demon God Force, even if he reveals the power that goes far beyond Immortal Realm, it’s just that other demon thinks it was a conceal of strength, rather than being suspected of being replaced by other Demon.

This is the real Demon God Force terrifying, which can distort everything unreasonably and make no difference to other life.

That’s why he was so secure in the knowledge of that one has been backing that he wanted to be the supreme member of the Demon Temple with the fastest speed, holding the high authority of the Demon Temple, thus hearing important information.

Listen to that, Monica immediately shakes his head: “Nooooo, of course, I’m not worried you’re not the devil’s opponent, just about what’s going to happen in it.”

She eagerly looks at Xia Ping.

(This chapter is over)