God Level Demon

Chapter 2644

2653. Chapter 2644 swindler Demon God

Chapter 2644 swindler Demon God

“Why wake me up, don’t know if I am sleeping, rehabilitating?”

At this time, in this palace, an old voice sounded up, constantly vibration, seems to contain a strange strength, distorted Void.

“Sorry, this is a last resort situation, and the situation is urgent, so I have to wake up everyone who is sleeping.”

A voice starts to talk.

“Well, what happened? Need to wake me up? Could it be that something happened to Hell?”

“Remember, if it’s not a major event, I will be ruthless.”

“Say, what is happening is actually worth making you spend such a big price and wake me up.”

Many voices came out of this volt, buzzing.

“The real Demon God’s inheritance has appeared.”

That sound said solemnly.

“what did you say ?!”

It’s just a simple sentence. All the unknown presences in the room are shocked. It’s like a storm that sweeps every unknown existence and it’s shocking.

“Impossible, since the real Demon God died, there is no second demon to inherit the real God’s Power. It’s been a countless year, and it’s still impossible to have a second real Demon God.”

“That’s right, want to inherit the real God God’s Power, the conditions are extremely harsh, from ancient times to the present, experience countless epoch, do not know how many demons 觊觎 true God God’s Power, trying to find the real Demon God’s inheritance temple, get inheritance, But all failed. Even if we are painstaking, but also useless.”

“Where do you know where you are in the end, can it be true, this matter is extremely important, and it can’t be gibberish here.”

These existential atmospheres are extremely grave, murderous aura, obviously this news is really shocking them, if it is true, it is indeed worth the cost to wake them up.

“It’s true, before I sent tens of billions of Void Monsters, I’m going to annihilation one of the high Hell planes.”

There is said solemnly: “originally I thought it was just a simple battle campaign. After the countless years of layout, I have already clarified the defense of the high Hell plane, and once again captured the success, and even the higher. The devil of Hell plane kills bits and pieces, and it is necessary to destroy this high Hell plane.

But who can think of it, the real Demon God’s inheritance appeared, and when it appeared, it used the real magic God’s Power, killing my tens of billions of Void Monster, making this plan a success.

Even I used to try to separate the attack and use the strength of Curse, Curse, the true Demon God’s inheritance, but I don’t know what the other party used, and actually solved my attack with no difficulty. ”

It tells the intelligence that it knows, and it is very detailed.

After listening to these words, many of the presences are silent. They all have special strengths. They can naturally determine whether the other person is lying or not. Can be sure that this is can it be true.

But there is no doubt that this incident is indeed true, without any falsification.

“Yes, you did a good job. The real Demon God’s successor actually appeared again. This is indeed a very important thing. It is worthwhile to wake me up.”

A voice said solemnly.

“Completely didn’t expect, millions and millions of epochs passed, and actually there is life that can inherit the real God’s Power, it is unimaginable, real incredible.”

“It’s not surprising that this World has an inexhaustible number of Life. Occasionally there is one that appears, which is in line with the miracle, so it will be born, and I have already expected it.”

“It is indeed expected, but didn’t expect the timing is so bad, late, not appearing, not appearing at night, actually appeared when we are asleep. If it is not the law of Hell that obstructs us, we can personally take this Damned Real Demon God’s inheritance kills and eradicates the aftermath.”

“Is this fate? At this moment, the fate is in the hands of the real Demon God, not in my hands.”

“No, what’s the fate, fate can’t stop me from waiting for Will. I don’t want anyone to die if I want to die, even if I hide at the end of Hell.”

Many do not know the existence of discus spiritedly, murderous aura, Void deep place filled with terrifying killing intent, they feel the incomparable taboo of the new born true Demon God successor, killing quickly.

“Why are you so jealous of the true Demon God’s successors?”

At this time, the sound start to talk asks: “In reality, the successor of Demon God is not the first time, and there are some powerful Demon God’s successors, but I don’t know that it is so taboo, I need to raise the alert. To this extent?”

It is very doubtful.

“Nooooo, you are still young, don’t know the true terrifying of Demon God, it’s even Demon God, but it’s also the most special one of Demon God among.”

“Yeah, it died too early, and it has been dead for too long. Even Demon God has forgotten the real terrifying of Demon God.”

These exist emotionally said.

“I admit that the real Demon God is indeed powerful, but its Divine Power is just keeping the promise of that’s all, the god of contract and justice, such a strength does not seem to have much fighting strength.”

The voice is doubtful.

“Contract and justice?”

When I heard this, a person suddenly laughed and laughed loudly: “Wrong, you are wrong, that guy is not a contract and a fair Demon God, it is the most fateful contract and fair Demon God.

It is a contract that is beneficial to it, and it obeys it. Any contract that is unfavorable to it will be torn. All signed contracts are for their benefit. ”

“That’s right, don’t think that its name is real Demon God, it is the promise and the fair Spiritual God, in reality in the eyes of Deities, that guy is a swindler god, the whole strongest swindler of Hell.”

The other exists said with a sneer.

“How is it possible? Can it still violate its own power?”

The voice was shocked.

“No, justice, contract and promise are not its power. The real power of Demon God is deception!”

A presence of start to talk.

“The true strength to the extreme is false, the false strength to the extreme is real, false and real change, come and go freely, change thousands, turn false to be true, turn true and false, reverse Yin-Yang, distor the truth deliberately, That’s the real most powerful terrifying strength of Demon God strongest.”

“What it says is true, even if it is originally false, it must be true.”

“It is the law that it says, like Jinkouyu, not to be rebellious.”

“The country in which it exists is a false country, a fairy tale country, a mythical country.”

“It’s wherever one goes, all Life is not allowed to lie, not to violate the promise, only it can, the Lord’s strength can exempt everything.”

The sounds of one after another came out and seemed to resonate with the law. It was like a countless believer singing, with an incredible Strength of Law.

(End of this chapter)