God Level Demon

Chapter 2306

Chapter 2306 Space Fruit

At the moment, Myriad Stars Ship is heading towards Thunderclap, and Xia Ping is back in the Mountains and Rivers Bead space.

“Hmm? !”

Suddenly, Xia Ping found that the World’s Tree of the Sea of ​​Consciousness deep place was shaking, and at the same time produced a swallowing ***, so that the idea was conveyed to himself.

“What? Actually want to devour Saint’s corpse?!”

Feeling this thought, he moved in the heart and found that World’s Tree had a great interest in engulfing the Elemental Clan Saint’s corpse and seemed to have great benefits for its growth.

Original World’s Tree can only increase its strength by engulfing the corpses of Abyss Demon, devil, etc. Dark Creature, but after a period of Evolution, any Saint corpse has a huge appeal.

Apparently it devours Energy’s Ability to get the transformation of the further onwards.

After all, the energy of each Saint within the body is like the same strain of sacred medicine, which contains a huge Life Force.

Although for World’s Tree, the dark creatures of Abyss Demon are better, and they are considered staple foods, but other Saint’s corpses are also good desserts.

Sōu sōu sōu ! ! !

When he thought of it, he did not hesitate, and immediately took out a number of Elemental Clan’s Saint corpses from the body and placed them on the ground.

Suddenly World’s Tree shook, thousands of roots had to be explored from the Void deep place, and the corpses were instantly riddled with holes, and the countless roots had to penetrate every corner of the corpses.

Huā lā lā ~~~

These Saint corpses dried up with the speed of the naked eye and quickly dried up. It was only a few breaths. The energy of these Saint corpses was swallowed by World’s Tree.

In particular, Casio, the Early Antiquity Saint, was not only engulfed by the energy of the body, but even the fragments of the Space Law with the body deep place contain, which was completely swallowed up.


Xia Ping blinked. After seeing World’s Tree devour the corpse of Early Antiquity Saint Casio, it seemed to have endless benefits. Its trunks, branches, roots, etc. all got huge giants, and several kilometers high. .

At the same time, the huge space energy, the fragments of Space Law, are merging every corner of World’s Tree, and every cell among.

Vaguely, World’s Tree emits a huge space aura, as if each leaf contains a rich space energy, have guts self-contained space aura.

Hōng lóng lóng ~~

I don’t know how long it took, the energy, Space Law fragments swallowed from Casio, and they quickly gathered together to form a transparent flower on the branches of World’s Tree.

And this transparent flower also grows rapidly, and finally turns into a transparent fruit. The appearance looks sparkling and translucent, emits a rich space aura, it seems that the fruit internal contains a World.

Space Fruit !

Seeing this fruit, Xia Ping body couldn’t help but see the bright light of his eyes. He immediately got information about the fruit from World’s Tree.

This is the World Strange that World’s Tree devours after the Early Antiquity Saint Casio – Space Fruit !

It is a strange fruit that condenses the Space Law shards of Casio with the body, space energy, etc., contains a huge amount of space energy, and Space Law.

If ordinary people take this fruit, they have a great chance to understand Space Law and even transform their body, so that their body is slowly transformed into Space Body.

“Unbelievable, World’s Tree is incredible.”

Xia Ping is also completely shaken by the World’s Tree’s Ability. World’s Tree is not only the World Sacred Tree, but also the great life above all plants. It is amazing.

Saint wants to understand Space Law, it takes years of accumulation, and sparks like inspiration, this has a little bit opportunity.

But World’s Tree is plundering the Space Law of Early Antiquity Saint within the body, taking all the space energy of Early Antiquity Saint as its own, completely refining and condensing into Space Fruit.

If this happens then, you don’t need to specifically understand Space Law. Just take such a Space Fruit and you can naturally understand the various laws of Universe.

It can only be said that Demon Tree among Demon Tree among, the horror Life that grew up by swallowing, plundering the natural resources of the Universe, and the Universe all kinds Laws Information.

Even if World’s Tree continues to grow, can it be condensed by killing Middle Antiquity Saint and condensed into a strange fruit of Time Fruit and so on.

It can be said that World’s Tree wants to grow up, it must be slaughter countless, blood flowing into the river, and the countless Saint’s corpse can cast it to grow.

“I don’t know what it feels like to eat this fruit?!”

Thinking of this, Xia Ping took the Space Fruit off and immediately swallowed the transparent, crystal-like fruit.

Hōng lóng lóng ~~~

The entrance to this Space Fruit quickly turned into space liquid, merging Xia Ping’s four limbs and hundred bones, even for every cell.

At the same time a large number of Space Law fragments, as well as a large number of Strength of Space are in his with the body to rush forth.

At the moment, he also learned a lot about mysteries about Space Law.

Pa pa pa ~~~

Even the cells of these Strength of Space merging Xia Ping within the body actually caused the crystallization and spatialization of his with the body cell, and each cell seems to be transformed into a separate space Small World.

His with the body’s Magic Power is also in a crazy upgrade.

Vaguely, the Spiritual Domain on his body seems to have a tendency to crystallize and spatialize.

Once you fully understand Space Law, it is the moment when his Spiritual Domain is completely transformed into Space Domain. The strength is ten times higher and more than one hundred times.

“Too little, this Space Fruit contain Space Law information, and space energy is still too little.”

After a moment of skill, Xia Ping completely refining the energy of this Space Fruit. He felt that his strength and the understanding of Space Law have improved a lot.

It is a pity that this fruit is a condensed version of the Space Law of Casio with the body. The other side is just Saint of the Early Antiquity Initial Stage, and the savings are not deep enough. There are too few Space Law fragments with the body contain, which is not enough.

And the foundation of his body, the savings are too much, far more than the extraordinary Immortal Saint.

If this happens then, it also makes him understand the difficulty of Space Law countless times, but also need to devour a lot of space energy, and comprehend more Space Law information.

If there is no shortcut, I am afraid that it is normal for him to be trapped in Immortal Realm millions and millions of years.

“It seems that going to the Thunderclap waters is imperative. It can kill more Early Antiquity Saints and condense more Space Fruits, so that the cultivation base can make rapid progress and quickly understand the Space Law and condense the space.”

Xia Ping squeezed the fist and he felt that there was another reason to go to the Thunderclap.

(End of this chapter)