God Level Demon

Chapter 2401

Chapter 2401 kills Zerome

“A sumsara life and death!”

Xia Ping looks at the distant Middle Antiquity Monster Saint Zerome, his Hell’s Golden Crow’s Eye sees Space-Time and traces Karma. No matter how fast the Middle Antiquity Monster Saint Zerome speed is, there is nothing under his eyes.

I saw him holding the Samsara Brush and gently moving towards the Void.


In a flash, from the Samsara Brush internal deep place, a horrible strength broke out, like the first rays of light that Chaos opened, the most primitive and pure strength.

This rays of light traces Karmic Thread, across the infinite Space-Time, and instantly arrives at the Middle Antiquity Monster Saint Zerome.

“Impossible, this, what is this strength?!”

The body of Middle Antiquity Monster Saint Zerome shook a bit. It ran up and seemed to feel a fatal crisis. It couldn’t help but look back and wonder what happened.

But this time, it is eternal.

A white rays of light blasted across Space-Time, and this strength pierced the head of the Middle Antiquity Monster Saint Zerome and tore its Soul.

This is like a hit by Extreme Antiquity Nether God, which traces the power of Karma.

“Dead, I am so dead? How is it possible?!”

Middle Antiquity Monster Saint Zerome smashed, no resistance, so fell into the dark and limitless dark, the huge corpse lying in the midair.

“It’s Samsara Brush, and the strength is extraordinary.”

Xia Ping zé zé admire, feeling very much.

If you rely on his own strength, it is estimated that it is difficult to kill a Middle Antiquity Saint. After all, the speed of the Middle Antiquity Monster Saint is too fast, and the Space-Time Domain is used, and a breath spans hundreds of light years.

The Life Force of Middle Antiquity Saint is also extremely tenacious, even if the Whirling Disaster Poison can support for a long time.

Only Samsara Brush traces Karma, reverses samsara, and Soul’s Supreme divine tool, which can be used with no difficulty for a Middle Antiquity Saint.

However, this shot also made Xia Ping’s body’s Magic Power consume a lot, not at all times.

“It seems that I have to go immediately, and I have died of a Middle Antiquity Monster Saint. It is a great event of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering, maybe even Monster Race Old Ancestor will be completely alarmed.”

Xia Ping big hand A wave of Zeerome’s body was immediately taken away and lost to World’s Tree refining, I believe that a Time Fruit will be condensed soon.


He doesn’t say anything further, figure flashes, jumps Space-Time, and uses Phaseless Mask to hide his own aura, concealing all the information and strength of himself.

After half an hour, Xia Ping landed on a remote island outside of Thunderclap Continent.

This place is a short distance from Thunderclap Continent, the location is in the remote, and it is the moment of the Human Race and Monster Race. I believe no one will find this place in a short time.

He immediately entered a mountain range of the island, some among the cave, temporarily retreating, and then took out more than 900 Immemorial Heavenly Dragon Talisman from 2,000 from Monster Temple.

If you take out 46 of the Immemorial Heavenly Dragon Talisman, you can immediately form 3,000 Immemorial Heavenly Dragon Talisman, recreating the Immemorial Era.

This is not as simple as adding several times to strength, it is hundreds of times, thousands of times, or even tens of thousands of times.

The complete condition of the Immemorial Heavenly Dragon Talisman’s might is just over the vast majority of Saint’s imagination.

And by completely refining these Immemorial Heavenly Dragon Talisman, you can remove the Spiritual imprint that Monster Saint left on the Immemorial Heavenly Dragon Talisman. If this happens then those Monster Saints can no longer find themselves with these Spiritual imprints.

“let’s start.”

Xia Ping sat on the floor with his knees and immediately began to refining the three thousand Immemorial Heavenly Dragon Talisman.


At the moment, Himes City over in the sky.

The Middle Antiquity Monster Saint, which is fighting the Human Race Saint, also immediately perceives the abnormality of the Middle Antiquity Monster Saint Zerome, and the complexions have changed dramatically.

“What happened? Why is the connection with Zerome’s Spiritual interrupted? Its aura, why suddenly disappeared with disappear without trace, not on Thunderclap Continent?”

A Middle Antiquity Monster Saint complexion is very ugly, and it is faintly faint in its heart. It seems that something uneasy is coming, as if the Zerom is too fierce.

“Not going to die?”

Hearing these words, another Middle Antiquity Monster Saint said his guess, such aura interruption, suddenly disappeared, only Death reason can explain the occurrence of such an abnormality.

“Impossible, Zerome, but Middle Antiquity Monster Saint, understands the existence of Time Law. It is going to the purchase of a small Immortal Saint. How could it die? Who can kill it?”

There is Middle Antiquity Monster Saint yelling and don’t believe in such ridiculous things.

“Yeah, don’t say this unfounded thing, don’t shake the heart here.”

City Lord Patrick angrily shouted, I feel very dissatisfied, free to spread the rumor here, do not know how much impact on their morale.

It feels that this is just a guess and should not be gibberish here.

“The problem is that Wu Wudi is an Immortal Saint. Doesn’t he have a helper? If you are in the process of escape, Zerome flustered and exasperated, not in the heart of the Human Race, the maybe will be dying. “”

Vice City Lord Randolph made a different opinion. It still feels that Zerom is so fierce. If it is not, the aura of Zerome will not disappear inexplicably.

“No way, that bastard actually dared to kill a Middle Antiquity Monster Saint in Monster Race. Is he tired?”

“If there is no such guts, how can the guy dare to come to the Himes City Monster Temple and steal our Immemorial Heavenly Dragon Talisman.”

“damn, it’s really audacious in the extreme, and Wu Wudi is guilty of sin.”

“Take away the 2,000 multiple Immemorial Heavenly Dragon Talisman that we painstakingly get, and now kill us a Middle Antiquity Monster Saint, this is absolutely safely irreconcilable, be sure to kill the rabbit scorpion and tear him to the body to thousands of pieces.”

“The thief is too damn, come to Himes City and kill and grab, when our Friends City is somewhere.”

“Find, be sure to find him, definitely not let Wu Wudi.”

A respectable Middle Antiquity Monster Saint snarls, unable to restrain one’s anger.

Even if they have been fighting Human Race for so long, they are in a disadvantageous position, but with the Life Force of Middle Antiquity Monster Saint, there isn’t a dead one at the moment, at most, it is seriously injured.

Now, in order to purify Wu Wudi, it is a shame to let them Monster Race die a Middle Antiquity Monster Saint. What a loss, what a loss, and how to make them angry!

If Wu Wudi appeared in front of them, they simply couldn’t wait to tear the body to thousands of pieces and annihilate the nine.

Because now it is not only the loss of precious property, but also the loss of a large number of Monster Race elite, such hatred is even higher than the mountains, and the sea is deeper.

They can’t imagine how angry they are at the end at the moment.

(End of this chapter)