God Level Demon

Chapter 2294

Chapter 2294 Revenge!

Just as Xia Ping and the others were planning to return to Storm Island, Elemental Clan Immortal Saint Varadin, who had fled before, appeared in a rocky area in the Storm Sea Region, carefully hidden.

Due to the nature of the Immortal Body, the body at the moment is also quickly restored to its original state, no longer a Soul condition.

However, because the choice of self-detonating body has also caused its Soul to be damaged, it may take a long time to recover the previous peak condition.

This also makes it less likely to be promoted to the Realm of Early Antiquity Saint.

At this time, Varadin carefully flies in the Storm Sea Region.

It also has to be careful, because it is still Ten Thousand Clans battlefield, if you accidentally encounter the alien Saint’s, with its present strength, you can’t beat it, only the body dies and Dao disappears.

“Damn, damned slut, damned human, really damn Ah!”

Varadin roared, unable to restrain one’s anger: “I killed my four Life and Death brothers, and forced me to blew the body, I just managed to escape, let me Soul be damaged, this hato absolutely irreconcilable… I want you to die ,human, I want you to die Ah!”

It hates the extremes of Xia Ping simply and reaches a point where it can’t be reached.

Not to mention that the four life and death brothers died in Xia Ping. Such hatred could not be alleviated. It was just that the damned human was guilty of self-destructive body and Soul was damaged, which led him to comprehend Space Law and promote the opportunity of Early Antiquity Saint. , it would like to Xia Ping this human skin cramps, tear the body to thousands of pieces.

This is more damn than killing the father!

No one can imagine how much Varadin hates Xia Ping, the damned human, as if the millions and millions of fury broke out at this moment.

However, after all, it was the millions and millions of Immortal Saints. The shrewdness was very deep. After a squandering of the skill, it calmed down completely, and the pupil deep place showed a crazy color.

“Stupid human, I’m afraid you haven’t found out. In the Space Ring that I left, there are some Treasures that keep my Soul Seal.” Varadin pinched fist, gnashing one’s teeth, “As long as these Treasures are not destroyed, They are like each and everyone Spiritual coordinates, and they can be perceived by me whenever I go to somewhere.”

“If you can perceive it, it will completely leak your whereabouts. This will be your fatal cause!”

It’s normal to leave your Soul Seal in Treasure.

Once these Treasure have their own Soul Seal, it is like turning their own hands and feet, no matter how distant the distance, there will be inexplicable induction.

Although such a sense is too far away, or if there is some kind of strength isolation, it will break, but as long as these Treasures are still in the Storm Sea Region, this kind of induction can’t be interrupted.

“No, you can’t continue to delay, you must find someone to take revenge.”

Varadin gritted his teeth: “If this secret is found in the Space Ring by this human, or if they take the opportunity to return to the Human Race’s base, Storm Island, and sell all Treasure, then it will be all over and no longer see this human.

So to kill these humans, the chance is that within three days, they found a helper to kill them within three days of not returning to Storm Island. ”

In the Storm Sea Region, not only are the Human Race forces, but also the elements of their peak races such as Elemental Clan, Monster Race, etc. They also have comrades-in-arms and vassal races.

These are all helpers!

“But that human is too strong. If you want to kill him, you can’t let Immortal Saint come over. Otherwise, it’s not take revenge and wipe out a grudge, but die.”

Varadin pinches the fist.

Although not willing to admit, but it also has to admit that it has a deep fear of that human, if not make a prompt decision, run fast, I am afraid to die.

This kind of strength is not the usual Immortal Realm Saint can deal with, only the Early Antiquity Saint, which is more formidable than Immortal Saint, can kill and deal with it.

Relatively here, it feels incredible, obviously the damned human, just like it, is just Saint of the Immortal Realm Late Stage, why is formidable to this extent, when human has such a horrible Immortal Saint.

“It seems that this thing can only be found for Casio adults. It is already Saint of the Early Antiquity Realm Initial Stage. I have learned about Space Law 10 million years and should have the strength to kill that human.”

Varadin’s eyes are deep ray of light.

In reality If you can, it even wants to call a Middle Antiquity Saint, crushing the opponent with the strength of strongest, so that the damned human has no chance to escape.

But in the Storm Sea Region among, the most formidable is the understanding of Space Law’s Early Antiquity Saint. As for Middle Antiquity Saint, the Expert of Rank does not appear in the barren land of the Storm Sea Region.

So, it can’t do anything about it, and can only retreat to it, choosing the Casio adult who is the Early Antiquity Saint Initial Stage.

Thinking of this, Varadin did not hesitate, immediately took out the communicator and chose to connect Early Antiquity Saint Casio.


The Storm Sea Region, countless island stands in a palace of the nameless island.

In this palace, there are seven Elemental Clan Saints, six of which are Immortal Saint, which basically reach the realm of the Immortal Realm peak, and the last one is the understanding of Space Law’s Early Antiquity Saint Casio.

“Haha, it’s true that Casio is really too formidable.”

“I know, right? Previously a Human Race Saint Squad, at least six Immortal Saints, Treasure numerous, strong tyrannical, but after encountering Casio adults, immediately crouched, utterly defeated.”

“The stupid human Saint still wants to run? But where did you run through to understand the Casio adults at Space Law? One move is just a move. It penetrates the countless space and directly hits those Immortal Saints. It’s better to die, Soul is defeated.”

“Indeed, those Immortal Saint still want to blew themselves, simply dreaming. Casio adults can shuttle thousands of layers of space, where they can smash and kill. Do more, just final struggle.”

“There are Casio adults here, we are in the Storm Sea Region simply the existence of Wudi.”

“Military power, Treasure, let us plunder, and live a life that is comfortable.”

Each and everyone Elemental Clan Immortal Saint immensely proud of oneself, constantly shooting Casio’s flattering, the mood is called Shu Tan.

After all, they were only careful in the Storm Sea Region, with their own self-conduct, not too arrogant, but with the Casio Blessing of Early Antiquity Saint, they could simply walk in the barren land of the Storm Sea Region.

Countless Immortal Saint sees them as both terror-stricken at the news.

There is no difference between such a day and Taishanghuang.

“Hmm? Varadin is looking for me. What is this brat looking for me? I wanted to recruit it and let it be my men. It’s all three. I’m actually taking the initiative and it’s interesting.”

At this time, Casio in the heart, saw his own communicator rang.

(End of this chapter)