God Level Demon

Chapter 2674

2683. Chapter 2674 is a finger!

Chapter 2674, a finger!

“When it’s over, it’s dead, we are completely dead.”

“Middle Antiquity Monster Saint is angry, this time we all have to die, no one can live.”

“Too bad luck, how can we encounter this kind of thing, we are innocent.”

Many of the strongest people in Wuquxing felt such aura, and their faces were so scared that they were completely green, even though they could not perceive how powerful the Middle Antiquity Monster Saint in the end was.

But they know that they can’t do anything about it under the fury of Middle Antiquity Monster Saint. Even if it’s just the aftermath, it’s enough to destroy Wuquxing dozens of times.

The problem is that even so, they can’t do anything about it, they can only be closes the eyes and die.

“Go to hell, you guys, bloodline Divine Ability – the tiger’s claws!”

Lie Tiger Monster San Anglily shouted, the strength of its body swells again, covering hundreds of millions of kilometers, seems to be more powerful than before, reaching the Middle Antiquity Peak.

Its body is simply hiding the sky and covering the earth, and it is even bigger than the martial arts star.


In a flash, a scarlet Tiger Claw was bombarded from outer space, all around the Space-Time Law was reversed, producing terrifying energy Vortex, and the Tiger Claw Center was strangling, producing the horrific Strength of Vortex.

It seems that everything in life, everything Matter, is completely smashed into a powder in this Strength of Vortex.

At the same time, it splits the split second, also merging the Void, manipulating the millions and millions of Universe Source Energy, all the convergence together, producing a one-shot of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering.

It is to exhaust full power, which is called a lion pouncing on a hare and also full power.

Obviously it will smash Little Gold and the others together with all the life on the planet.

Only by killing all of this group of people can you vent its fury, otherwise it will slam the face of Tiger Monster.

“Well, I am afraid I will use the last trump card to resist it.”

Blue haired Loli’s eyes are heavy. In the face of such an attack, only by using the means that Elder has left for himself can he survive.

The problem is that once they are used, their trial mission will fail, and they will be caught by Elder, and they will never be able to live this life.

However, in order to save your life, even if you use the trump card, you can’t do anything about it.

“Divine Ability Nine – the body of the Celestial!”

Little Gold has no joy or no sorrow at the moment. Her eyes and eyes seem to be white, just like a mirror. The whole body seems to be crystal-like.

This is the ninth Divine Ability in her body, turned into the body of Tianjing, indestructible, any physical department’s attack can be temporarily immunized once, at an hour interval, this Ability comes from the day Crystal Stone.

However, she also knows that she can only resist once. If she can’t resist this time, she can only run.


At this time, a silhouette without speaking appeared in this Void, like Revered God, as if any Space-Time Law could not affect him.

He stood outside Void, far away at the wuqu star internal, seems to penetrate the layer upon layer obstacles, countless fog, directly to Little Gold, Tan Menglu, Chong Xiaoqian and the others.

The Space-Time Law on this person is distorted, and the Time-Flow Speed ​​is extremely slow. It seems that the past year has passed, and the outside world has only passed a second. Even his appearance, the fierce Tiger Monster is not perceived, as if it is independent of the dimension. outer.

“the host.”

At this time, an azure calf also with speaking is nearby, it is Azure Ox, and the person is Xia Ping.

When Chong Xiaoqian and the others were in danger, Azure Ox naturally perceived this situation, so I immediately notified Xia Ping, and Xia Ping went directly to this place through the Mountains and Oceans Book.

“I know that these guys don’t worry, I am in trouble all day.”

Xia Ping helplessly said, he also knows that according to these bad guys, if you let go, it will definitely make sky and the earth turning upside down, but he didn’t expect this blame so fast, actually provoke A Monster Saint of Middle Antiquity Peak.

“This is not their fault, purely bad luck, encountering such an unruly Middle Antiquity Monster Saint.” Azure Ox rarely gave Chong Xiaoqian and the others a defense.

“It is indeed unruly. It seems that this Tiger Monster is trying to courting death.”

Xia Ping nodded: “But I can’t expose things that appear in the territory of Human Race, or I’m afraid I will be seen by someone who is interested, or I can quickly fix it.”

Thinking of this, he shot, finger moved towards Void, and Void immediately gave birth to a burst of ripples.


In the twinkling of an eye, with his body as the center, the tens of thousands of light years enveloped the huge Creation Domain, and at this moment the entire Space-Time seemed to be still.

what? !

At this moment, the violent Tiger Monster St. was immediately paralyzed, it was extremely extremely embarrassing, and cruel’s complexion was still. At this time, it found that its huge Tiger Claw was approaching Wuquxing.

Obviously it’s just a short distance, but it seems to be so close, yet worlds apart. No matter how it tries hard, it can’t be close. It seems that there is a terrible strength that envelopes itself.

“Who?? Actually, hide your head here and immediately roll out this Seat!”

Lie Tiger Monster screams, it’s both shocked and angry, appearing fierce while cowardly at heart, this strength is obviously above itself, so you can control yourself with no difficulty.

And the existence of such a strength, at least is Late Antiquity Saint.

It runs Divine Ability with its own body, trying to break away from the Space-Time Domain’s restraint, but no matter how it struggles, there is no way, it seems to be mole crickets and ants generally small and weak.

“Strong Tiger Monster, you dare to sneak in the Human Race, originally I want to kill you, but think about it, it is still too cheap for you, then you will be bastard, and you will be a slave in your life.”

A voice rang in Void among, aloof and remote, contain endless power.


Tiger Monster St. turn pale with fright, it struggles wildly and feels dangerous, but it is too late, a fingertip is coming out of Void, moving toward its body.


In the twinkling of an eye, a tyrannical Creation Qi infiltrated the Void, as if it had survived, infiltrated into the body of the powerful Tiger Monster, and suddenly collapsed its Space-Time Domain.

At the same time, this Creation Qi covers its whole body, penetrates every corner, controls every cell, and seems to form a unique and mysterious Formation.


The next second, the violent Tiger Monster is also a dozens of times larger than the planet. At this moment, the speed visible to the naked eye is shrinking, compressing, compressing, and constantly compressing.

In the end, its shape is only the size of a wild cat, and all the strengths in it are sealed by Seal, which is no different from the strength of ordinary cats.

Anyone can’t see this ordinary cat is once, cruel Evil cruel, unruly, unruly, strength to reach the angry Tiger Monster St. of Middle Antiquity Realm Peak.

(End of this chapter)