God Level Demon

Chapter 228

At this time, Tianshui City The children of each Aristocratic Family saw the emergence of the examinee of Hua Capital City. Everyone was very excited.

“Those are descendants of each big shot of Hua Capital City, each of whom is a young Aristocratic Family.”

“In the past, getting to know these Hua Capital City Genius is also a great benefit for our exams.”

“Indeed, if you can get to these Genius, let these people take care of us during the exam, and the chance to pass the exam is a bit more.”

“If you can get the other party’s friendship, there is also a huge benefit to our Clan. Aristocratic Family Great Clan like this, fingertip casually misses a little bit of good enough, so that we can eat these little Clan.”

Tianshui City Each Aristocratic Family is discuss spiritedly and has its own wishful thinking.

“Go together, meet Genius in Hua Capital City.” Qin Muyang, who is the son of these Aristocratic Family, immediately made a decision with a group of people.

“I also say hello, this is a kind of etiquette.” Nangong Wu said that he also had to go. After all, his Nangong Family has a lot of business, even if he is connected with Aristocratic Family Great Clan of Hua Capital City.

If she doesn’t say hello and is known, it will make some Hua Capital City big shot unhappy, I am afraid that the future will have no small impact on Nangong Family.

Although reluctant, but also have to comply with this Aristocratic Family rule.

Not only the children of Tianshui City Aristocratic Family, but also the other children’s Clan children are one after another. They talked with the Hua Capital City pampered young master, contacted them, and socialized.

“Xia Ping, don’t you go see it?” asked Jiang Yaru.

Xia Ping waved his hand: “I didn’t have interest, it was better to eat here, sleep after eating.” He said that he was not interested in joining this fun, what is Hua Capital City Genius, not as good as a ham.

He picked up a ham and squish squish ate.

“I know to eat.”

Jiang Yaru despises the look at Xia Ping, but she is not too interested in knowing the descendants of the so-called Hua Capital City big shot. Now she only cares if she can pass the Yan Huang University exam, and the rest are virtual.

Chu Rong is also the same idea. Instead of knowing the hedonistic son of rich parents, it is better to eat the food at the banquet. These are all rare foods and valuable.

This is half an hour.

Xia Ping, Chu Rong, and Jiang Yaru let go of their belly and ignored the social activities of other examinee. They had a bit of stomach gains and couldn’t stop eating until they stopped.

“Ah! ”

At this time, there was a scream in the distance, accompanied by the smashing sound of the glass.

“What’s wrong? This voice is very familiar. Is it Nangong Wu’s voice?!” Chu Rong and Jiang Yaru immediately reacted, and they immediately heard a screaming voice, much like Nangong Wu.

Then they looked at the past and immediately saw that the distance was surrounded by a group of people, which seemed to be the examinee of Hua Capital City, and Nangong Wu was very excited and wanted to leave, but was stopped.

As for Qin Muyang and the others, they are standing next to each other, their expressions are very embarrassing, they want to say something, but they don’t dare to move.

“Looking at the past.”

Xia Ping’s eyes showed a hint of cold glow, with Jiang Yaru and Chu Rong passing immediately, but when she reached the edge of the crowd, she immediately walked out of a tall Hua Capital City examinee, with a height of two meters and a whole body muscle. fierce.

He devils and monsters stare at Xia Ping: “brat, don’t meddling in other people’s business, it’s not about you, hurry to roll me.” He pinched the fist, creaking, showing an explosive strength.

This man is a Martial Artist Realm 1st Heavenly Layer Expert, and its strength is better than that of Qin Muyang.

Jiang Yaru and Chu Rong were shocked. They could feel the threat from each other. It seems that if they have any action, they will be shredded by the other side.


Xia Ping went forward, not saying anything further, his eyes showed a hint of cold glow, he shot in vain, running with the body True Qi, the space is a fist, like Black Bear roaring, air vibration.

“Ah!” That figure high expresse without warning, did not respond at all, the abdomen was hard to give birth to a fist, the screams on the spot, the bile quickly spit out.

His huge body was like a straw-like fly, and he slammed into the crowd among, and he slammed into several Hua Capital City examinee and flew out.

The front was directly emptied, 5-6 examinee was smashed and the ribs were broken, and the screaming on the ground was repeated, and the tall examinee was poured on the ground, foaming at the mouth, apparently stunned by a fist.

what? !

Seeing this scene, the people of the surroundings are one after another to let go, shocked and repeated, some people dare to do it here, unbridled, immediately they do not dare to block, for fear that the other party is a deep background.

Xia Ping went forward and saw the Nangong Wu complexion blush in the middle of the crowd. The look was very unnatural, the beautiful eyes showed anger and panic, and several Hua Capital City examinee were surrounding her, seemingly not letting her go.

Behind these examies, Boss is obviously the Hua Capital City Young Master Xu Yang.

“Xia Ping, what are you doing here, actually in front of so many people, what is the system, and don’t rush to apologize to others.” When Xia Ping came over, Qin Muyang suddenly became anxious, but he knew this brat’s character, absolutely It is the kind of regards of the law and of natural morality. Since Brat is here, it will definitely be a big deal.

The problem is that the people present are basically descendants of the Hua Capital City big shot. All of them are powerful and can be sprayed to death by one person. Where can they be offended?

If only this brat is offended, he doesn’t care if he dies. The problem is that these big shot descendants will fury to them, and the fish pond.


Xia Ping just said a word, did not pay attention to Qin Muyang, and immediately took Nangong Wu away, and those who surrounded it were very taboo and did not dare to stop.

Because a moment ago that Martial Artist Realm 1st Heavenly Layer Expert, was bombarded by this brat a fist, no resistance, showing the strength of the formidable Martial Dao, few people present to dare to smack him.

“Xia Ping !”

When I saw Xia Ping coming, Nangong Wu was relieved. I don’t know why she had great trust in this man, so he let him pull his small hand and stand by him.

“What happened?”

Xia Ping looks at Nangong Wu, asks.


I haven’t waited for Nangong Wu to speak, but at this time, awkwardly, she suddenly fell on Xia Ping chest, which is already unconscious.

“She was slip a drug.”

At this time, Chu Rong and Jiang Yaru also followed, and Chu Rong saw Nangong Wu’s look, and suddenly I saw that Nangong Wu is now very wrong with the body, complexion red, like tomatoes.

Her Father is Dojo Dojo Master. She used to go out of the wilderness to hunt monsters. She knows a lot of scum means and taught her a lot of knowledge.

Therefore, Chu Rong suddenly saw that Nangong Wu was now slip a drug, otherwise it would never become like this.