God Level Demon

Chapter 2285

Chapter 2285 Storm Sea Region!

At this time, Xia Ping and the others arrived at the Bizarre Area, which also caught the attention of many Immortal Saints on the plain.

“Look, there are new people coming.”

“It’s really, I don’t know how good the newcomers are this time, I hope enough forformable.”

“Newcomers, do you want to join our Fierce Tiger Squad and make sure you can eat delicious food and drink hard liquor.”

“Hurry and join our hungry wolf Squad is the most correct, our Squad is more forformable.”

Each and everyone Immortal Saint is surrounded by Xia Ping and the others, and the attitude is very enthusiastic. I hope that these newcomer’s Immortal Saint can join their own Squad.

In reality Xia Ping also got some news from the Bizarre Area before coming.

In the Bizarre Area among, Saint and Saint also form a team with each other. Some teams are forformable and members are properly configured, so the natural survival rate is high.

Some Squad strengths are small and weak, and the survival rate is low.

But no matter how many years ago, many Saint teams will have some damage, they also need a lot of new blood liquid to join, to make up for the strength of the team.

So, these old birds see so many newbie into the Bizarre Area, they are very excited, looking for new teammates.

“Don’t promise these people, let’s leave and say it for the time being.”

At this time, Golden Wind Saint Divine Consciousness Transmit Message, let Xia Ping and the others know.

Xia Ping and Raindrop Saint and the others look at each other and seem to see each other’s meaning. One after another refuses the invitation of these old birds and says they don’t join any team.

They took a lot of effort to get out of the crowd among, and then came to an open space.

“Golden Wind, why don’t you agree to join those Squad among, have the experience of these old birds, and it should be of great benefit to us familiar with the Bizarre Area.” Raindrop Saint curiously asked.

“Not urgent.”

Golden Wind Saint swings: “We are a newcomer, where do you know which team is good and which team is poor? These enthusiastic people, I am afraid that all are small and weak teams, lack of players, the real formidable team may not need to actively invite, There is no shortage of people. Only by joining such a force, we can have a place in the Bizarre Area.

So now we are staying in this place for a while, and we will take a closer look. After we find the right team, it is not too late for us to join. There is no need to be so anxious. ”

He thinks that the trade rush to join a certain Squad, I am afraid it can only be cannon fodder, if you encounter some heart-threatening Saint, I am afraid that I will not know how I died.

Although everyone is a Human Race, but the heart is separated from the belly, it is not the first time to kill each other.

For the sake of wealth, sometimes the son will kill Father, not to mention the other people.

“Indeed, if you join a certain Squad, you will choose the camp and choose the team. This is a matter of Life and Death. You can’t be sloppy. We still want to say after standing in this place.”

Dark Flame Saint also agrees with this.

“I don’t have any opinion, so stay in this place for a few days to get to know the situation.”

Xia Ping nodded.


A few days later.

Xia Ping was completely settled in the Bizarre Area, where he chose a hotel to rest, and he began to understand the surroundings.

First of all, the Human Race base he arrived at is a remote corner of the Bizarre Area, which everyone knows as the Storm Sea Region.

Although said to be the sea, but there is no ocean here, just an innocent Void, there is a formidable universe storm everywhere, just to understand, so this place is known as the sea.

This sea area is also very dangerous. The universe storms are everywhere. If the ordinary spaceship is careless, it will be torn into countless pieces with no difficulty.

Even Saint can’t easily cross in this sea.

The Human Race base where Xia Ping and the others is located is a Large Island in the Storm Sea Region, Storm Island. The diameter of the island is beyond the thousand years.

Human Race There are a hundred islands in the Bizarre Area that are similarly occupied. These places are also known as novice bases, and countless has just been promoted to Immortal Saint to go to these novice bases for the first step.

Because these novice bases are not particularly dangerous, not the center of Ten Thousand Clans power struggle, the intensity of the war is not so scary, it is a gentle buffer zone.

One day at noon.

Xia Ping, Raindrop Saint, Golden Wind Saint and Dark Flame Saint once again gather together and come to a restaurant for dinner.

“originally, I thought I was ready to go to the Bizarre Area, and didn’t expect the environment in Storm Island to be so comfortable.”

Raindrop Saint emotionally said.

Although Storm Island is a military base, but after years of construction, it is no different from the city of the ordinary, there are a lot of entertainment facilities and service facilities, and some even more luxurious than the outside city.

“It’s comfortable, but the price is expensive.”

Golden Wind Saint shook his head. It only takes 10,000 universal coins to stay in the Storm Island hotel for one night. It is three hundred thousand in one month, and the price of all kinds food is very expensive, at least several times the outside world.

This is because many of Storm Island’s supplies are shipped from other locations and the transportation costs are high.

“And the real Treasure in this place can’t be purchased with universal coins, you need to use points to exchange.”

Golden Wind Saint emotionally said.

After entering the Bizarre Area, all Saints, whether it is Human Race or Dependent Race, whether it is loose cultivator or origin Human Race Sacred Land, are all members of the Human Race Army among.

In Army’s internal system among, there are all kinds of precious Treasures that are suitable for Saint cultivate, enough for the less Saint coveting over, but these require points to exchange.

Without points, they can’t get any Treasure.

And these points are common to Absolute Beginning Sacred Land, Dark Palace, and All Saints Temple’s points.

“It’s true that Storm Island is big and it’s not easy to live.”

Dark Flame Saint.

“It shouldn’t be too difficult. If you can kill a different Saint, you can earn a lot of points immediately.”

Xia Ping slightly smiled.

In the Bizarre Area, if they want to get a lot of points, the most important way is to kill the alien Saint. The more you kill, the more points you get.

This is the real Ten Thousand Clans power struggle battlefield. If the alien Saint died, it will be weakened and it will not be able to make up for a long time. After all, Saint is also difficult to cultivate.

If the alien Saint died much, then the balance of war would favor Human Race.

So in the war in the Bizarre Area, the competition for the territory is not the most important, the important thing is the number of Saint’s.

If the number of alien Saints is killed to a certain extent and it is impossible to defend this area, then this place will naturally become the Human Race’s territory.

In millions and millions of years, Human Race has been killed step by step. Every inch of territory contains a lot of Saint’s blood and 皑皑white bone.

(End of this chapter)