God Level Demon

Chapter 234

Hotel room.

At this time, Nangong Wu was lying quietly on the bed, tightly closing the eyes, the white face was red, and the temperature on his body rose, it seems to burn.

There are only three people in the room, Xia Ping, Jiang Yaru and Chu Rong.

“Xia Ping.”

Jiang Yaru’s suspicious look at Xia Ping said: “Why don’t you send Nangong Wu to Hospital, but bring this room? What bad idea are you playing?”

Xia Ping squinted his eyes: “Because the bastard gave medicine to Nangong Wu, even if it was sent to Hospital, it could not do anything about it.”

“Send to Hospital can also do’t do anything about it?” Hearing this, Jiang Yaru complexion suddenly changed, seems to think of something, suddenly furious, “Is that group of pastard gave Nangong Wu the kind of shameless medicine?”

She immediately remembered that there was a drug on World that worked for a woman, causing a sharp increase in the hormone in the woman, even if she was sent to Hospital, she could do anything about it.

If it is the kind of unscrupulous drug, it is indeed sent to the hospital and can’t do anything about it.

“How could this be? Is there no antidote?” Chu Rong complexion changed, she clenched the powder punch, very angry, she hated the group of Hua Capital City examinee.

If they didn’t stop in time, I am afraid that Nangong Wu’s innocence was destroyed this evening, but now it seems that the situation has not improved much.

“Antidote? Of course, or why I sent her to the Hotel here.” Xia Ping patted the chest, confidently, saying that he had antidote to save Nangong Wu.

“can it be true ?!”

Upon hearing this, Jiang Yaru suddenly rejoiced: “What are you waiting for here, don’t you take the antidote out and rescue Nangong Wu? Hey, give me, etc. Why did you start undress? shameless rogue, you What are you doing here, do you know that there is a girl here, do you know what is shame?!”

She roared Xia Ping, simply wants to beat the bastard, how can a man look like this, actually said to start undress, shameless to the extreme.

And at the time of speaking, the bastard had only one panty left.

This situation can be seen as she is scared, red-faced, and simply can’t wait to go to the bastard. The basic bastard figure is good, there are six packs, but it can’t be casually undressed, too shameless.


Chu Rong is also complexion red, take a sip and can’t look at it.

“Do you still want to understand? I am the biggest antidote, as long as I sleep with her, this drug is resolved in minutes, not a big deal.”

Xia Ping was so good that he even put his clothes neatly stacked, Da La La said.

“Like this kind of thing, I have never been able to be shirked without dishonor. I can’t help myself. Don’t worry, if you have this medicine in the future, you can call me, when the time comes, no matter where I am. Everything will be thrown away, and it will not be delayed for half a second.”

He patted the chest, indicating that Chu Rong and Jiang Yaru could not be shirked without dishonor if there was such a need.


Chu Rong angry Half-dead, roaring about this shameless rogue, she was still wondering, this bastard in the end want to use what method to save Nangong Wu, didn’t expect it is such a bad idea.

Think of yourself as a large antidote, help detoxify, solve my ass poison, this is clearly want to and Nangong Wu it’s too late to change anything now, this is to want to friendship with Nangong Wu, this is to want to take advantage of.

This kind of behavior, and the group of shameless Hua Capital City examinee, the difference is not to the extreme.


Jiang Yaru is also a red-faced face, with his eyes smashing him, what is called this kind of need will not be shirked without dishonor, crazy to come, so the thick shameless words can also be said.

This guy has a thick skin, and simply can be related to the cutting board with respect to the terms. Even the bullets can’t be worn.

I am jealous, this shameless rogue also wants to have such a good thing, it is best not to think about it, even if there is only one rogue man left in the whole world, she will never let this rogue detoxification.

Wait, what’s going on, take off, this bastard is going to take off his underwear.

“Stop rogue!”

Jiang Yaru immediately shot to stop Xia Ping’s action: “If you dare to take off your underwear, I will fight with you and immediately call you to catch you.” She licked Xia Ping and baring teeth.

Chu Rong is also taking Xia Ping, just like the looks at what is abnormal.

“You are a bit too much.”

Xia Ping stopped her own action and shouted: “I know that Nangong Wu is in danger, but I still intend to stop me. Do you think that I am willing to do this kind of thing? No, I am not very happy, it is completely forced. Helpless.”

“But now, besides me, who else can save Nangong Wu? No, no one is there.”

“So, I am dedicated to saving people. This is not to contain the taste of indigestion. It is purely a medical behavior. It can be said to be surgery. Yes, you should be a surgical operation.”

“You go out and wait for two hours. When the time is up, I will ask you to come in. when the time comes Nangong Wu will be able to wake up, I will say that everything is going well and everything is perfect.”

He showed a devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence and waved his hand to let Chu Rong and Jiang Yaru go out to wait.

“Short surgery!”

Jiang Yaru and Chu Rong took Xia Ping and spent so much time. They still don’t know the character of this rogue. They clearly want to take care of the girl and not be awake. She is cheaper and wants to occupy Nangong Wu’s innocence.

When the time comes it’s too late to change anything now , what is done cannot be undone , if this happens then , where Nangong Wu is still running away, has long fallen into the Palm Heart of this shameless man.

If this time is not small in the heart, and gave birth to child, Nangong Wu probably has to work hard for him all his life.

For Xia Ping’s Evil, they are very clear, and definitely can’t let this guy succeed.

And I want them to go out and wait outside the room, waiting for an egg. Can they see the pictures at this shameless Xia Ping in the room, do all kinds of things that can’t be described to Nangong Wu? !

“How, what? What surgery, You, you, what are you talking about here?”

Just at this time, a voice suddenly sounded.

“Nangong Wu, are you awake?!”

Jiang Yaru and Chu Rong are a joy. They saw the anonymously stunned Nangong Wu wake up. She was lying on the bed and rubbing her eyes. It seemed that her head was still confused.

“What are you doing in my room?”

Nangong Wu squinted at the eyes, but soon the complexion changed: “No, no, I should stay at the banquet, talk to the examinee of Hua Capital City, still eating and drinking?”

She remembered that she should stay at the banquet, and a group of people chilling, but the next second I actually appeared in my Hotel room, which is really unimaginable.

“Nangong Wu, you have been slip a drug, so we moved you back.” Seeing that Nangong Wu is still very confused, Jiang Yaru and Chu Rong will be a moment ago, narrate systematically and In full detail is said.

what? !

After listening to these words, Nangong Wu’s complexion also gloomy down, pinching the powder punch.