God Level Demon

Chapter 2291

Chapter 2291 is dead like this.


Five Great Elemental Clan Saint is collectively eyeing Xia Ping, murderous aura, because the other three Human Race Saints have Violent Poison, and even if they don’t care, they are sure to die.

Only this human is not poisoned and has the best chance to escape, so if you can kill this Human Race Saint’s, then this group of humans will be wiped out.

Hōng lóng lóng ~~~

They smashed from the left, rear, left and right directions, manipulating Elemental Power, turning into a horrible cold glow, earth-shattering, covering almost the area.

Obviously, they want to completely block all the retreats of Xia Ping. The Void deep place contains an infinite killing intent, as if the millions and millions of kilometers are boiling at this moment, and the energy storm is set off.


At this moment, Xia Ping moved, figure flashed, and stepped forward, like a ghost, with no difficulty merging Void, instantly disappeared into the enemy’s field of vision.

Then he went out of thin air for dozens of kilometers.

“What? How could it be so fast?”

Five Great Elemental Clan Saint immediately shocked, they clearly perceive that there is a burst of space fluctuations in all around, just as this human has realized Space Law.

Such speeds are so fast that they are not captured by Divine Consciousness. A blink of an eye is out of their attack range, and all the strengths are in the air.


Xia Ping took Hell’s Spear from his body, a horrible Strength of Hell emerged from his with the body deep place, all around filled with Nether God’s Power, a formidable Spiritual Domain enveloped, spread all over Light years.

This split second, Five Great Elemental Clan Immortal Saint feels that the environment of the universe around all changes radically, and he fell into the Boundless Hell among, the countless Evil Ghost devil all frantically bite up, besieged on all sides.

Hell’s Suppressing Demon Spear Second Style – Slaughter!

A killing intent from Hell emerged from the spear tip, and the spear seemed to emerge the countless Hell script, forming a Hell scripture that communicated with Hell Strength of Source.

These Hell scripts seem to be alive, squirming, spear tip, and Strength of Hell, and they are each other, creating a terrible slaughter energy.

Originally Hell’s Spear is the formidable weapon held by Hell’s Warden, used to kill Evil Ghost, devil, and even Gods and Demons. Its attack is it obvious.

In addition, Xia Ping has reached the Immortal Realm Late Stage, and his Magic Power is terrible to the point where there is no margin. This a spear is more terrible than any of his previous ones.

First and foremost, Metal Elemental Clan Saint Pad, which is closest to Xia Ping, is completely unresponsive, because the speed of this spear is too fast and too fast, and Divine Consciousness can’t capture it.

When it was discovered, the long spear had penetrated its body.


Metal Elemental Clan Saint Pad 瞪big eyes , the deep place of the pupil reveals a panic, shock, unwillingness and unbelievable look. It is impossible to imagine that he actually has Human Race Saint’s a spear.

This spear’s strength is terrifying, containing the terrible Slaughter’s Power and Strength of Hell, which pervades every part of the Pad body through its own body, even infiltrating Soul.

With a bang sound, Metal Elemental Clan Saint Pad can’t even scream, the core of the element with the body is instantly shattered, and the whole body collapses like this, completely split up and in pieces.

The Metal Elemental Clan Saint Pad died like this.


Wood Elemental Clan Saint Strong angrily shouted, it is the best, it has the best relationship with Pad, they have known each other for hundreds of millions of years, and the feelings are deeper than the family member.

Originally, it thought that it could survive all the time, and lived on the day when it quit the war, but it was completely didn’t expect that Pad was actually dead. He was killed by the Human Race a spear, and even struggling can’t do anything about It.

“Hey, you dare to kill Pad, I can’t spare you, I want you to die, let you die without a burial site Ah! !!”

Fire Elemental Clan Saint Delion’s temper, angrily shouted, a wrath from the soles of the feet to the celestial cover, apparently Pad’s death greatly stimulated it, making it feel like fury never before.

“Kill him, he must kill him.”

“You can’t let him run, start the Great Formation, and smash him into pieces.”

Water Elemental Clan Saint Varadin and Earth Elemental Clan Saint are both gnashing one’s teeth. They originally thought that this action was foolproof. It was really smooth at first, first trapped this group of Human Race Saints with Five Elements Shackles.

They consuming these Human Race Saint’s strengths, and then they didn’t take it anymore. With the Whirling Disaster Poison, they immediately let the three Human Race Saints quickly step into Death.

In the end, there is only one Human Race Saint left. It is just one. They think it is extremely simple to solve. It is similar to drinking tea. Who can think of such a change.

This damned slut played the pig to eat the tiger, let Pad relax, a face-to-face, just a face-to-face, actually killed the Immortal Saint Pad as Metal Elemental Clan.

Just kidding, how could they make this damned human Saint alive, you must kill him, tear him to the body to thousands of pieces, take a revenge and wipe out a grudge.

Xia Ping simply ignored the anger of these Elemental Clan Saint’s. They dared to come to ambush themselves and they had to be prepared for Death. Could they be allowed to kill others and not allow others to kill them? ! It’s stupid to have such a truth on World.

He held Hell’s Spear, just like Nether God, and did not give them any chance to stop, and shot again.

Hell’s Suppressing Demon Spear Third Style – Create!

I saw Hell’s Spear pen dragon snake, like the Samsara Brush, sketching a track, Void among emerges one after another Hell World, seems to be a Hell picture scroll.

But these Hiller rivers of the Hell picture scroll internal, each track, contain the Peerless killing intent, as if connected to Hell’s Source, all the Strength of Hell broke out at the same time.


A Hell picture scroll is crushed down, like the Hell scripture. Each pair emits a terrible, Strength of Hell, which suppresses the Void, as if Hell Nether God is coming.

From these Hell picture scroll internal deep places, thousands of Hells are emerging, as if the countless Hell’s Warden was born from Void and resurrected from the Chaos era.

The strength of this strike is terrifying, standing in front of Wood Elemental Clan Saint Strong, and Earth Elemental Clan Immortal Saint without warning, their bodies are suddenly worn by countless Hell.

Dōng dōng dōng ! ! !

Suddenly, they made a scream of screams. These contain the edge of Strength of Hell. They directly infiltrated Soul, and they immediately tore their souls into pieces, and they were thousands of holes.

Elemental Clan Saint of the two Immortal Realm peaks fell on the spot, with the element core of the body immediately shattered, all split up and in pieces.

(End of this chapter)