God Level Demon

Chapter 2700

2711. The treasure remaining in chapter 2700


treasure remaining in chapter 2700

The hallucinations created by these demons are no less horror, and even Invincible Saint is not necessarily able to resist.

Unfortunately, under the protection of Worlds Tree barrier, Xia Ping was not confused at all.

“Break for me!”

Xia Ping operates in the body’s legal power to motivate Worlds Tree, which brings all directions to the world barrier and frees vast and limitless green rays of light.


Just one brake, the strength struck countless fantasies instantly, as if they were completely shattered, each and everyone’s fantasy world was completely shattered and transformed into powder.

At this point, 17,000 steps have also recovered to the original, and surroundings have shown a mountain ladder, high in the clouds, extremely cold and pale.

And next to the ladder is a terrorist Demon with a height of hundreds of metres, emits out of Invincible Realm aura, and Abyss Demon Qi simply is a matter of substance, and it seems that even Void law Corrosion into Abyss, which is more dark than darkness, Abyss Demon Qi, seems to be contaminated, and Soul will fall completely.

There is no doubt that this is half God Level Abyss Demon, which, even in Abyss World among them, is at the top of countless Demon, known as Demon King, handsome millions and millions of Demon.

“Even Abyss Demon had entered the sound tattoo Secret Realm and climbed the 17,000 steps?”

Xia Ping saw this dead Abyss Demon, when exclaim in astonishment, he was the Secret Realm of the Didnt expect sound tattoo and the traces of Abyss Demon, and he was half God Level Demon.

Even if it died in this place without speaking, it didn’t even record history.

There is no doubt that the first half of God Level Demon is able to climb up to 7,000 layers of stairs, a force that is extremely powerful even in Demi-God among them.

But even so, it can’t resist the magic here, but it’s still shattered and killed in this place.

“Nor did you leave any treasure.”

Xia Ping touched on this unknown half-God Level Demon for a while, but unfortunately no treasure was found, and he threw the first half of God Level Abyss Demon into his Mountains and Oceans Book for World.

So far, he’s got three and a half of God Level’s remains.


Seventy-seven thousand and ninety hundred steps.

As Xia Ping stepped up, the closer it was to mountain top, the more horror the magic power was, as the tide was, the next layer came up, layer on layer, overlapping, might be duplicated.

Even in accordance with Worlds Tree’s defense, there seems to be little support for the shattered mark at this moment, covering the millions and millions of world barrier outside Xia Ping.


seems that as these magic powers continue to grow, it will become a horrible possibility, as soon as the barrier of the millions and millions Worlds Tree is crushed and infiltrated into his own body.

If it’s true that Worlds Tree’s barrier, I’m afraid he’ll be killed by the magic voice here.

So he must reach mountain top as soon as possible through the remaining 100 steps.


But when Xia Ping came to this ladder, it was a blatant discovery of half God Level Creature, a respect for Angel, half God Level Angel from Angel Race.

It’s standing on this ladder, with emits on a time of holy rays of light, holy light holes in all directions, Space-Time, White rays of light that seem to have contaminated this Space-Time with holy light Domain.

Anyone who goes into this holy light Domain life seems to have been assimilated by this holy light strength Corrosion, will be assimilated into Angel, forced Lord faith and entered seed of the faith immediately.

This unit is extremely exclusive of his World Domain, which is trembling in fear.

There is no doubt that this is the strongest Demi-God that Xia Ping walked all the way up and saw, even though it did not know how many centuries he died, the body remains, and emits’ strength remains frightened.

According to this half-God Level Angel strength, it is estimated that even the whole Universe can be ranked up.

But even so, it’s dead, and it’s just a hundred steps left, and there’s no magic attack.

“Is that what Angel planned for so many years to save this respect, God Level Angel? Or do you think that half God Level Angel sends a message that Angel Race knows what’s in it, so that he can reach the sound Hill Secret Realm at any cost?” Xia Ping touched his chin, and he thinks he speculates the reason for Angel Race’s implementation of the plan.


At this point, he moved in the heart and suddenly found four Space Ring on this respect, half God Level Angel, when emits came out of the aura of Space-Time Law.

His eyes were bright and excited.

“I said this place of Secret Realm, where no outsider was ever able to leave, and the treasure left behind after God Level creature died could not have been taken out by other people, all of which were received by God Level Angel.”

Seeing these Space Ring appearing in half God Level Angel, Xia Ping didn’t know where the belsure left behind before the triumph God Level Creature was in the somewhere, and all of them were received by God Level Angel.


is estimated that half of God Level Angel is Saint, the last to reach the core area of the Secret Realm of the Music Mountain, and is the most far-reaching person who stepped up and naturally picked up the treasure left by the Invincible Saint.

But even so, after it boarded a 107,900 ladder, it was unable to withstand the magic, and Soul was crushed by bombardment.

So it also died in this place, and even treasure, collected by it, and treasure, on its own, stayed here, and white cheap after newcomer’s Xia Ping.

“Peerless Grade Saint Artifact, four Peerless Grade Saint Artifact?”

Xia Ping sensed treasure in these four Space Ring slightly with Divine Consciousness, not to mention that these half-God Level creature collects a lot of Universe Jane, many of which are unknown.

He noted that there were four Peerless Grade Saint Artifact in it, which was clearly the Life Source of Invincible Saint Magical Artifact, all of which remained in space at this moment.

“Wait, how’s Artifact Spirit completely die?”

Xia Ping was exhausted, and he originally thought the four Peerless Grade Saint Artifact was perfect, but at this point four Artifact Spirit, Peerless Grade Saint Artifact, were found dead and lost spiritual intelligence.

Also due to the Death of Artifact Spirit, originally Magical Artifact of Peerless Grade Saint Artifact, Rank fell to the Rank of High Grade Saint Artifact, even Middle Grade Saint Artifact.

“By the way, the magic voice here is not only attack Trial Challenger, but all Soul’s life will attack, even Masters Invincible Saint, but these Peerless Grade Saint Artifact will not be able to resist, and as a result these Peerless Grade Saint Artifact Spirit of Peerless Grade Saint Artifact will be killed by magic.”

Xia Ping also thought of it at this point, and it was a shame that he had four Peerless Grade Saint Artifact’s good, and that Artifact Spirit had all been destroyed, and that Saint Artifact, half of the remnants, was too brutal.

(This chapter is over)