God Level Demon

Chapter 2279

Chapter 2279 Exchange Treasure

A few days later.

Xia Ping is still in Absolute Beginning Sacred Land Yan Huang Peak among, after the retreat of this single days, he completely consolidated the cultivation base of Immortal Realm Late Stage, and all the strengths are Full Mastery.

“I am afraid I will go to the Bizarre Area to gain experience.”

At this time, he opened his eyes and revealed a trace of bright light.

As Saint, you can only grow to the fastest speed by going to the Bizarre Area, because there are a lot of Treasures suitable for Saint’s growth in that place, but there are not many other Universe areas.

So, if you stay in Saint in other universes, their growth speed is slow and slow, and sometimes millions and millions haven’t changed in the past.

But have to say, Bizarre Area is also extremely dangerous, is the territory of Ten Thousand Clans power struggle.

Not to mention Immortal Saint, even Early Antiquity Saint, Middle Antiquity Saint, etc., all died in that place, as if it was completely worthless, it is completely a Saint meat grinder.

“But before going to the Bizarre Area, I still try my best to improve myself and prepare some life-saving Treasure.” After thinking about it, Xia Ping decided to log in to the internal network of Absolute Beginning Sacred Land.

Before he got tens of millions of points, so many points can be used in the Absolute Beginning Sacred Land exchange. There is no reason to save it at this time.

The so-called points are only meaningful when they are spent.

With a drop, he immediately logged into the internal network of Absolute Beginning Sacred Land, and he immediately found himself promoted to Immortal Saint. After joining All Saints Temple, his authority was greatly improved.

In the past, those internal information that restricted their exchanges and those that they were not allowed to watch were now unimpeded. This is the authority of Immortal Saint, which has great benefits.

“There is really too much Treasure.”

Xia Ping looks at the exchange list above, and immediately drooling, these Treasure are collected from the universe by Human Race, and even if there is money, it may not be available.

Just a web page, he saw a lot of Treasure that made his heart beat.

However, he still has the heart of his own Exchange Treasure. The average 10 million points looks a lot, but it really costs only a few minutes.

His current net worth is still far away.

“Master, I think Treasure, which is the first to exchange, is the Refiner material that can enhance Master Life Source Magical Artifact Chaos Bell.”

At this time, Azure Ox puts forward his opinion: “In Saint Realm, the most important Treasure is actually the Magical Artifact that can withstand Soul attack. The physical defense is secondary.

Now that it is already Low Grade Saint Artifact’s Chaos Bell, it has the strength of the formidable defense Soul attack. This is a promising formidable Magical Artifact. I think the Master should improve the strength of this Magical Artifact. ”

It feels the potential of Chaos Bell is vast and limitless.

Hearing these words, Xia Ping is also nodded, and indeed, after being promoted to Immortal Realm, all Saints have Immortal Body, which is hard to be killed by other Saints.

If it weren’t for him that he had a formidable Magical Artifact that could directly kill the Saint Soul, I wouldn’t be able to kill the same rank Saint. After all, the match rank Saint can escape even if you can’t beat you.

Therefore, Saint at this stage is extremely eager to get the Magical Artifact of the defense Soul attack. As long as one such Magical Artifact can be found, they are even more difficult to kill.

After reaching this realm, all Saints have learned to be embarrassed, and only after a long time to live can they be promoted to a higher realm, and they will not be killed just after they have just left the mountain.

鈥淣ooooo 銆傗€

At this time, Cat Sage also jumped out: “Chaos Bell is really good, but the Master has got a lot of Sound Pattern Stone from the Illusion Clan treasure house, and other Refiner materials, which is enough for this time.

To me, the most important thing now is to exchange a lot of Treasure and improve Myriad Stars Ship’s strength. To know the Bizarre Area Surface area vast Boundless , boundless, no one knows how big it is in the end.

And the Bizarre Area is also difficult to carry out Space Jump, the distance from a city to a city, beyond hundreds of millions of light years, even billions of light years, the distance is so scary.

If Myriad Stars Ship’s strength is not improved and speed is not speeding up, then it will take a lot of time to travel in the Bizarre Area alone, and it is easy to be fast by other speeds.

And Myriad Stars Ship is not just a spaceship. It is now dominated by Thousand Stars Vine, an Immortal Level plant. If it continues to grow, it is also very formidable. The official Saint is not an opponent of Thousand Stars Vine. Can kill enemy, but also with no difficulty trapped enemy, a double-edged sword.

As for the Magical Artifact like Chaos Bell, the reason is really good, but I don’t think it’s too late to upgrade. There is no need to waste the natural resource at this time. ”

It also said its own opinion.


Seeing this dead rival jumped out against himself, Azure Ox didn’t fight one thing: “What a little spaceship is, a newcomer Bizarre Area, where you need to travel too far, of course, near the Human Race station. Turning is enough, spaceship does not need anything at all. If you really need it, can’t you find other Saint’s spaceship to help you?

On the contrary, Chaos Bell is different. Who knows what kind of battle will happen, of course, the defense Magical Artifact refine is good, so that the life-saving ability can be upgraded to the next level. This is the top priority. ”

“Dead cow, you know my ass!”

Cat Sage scorned: “What is called turning around the human station? If you want to find Treasure, of course, you should stay away from the place where human is located. This area has been searched by Human Race Saint for a long time. What Treasure is gone.

Only to travel to some rare, extremely dangerous wilderness, have the opportunity to find Treasure that works for Saint, at this time you need spaceship’s to help.

You can also say that you can stay in the human station, but all come to the Bizarre Area. If you think about safety, you might as well stay at Absolute Beginning Sacred Land. Why bother to take risks.

It’s also a good idea to find other Saints to help, what a joke, Bizarre Area Life is unfamiliar, why people help you. People really help you. If you find Treasure, do you want to give it to others? I don’t know if there is a lot of trouble with my own spaceship, and there are so many Xia Ping’s body secrets that I can’t be known by the outsiders. ”

“You! Stinky cat, you just want to be right with me?!”

Azure Ox is crazy and wants to bite up with Cat Sage.

“If you do the right thing, you have the right to bite me.”

Cat Sage is a sneak peek.

“OK OK.”

Xia Ping was speechless and controlled the two old man, otherwise he really started to fight. He started to talk: “You two calculate each, see how to upgrade Chaos Bell, and how much Myriad Stars Ship needs. Points , look at the current points is not enough, if not enough, then think about it is not too late.”

“no problem.”

Cat Sage and Azure Ox speak in unison say that there is no retreat and tit for tat.

(End of this chapter)