God Level Demon

Chapter 2694

2705. Chapter 2694 Jurisdiction

Chapter 2694 Jurisdiction

“Stupid human, die immediately, under holy light’s ruling!”

Three major Extreme Antiquity Angel angrily shouted, they operate in the body’s World Law, a terrorist Domain projection coming down and suppressing Space-Time in all directions.

Hundreds of others, Late Antiquity Angel, have not moved, and they have been scattered everywhere, and appear to have formed a huge Angel Formation, providing Angel energy for the three large Extreme Antiquity Angel, a stable flow.

This has also multiplied the strength of three Extreme Antiquity Angel, far beyond the ordinary Extreme Antiquity Saint.

“A bunch of idiots, you’re looking for the wrong ones for revenge, and you don’t even know who you’re fighting in the end.”

Ancient eyes reveal cold glow, and the deep place of the cave reveals a word of Symbol, like a projection World imprint in the deep place of the cave, detonating the strength of terror.

His awareness of the rule of law and its application to Divine Ability strength almost reached Universe peak, not at all those Extreme Antiquity Angel was able to compare.

For him, these Extreme Antiquity Angel are just little friends that’s all, and when he crosses Universe, they’re not even born yet.

“Good offices fortune, reversing Yin-Yang! Come out of the mirror, World, everything’s the opposite!”

Gu came to the big hand first.

in a flash, a terrifying World Domain was immediately launched from him, a mirror World, which reproduced everything that was real, almost the same, even the Universe Source Act.

But this mirror World, who is the Creator, is the Lord of all things, and if enemies fall into mirror World among them, it’s like catching up, nowhere to run.


When all directions Void came up with a little ripple, this huge mirror World Domain immediately surrounded Angel completely, and speaking without all around Space-Time.

This mirror World Domain, like giant beast, with the same dignity, swallowed this group of Angel completely, slowly failed to enter the darkness of the world, which, once swallowed, would be cleaned up.

And in this brainstorming, that golden Angel’s eyeballs looked out of her husband rays of light, which seems to have erupted a terrifying Will in forehead deep place, and seemed to feel a great danger, reminding golden Extreme Antiquity Angel.

Kächā, that mirror World Domain seems to have been crushed by this horrible Will’s strength, like glass fragmentation.

One moment, golden Extreme Antiquity Angel woke up.

“Damned human beings, who want us to be vague, give me a hand, start trials, put human rights Race Saint pursuit, and the presence of all the rebellious Lord will be extinct.”

golden Extreme Antiquity Angel angrily shouted, which immediately took out a Peerless Grade Saint Artifact, a golden long spear, with a densely packed Angel rune, appears to be abrogated aura.

This golden long spear came out of the horror of Space-Time, an unprecedented Magical Artifact to suppress Angel Clan, with Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering.

“There’s a lot of Angel character behind the back.”

Ancient eyes have come, and if that is not the sudden mysterious willpower of a moment ago, he could have wiped out Angel and swallowed it in his mirror Domain among the moments.

That suddenly erupted Will, so that he couldn’t stand it.

“It does not appear that this group of Angel could be strangled and that it is not possible to convince Angel Race of the character behind it for the time being.”

ancient caution, before he had completed his own plan, he did not want to be guilty of Universe among any big shot, lest his plan be broken, leading him to years of trying hard to destroy.



At this juncture, Xia Ping carried out Kunpeng Divine Ability, a thousand light years long ago, without knowing how distant it is from that group of Angel and ancient people, it is estimated that the Saint Martin will not be able to catch himself.

Believe that those angels will surely find themselves in trouble under rage, and this is enough for Gu to eat a pot, and maybe it will be rebuilt.

“Haha, this time is a big deal of trouble, surrounded by so many powerful Angels, and Angels have a lot of tools, and maybe Gus will be killed by those Extreme Antiquity Angel.”

Cat Sage Haha smiled, and before it looked like this guy with a belly trick, he wanted to think about them even if it wasn’t Xia Ping enough to be cared about.

Now, the little vagina is like a piece, just a little bit of interest.

“Where is that simple, if it’s so easy to kill ancient people that they don’t know how many times they die, so they don’t know how old Fox lives in how many years is, but this time it’s not surprising to let him eat a lot of money, and it’s enough to help us delay some time.” Xia Ping can’t count on those angels to kill the ancient.

After all, ancient times, as former Invincible Saint, and without knowing how many times samsara has been, drawing on countless genius wisdom, have not been able to imagine how easily it is to be killed.

If Universe among those who were the hardest to be killed, then ancient would certainly be able to rank the first three.


time, however, even if it does not kill the ancient, will cause great trouble to come and help him delay the Angel footstep so that they do not enter the core area of Secret Realm, the sound hill.

“Indeed, it can’t be too optimistic.”

Cat Sage is also nodded, and it also considers that Old Fogy, like old, is not so vulnerable to death.

“But, for the time being, they have nothing to do with us, and the most important thing now is how to get into the core area of Secret Realm, the sound tattoo?” Xia Ping touched the chin.

“This place is full of power in Divine Restriction, with barrier segregation, can you break into it?”

Cat Sage asked.

“Even the true demon God’s temple, I can break into it, and again, this is the Secret Realm, the sound tattoo to break the condition, and there’s too much fragmentation in it.” Xia Ping has eyes.

Under his observation by Hells Golden Crows Eye, the core area of the albsound Mountain Secret Realm was extremely strong, and that god barrier was enough to isolate Saint Intel Saint.

But after all, it went through countless difficulties and hardships, and the Universe’s big annihilation, which had already damaged a lot of places, just like Saint Xia Ping, and couldn’t break Divine Restriction’s strength, and thought that this place perfect and without blemish had no way to invade.

“By the way, there is a weak Void gap near here, which can be broken as soon as a light a fist can, so that we can effortless enter the core area of the tattoo mountains, but it’s just the beginning.”

Xia Ping, who runs Hells Golden Crows Eye, saw Void deep place, Divine Restriction, with layer on layer, imprint spread all over Space-Time, like the Spidernet’s general densely packed.

But even so, he saw dozens of them.


in a flash, he found one of them, lightly a fist bombarded the past, breaking this thin space barrier, like glass.


Next second, Xia Ping came into the core area of Secret Realm, a tattoo hill, where his body was no longer in Space-Time ripple.

(This chapter is over)