God Level Demon

Chapter 2672

2681. Chapter 2692 Lie Tiger Monster St.

Chapter 2672 Leslie Tiger Monster St.


The life of the whole Wuquxing suffocated at this moment. Under the terrifying Space-Time Domain, their thinking stopped. It seems that even time has become very slow, and everything is in a static condition.

“What happened? Why is there a strong Saint, and is it Monster Race?”

Many Thunder Tribulation Realm strong complexions are green, and originally encountered eight Saints fighting on the martial arts star, they have already dumped eight lifetime’s bloody bad luck, I don’t know how long I have not experienced it.

But now it’s not dead, now there is a Monster Race Saint, and the strength is even stronger.

The most important thing is, how to see this Monster Race Saint is not to act as a matter of fact, but to do things.

They feel that their hearts are cold. The bad luck things in this life have appeared in today. They knew that they should run the road yesterday and leave Wuquxing.

But now they say that they are late, they can’t escape.

“Hmm? !”

Originally Little Gold, Tan Menglu, Chong Xiaoqian, and blue haired Loli, blonde-haired Lolly and the others are all in a fierce battle. They feel a great crisis.

Each and everyone is the raises the head looked towards Wu Qu Xing’s over in the sky, and suddenly saw the unbridled emits out of the Space-Time Domain aura’s demon tiger, all complexions are exposed dignified expression.

Obviously, the strength of this demon tiger far exceeds their imagination.

“It’s a bunch of trash, didn’t expect this thing needs this Seat shot.”

This demon tiger condescendingly, complexion is very arrogant: “although a moment ago I want to say this, but I will know you when I see you, my men are not dead, and there is no eyesight to attract the Immortal Level. Strong.

However, it is normal to think about it. Since you dare to carry such a precious Universe Level ore, if you do not have a considerable degree of strength, you dare to make such a brainless thing. ”

It’s a faint look at Little Gold and the others, and obviously what happened at a moment ago is also known to it.

Originally, it also wants to let the men shoot, kill the little girls and snatch the precious Universe ore, so that they will not violate the Treaty of Human Race and Monster Race and maintain peace.

But didn’t expect that his own men were instantly destroyed, and the plan was completely annihilation.

This also made it have to stand up in person. After all, the Universe ore on the small Golden Body is the much-needed treasure. It has not been found for a long time. Didn’t expect it to be encountered here, even so at your fingertips. .

So, no matter how it will not miss this opportunity, even if it is because of this crime, but also for the Human Race. At most, it will not come to the territory of Human Race.

It has done all the psychological preparations.

“who are you?”

Blue haired Lori feels a great crisis. She knows that the strength of this demon tiger is extraordinary. It has surpassed Early Antiquity Saint and reached the Middle Antiquity Peak, and realized the Space-Time Domain.

Even just a step away, this demon tiger can comprehend Creation Law and promote Late Antiquity.

It can be said that this demon tiger is an unprecedented enemy.

“This Seat is the Middle Antiquity Saint.”

Lie Tiger Monster’s voice buzzer: “You are also qualified to know the name of this Seat. Today you are also bad luck. You have the Universe ore that this Seat needs urgently, and it is worth a lot, so you only have to die. It is.”

It is not nonsense at all, because it knows that it is a Human Race’s territory. It is very likely that the powerful Saint will come at any time. It must be quick and quick, destroy all these little girls, and then rob the treasure.

Now it doesn’t have that many thoughts and nonsense with these little girls, only one word is killed.


It was bombarded with a huge scarlet Tiger Claw, as if the entire martial arts star was in its Tiger Claw, and all Space-Time Laws were held in its hands.

At this moment, the tens of millions of kilometers of Space-Time are still at rest, and any creature can’t move, it seems to be still at this second.

In the face of Saint in the Middle Antiquity level, any mortal is mole crickets and ants. Even the Early Antiquity Saint can’t be an opponent. It can’t compete to control the existence of Time Law.


Blue haired Lolly and the others complexion change, their strength is also considered powerful, but at most it is immortal Peak, perhaps with its strong innate talent, can compete with Early Antiquity Saint.

But if you want to contend with Space-Time Law’s Middle Antiquity Saint, that’s absolutely impossible.

At this time, Little Gold moved in an instant, and her cute eyes instantly became fierce, like a Fierce Tiger awakened from sleep.

Golden Slime Fifth Divine Ability – all-conquering !

This is the Little Gold fusion Earth Source Stone, which gains the vibration rule. It can cut the world’s Matter with no difficulty. Nothing can resist its edge.


In a flash , from childhood Golden Body broke out a black sword glow, as if cutting this Space-Time, any Universe Principle blocked in front of it is cut with no difficulty.

This sword is tyrannical and seems to cut this Void into two halves.


Immediately, the smashing scarlet Tiger Claw was instantly opened by the sword, cut in half, and even the black sword glow moved towards the fierce Tiger Monster.

what? !

The violent Tiger Monster stunned, and it consciously evaded the body. The black sword glow passed over, but the edge of the surroundings broke out, cutting a wound from the face and flowing out of the blood.


Blue haired Loli and the others are all stunned, my heart is shocked, they are still not clear where a moment ago Little Gold did not make full power, just play with them.

If you really do full power, just this sword is enough to cut them in half.

“Is my finance minister so powerful?”

Chong Xiaoqian is a bit embarrassed. She feels that in her own Kingdom, her king is the weakest. All the ministers are more fierce than themselves, and they want to seek a squat.

“Little devil.”

At this moment, the fierce Tiger Monster St. complexion gloomy is terrible, it looks at a blood mark on his face, suddenly it is both shocked and angry, no one can describe its fury at the moment.

If it wasn’t a moment ago, it was timely Dodge, I am afraid that I was hit hard by this sword.

“You irritated me, it is completely irritating my fierce Tiger Monster St., a moment ago this Seat really looked down on you, but it will not be from now on, this Seat wants to tear you up, will you up and down the flesh and Blood is swallowed in, so that you don’t leave the film, do you know the film?” Lie Tiger Monster holy unable to restrain one’s anger.

From it, the horrible monster qi, black cloud, hiding the sky and covering the earth, covering hundreds of millions of kilometers, surrounding tens of thousands of planets are shaking, all the Strength of Universe Source are gathered.

This is the fury of the Middle Antiquity Monster Saint, which is capable of destroy the heaven and exterminate the earth !

(End of this chapter)