God Level Demon

Chapter 2714

275. Chapter 2714 Replacement of samsara

Chapter 2714 Replacement of samsara

One day later.

Xia Ping and Gu came back to Hyun-yo City, and they were fed up and separated.

“Master, this ancient adventure, and I’m afraid it’s great danger, why didn’t Secret Realm of the Music Mountain kill him before?” Azure Ox can’t stop asking.

to be honest, it’s too dangerous to be counted everywhere, with a lot of means, and any one can get into such an enemy.

It felt that it should be solved at an opportunity.

“No, I wanted to do it at first, but then I thought about it and gave it up.”

Xia Ping shakes his head.


Azure Ox felt full of doubts.

‘Cause I can’t kill him.’

Xia Ping is serious.

“Can’t kill?” Azure Ox’s gone.

Xia Ping nodded: “Yes, it is not possible to kill, but the good Fortune Saint of Immemorial Era, who can fake death through many Saint Francisco, simply by concealing the sea and retaining his memory and translating samsara. Where this character is so easy to kill, even if he kills now, I’m afraid he’ll be reborn in another place.

It may even be hidden in the dark, using all kinds of crafty plots and machinations on a continuous basis, to keep him out of control, so that he can know what he’s doing in normally. ”

“so thats how it is.”

And Azure Ox, too, can’t stand nodded and agree that the ancient Divine Ability is so great that it is enough for him to be based on invible incposition alone, just passing samsara, Divine Ability Method.

This Divine Ability Method simply is more terrifying than Saints Immortal Body, even though it is Body of Undying, because even if he is killed, the other side will turn to samsara and live again.

And according to each other’s ability, whether it was re-established to somewhere, any life could go back to Peak with no difficulty, which was just a matter of time.

Killing the grass to scare the snake is nothing but here.

“But if that happens then, who can’t kill the ancient?”

At this point Azure Ox also felt that it was extremely difficult, very different from the previous enemy, and that life-saving Ability was too strong, basically with other Saint incomparable ble ble.

It felt like it met an enemy like that, and it didn’t know how to defeat each other.

After all, Divine Ability, once Death can turn samsara over, countless times, and ancient failures can take countless times.

But this side is different, failing once, that’s consigned to eternal damnation.


can be said that, as ancient times have been on invincible position from the outset, for him, even if this world fails, then the next world will be reborn.

“It’s horrible. This is what happened in the end, and it’s really unimaginable to have such Ability.” Cat Sage, too, is experienced and knowledgeable, but has never met such a horrific Saint, even Saint Cellm of Invincible Realm, far away from cant compare with this man.

“No, nor can I kill him, and if Samsara Brush on my body is completely Unsealed Ability, and if I play the power of the true Samsara Brush, a bomb come out, he can go along countless Karma Threads and kill countless Soul Fragment completely and let him die in samsara among them and no longer be revived.”

Xia Ping’s eyes show up cold glow.

That’s what happened to divine tool Samsara Brush on his body, and this divine tool is dedicated to killing Demon God, who owns Undying Body, extinguishes its roots, can’t hide, crushes samsara, and kills Karma.

At present, however, he can’t do anything about it to remove all Seal on Samsara Brush and temporarily fail to play all the power of Samsara Brush.

So he’s not gonna act blindly without thinking for a while, so he’ll keep it alive.

“Indeed, Samsara Brush strength is beyond imagination, and simply is not one of the divine tools of strongest, even in divine tools.” Cat Sage and Azure Ox can’t stand nodded.

They felt that Samsara Brush, at the peak period, could really kill it, but that Samsara Brush was currently only a part of the power that could be played, far from at the peak period.

“Well, go back and say, this harvest is huge, and I don’t know what to scratch from those Invincible Saint.” Xia Ping has put the ancient thing aside for the time being.


Ten days later, the sound Mountain Secret Realm sent a message from Heaven-Shaking, Earth-shattering, and Saint went to the sound Mountain Secret Realm, unintentionally exploring the core area, one of which is called secret.

didnt expect, this time Saint discovered the core area of Secret Realm, where the barrier collapsed completely, thus disbanding and revealing the internal situation in the core region.

This message came out of shock, immediately shocked the entire Unseen continent, even the whole Universe, and many Saint Francisco heard it, and after all, the sound tattoo Secret Realm was in Saint among the places of legendary.

And this place has fallen four Invincible Saint, enough to connect countless Saint to this place, believing that there must be an inevitable treasure in it.

So countless Saint went to Secret Realm on the sound hill, but when they arrived, it was a stupid eye, dumbstruck, unbelievable.

“Damn, in the end. What’s going on? Why is there nothing in the core region of Secret Realm? treasure, where did treasure go?”

he also wanted to come to this place, while robbing treasure, but who wanted to get him into this place was not able to find treasure, even a rock, just like a thief, and scratching was cleaner than his face, and it was too much hair.

He has never seen such a clean mountain, as if he was cleaned up again.

“Is the core area of Secret Realm, the sound tattoo, a scam that crosses countless?”

There’s something Saint can’t stop saying.



‘s Saint sneered next door: “If it’s a fraud, how did the four Invincible Realm Saint in the end die, and those who died at the tide of the magic? And how did Secret Realm Sound Pattern Stone get born here?”

He sends a series of questions.

A lot of Saint is dumb, and they don’t know how to explain that, if it were a fraud, wouldn’t the meteors die here?

“It seems that Saint has come first to search for all treasure in this place, which is why this is happening now.” At this point, an Extreme Antiquity Saint start to talk to make such a judgment.

(This chapter is over)