God Level Demon

Chapter 2698

2709. Chapter 2698

Chapter 2698


‘s been three months since blink.

Xia Ping step further moved towards the stairs of the sound tattoo hill, and, of course, he was not accelerating speed, but deliberately keeping enough time on a ladder to allow the magic to intensify his work on Soul.

He’ll get out of this ladder until the harvest doesn’t have any effect.

With his day of cultivate, Strength of Soul on his body has also been significantly upgraded, especially with regard to his tenacious level of Soul, which simply was unable to prepare before.

vaguely, his Soul seems to have been tempered into a six-corner ambiguity crystal, without any impurity, and reaching a firm and irreversible realm.

Even so, for the past three months, Xia Ping has stepped on the first 10,000 steps, almost reaching the limit of his Soul Strength.

And as time goes by, his tempered Soul effect is getting smaller, from the beginning, to the slow pace of progress now, and the effect is not as obvious as ever.

But that’s also what it should be by rights, and after having reached a realm, it’s not that easy to upgrade, and it takes a long time to accumulate.

Above all, Soul Strength upgrades are so fast as to be particularly good for Soul itself, and all things myriad things are limited, and too far is bad as not enough.


Just that brake, when Xia Ping stepped on the first 10,000 and first steps, the power of magic had increased, compared with the previous, that of simply was incomparable.


A long circle of unique magic penetrated his Sea of Consciousness, coming back to vibration.

And this kind of magic is not as direct as before, so fierce, direct bombardment Soul, is becoming invisible, infiltrating Void, directly infiltrating his Soul, as if he wanted to pack his Soul.

This magic is not as fierce as it was before, with destruction power, but, to some extent, it is even more terrifying, more dangerous and more terrifying.

“Sleep, sleep, have a good dream.”

in a flash, a little bit of magic passed through, and that sounds like a baby period mother’s cradle, with hypnotism, puts Xia Ping unconscious in bed among them.

This magic power, with no difficulty, disbanded his Soul, his Will, his resistance, through all Universe Principle, seems to put him directly in bed with him and cannot be self-neutral.


Xia Ping came here for a long time, and he was able to feel the horror of this magic, and if he really fell asleep, he would never be able to manage to regain consciousness again.

He felt his Soul Will seemed to be falling rapidly into endless Abyss, falling dark among them.

This is not the level in which Extreme Antiquity Saint Rank can enter, and at least it must be promoted to Invincible Realm Saint to qualify for entry.

And this magic power is with no difficulty’s repression of Invincible Saint Soul, let alone other Saint Francis.

“No, it’s already a limit, come out, Worlds Tree.”


split second, Xia Ping knew that it was now the limit of what it could do and that it was not possible to continue climbing by its own Strength of Soul, and that it was only possible to succeed with external power.

His Will immediately contacted Worlds Tree of Consciousness deep place.

Will, who felt Xia Ping sent, Worlds Tree seemed to have managed to regain consciousness, and in reality, even without Xia Pings’s orders, it would automatically come out as long as Xia Ping was aware of the danger of life.

And after having been ordered by Xia Pings, it exploded all power.

hōng lóng Lóng?

On the back of Xia Ping, Void deep place, there was Worlds Tree’s projection, shaking Void, as if it had supported the whole Universe presence, and it was from Chaos’s great life.

sōu sōu sōu!

A branch, one rooted out of Worlds Tree, has become green World barrier for the sake of an green umbrella, covering the whole body of Xia Ping.

Just split second, that horrible magic power was isolated for a while and blocked from Worlds Tree’s barrier.

Dōng Dōng Dōng!


fact that countless demons are very uncomfortable, and crazy bombardment on Worlds Tree’s barrier, like rain drops, appears to be a monsoon rain, with constant shocks.

But Worlds Tree set Void, like Sea Calming Divine Needle, does not move, seems to be a powerful magic power, nor can Will be able to shake Worlds Tree at all.

“Worlds Tree grew up like this?”

Xia Ping’s eyes show a slice of bright light, exclaim in astonishment.

to be honest, he hasn’t seen Worlds Tree grow for a long time, usually by throwing a Saints corpse to Worlds Tree and devouring absorb as a feeding.

But as he grows so crazy as he feeds, Worlds Tree grows faster than he imagines, it seems to grow up to an unimaginable realm among them, and power seems stronger than he is.


his Soul sensation, Worlds Tree grew up with millions and millions of green leaves, with densely packed World rune, and a path of World Law.

The roots of that Worlds Tree must also be deeply rooted in Void deep place, extended, extended, extended, directly communicated to each and everyone Dimension space.

And Worlds Tree’s countless roots have learned each and everyone Dimension Space energy, which seems to be the soil of Worlds Tree.

Even these Dimension Space, it seems that Worlds Tree’s roots must be completely occupied, as if they were sent in these Dimension Space among them, drawing on vast and limitless energy.

If Worlds Tree swallows these Dimension Space energy, Worlds Tree can pull all of these Dimensionspace together, merging it’s a tree leaf among each and everyone’s independent Small World.

“So thats how it is, Worlds Tree has begun to form each and everyone Dimensional World?”

Xia Ping found that Worlds Tree at this moment had been able to compare to the preparation, and now it has emerged from the early childhood period and has entered the juvenile period, initially with Universe Divine Tree’s potential.

If every leaves on it formed an independent subordinate Space-Time, Worlds Tree would then come together with millions and millions of Dimensional World, becoming the true Space-Time subordinate.

Even these subordinates Space-Time will have countless lives and become a truly independent world.

Practitioning millions and millions of world, with Space-Time Energy as a soils, backing the Space-Time, is the real Worlds Tree, which itself is a Universe.

At this point, Xia Ping can feel Worlds Tree’s unfinished growth, and he can also learn from Worlds Tree’s rapid growth among many Universe Source laws.

(This chapter is over)