God Level Demon

Chapter 2288

Chapter 2288 Chapter Five Elements Shackles!

Raindrop Ship above.

“I don’t know what Treasure is on the island. If there are any rare treasures, then it would be fine.”

“Don’t dream, so the island of the wild no-one smoke is estimated to have no Treasure. If there is a Treasure, it will have become a real battlefield. Maybe Early Antiquity Saint will appear in this place.”

“Don’t say that, maybe we are lucky, what Treasure can find.”

Raindrop Saint, Golden Wind Saint, Dark Flame Saint Three casual chats, the atmosphere is very effortless.

“Be careful, there is murderous aura.”

Suddenly, Xia Ping’s eyes showed a glimpse of bright light, wearing a void, running Hell’s Golden Crow’s Eye, seeing all Illusion, and any Illusion Technique couldn’t beat him, and any enemy’s trails were invisible.

At the moment when Five Great Elemental Clan Saint came out of the space Magical Artifact, he at all times monitored the all around Divine Consciousness immediately.

Even if Void among is only a faint wave, it is not enough.

what? !

When I heard Xia Ping, Raindrop Saint, Golden Wind Saint, and Dark Flame Saint were shocked. The whole body cell immediately became alert. The attitude was slower than Xia Ping, but after being reminded, they also perceive it. To the scary murderous aura of the Void deep place, and the terrible pressure from the topple the mountains and overturn the seas.

As if this moment, from the island deep place came terrifying killing intent, pierced Void, stabbed their whole body are hair, felt an unprecedented crisis.

Hōng lóng lóng ~~

In an instant, from the Void deep place, East, South, West, North four directions among, immediately come out one after another horrible energy, thousands of roads, trajectories, dense Void.

These energy contain Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth Strength of Five Elements, which is a substance, as if communicating the energy of the countless Dimension space, and intertwining each other.

However, these Five Elements energy do not directly attack Xia Ping and the others, but the Void distributed in a circle of 100 million kilometers, and they are connected in an instant. The energy rays are like law lines, intertwined together, and finally form a huge The Five Elements Shackles cover a radius of 100 million kilometers.

Under this cage, it seems that the entire Strength of Space is banned, forming an absolute Domain.

“Damn, this is Five Elements Shackles, it’s Saint of Elemental Clan, and those bastard are trying to trap us.”

The Raindrop Saint complexion changed, and he immediately knew that it was the renewed Five Elements Shackles, which contained a sturdy Strength of Law and even distort Void.

Even Immortal Saint, caught in the Five Elements Shackles among, the momentary can not escape from this cage, and finally can only become like a turtle in a jar, killed by enemy.

It is said that this is Elemental Clan’s Supreme Secret Technique, extremely formidable, and many Human Race Saints have been recruited, body dies and Dao disappears.

And Elemental Clan is also one of the peak races, no less powerful than Human Race, can imagine Elemental Clan Saint’s formidable.

“Which Elemental Clan Saint came from somewhere, why didn’t you find it before?”

The Golden Wind Saint complexion is ugly.

If they can find it in advance, they will not be so passive and fall into the enemy’s trap.

“It is estimated that they are hiding in a space Magical Artifact among a moment. This Magical Artifact has a strength that isolates Divine Consciousness. It can be disguised as a meteorite and so on, so we didn’t find it.”

Xia Ping said his guess.

“Go out, don’t stay at Raindrop Ship and play with them.”

Dark Flame Saint immediately said.

After a few moments, Raindrop Saint did not hesitate to open spaceship’s entrance and let Xia Ping and the others quickly get out of Raindrop Ship.

Although Raindrop Ship is Low Grade Saint Artifact, but can not hold the attack of Saint Level, maybe in the fierce battle, it will cause the entire Raindrop Ship to collapse.

In this case, he is afraid that the meat will be terribly painful, and how much damage will make up for it.

With a bang, Xia Ping and the others immediately appeared in the Universe Void among, and Raindrop Saint took the spaceship away.

“Haha, it’s really Human Race Saint, the number is four, and it’s still Immortal Realm Initial Stage.”

“Luck is too good, we guys are so good, really met four newbie.”

“By killing these four guys, you will surely get a windfall, even if it is the Low Grade Saint Artifact level spaceship, it will make up for all our previous losses.”

“Do it, kill them, don’t give them the chance to find cry for help, quick fix.”

Sōu sōu A few times, Five Great Elemental Clan Saint appeared immediately, they appeared in the middle of the top, bottom, left and right, and smashed toward Xia Ping and the others, without hesitation, fierce and sinister.

They also don’t want to chat with Xia Ping and the others. It is an infinite killing intent.

“Damn, it’s over, how is this? How can it be so bad? When you go out, you meet Saint of Five Great immortal peak.” Raindrop Saint complexion deathly white, he can perceive the horrible murderous aura of Five Great Elemental Clan Immortal Saint, and Aura with battle.

The other party can not only have more than their strength and number of people, but also the combat experience is not comparable to their newbie, the gap is extremely huge.

Although they also have four Immortal Saints, but there are five opponents, and they are in an absolute disadvantage from the number of people.

“cry for help, immediately cry for help, let Saint of surroundings to save us.”

Golden Wind Saint immediately said.

“No, a moment ago I have already signaled, but there are no Chinese Race’s Saints in tens of thousands of light years. Even if they want cry for help, they can’t come in a short time.”

Dark Flame Saint gritted his teeth.

SOS he sent out from the beginning, but the friendly forces are too distant from them, and the Storm Sea Region is also very large, even if Reinforcements want to come over, it will take some time.

During this time, they may not be able to hold it.

Obviously, these five Elemental Clan Saints don’t know how long they have been killed in the Storm Sea Region. They also know that the Daoist Saint likes to be besieged, and it is called support.

So they will also take this into account, and they will be quick to avoid being surrounded by Human Race Saint.

Xia Ping’s expression is very calm, without any movement, the area of ​​five Immortal Saint, he is relatively effortless, but he wants to see how the other Immortal Saint’s strength, not in a hurry.

“Think of cry for help, you think we will give you a chance, too naive, Five Elements poisonous snake, bite Void!”

Five Great Elemental Clan Immortal Saint complexion 狰狞, their both hands hand seal , immediately motivated the Restriction Formation of Five Elements Shackles.

I saw that Five Phases Elements, which is filled with Void deep place, quickly gathered together into a poisonous snake, containing Metal Elements, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth.

And the number of these poisonous snakes is too large, reaching billions of billions, densely packed, spread all over Void.

Hōng lóng lóng ~~~

These Five Elements poisonous snake earth-shattering came to the past with Raindrop Saint, Dark Flame Saint, Golden Wind Saint and the others. Every poisonous snake smashed and contained the same star Destroying Cannon.

Just a blow, you can tear a planet with no difficulty.

If it is late, it will be added back, and there should be

(End of this chapter)