God Level Demon

Chapter 2254

Chapter 2254 space mysteries

“World’s Tree is getting stronger.”

Xia Ping perceives the aura of the world’s tree emits, which devours the flesh and blood of the millions and millions of Insect Clan soldiers, and provides it with a huge flesh and blood essence energy.

Although the flesh and blood energy of each Insect Clan soldier is not too much, but the number of can not be held, the quantity will increase to a certain extent, it will produce quality changes.

This has also accelerated the growth of World’s Tree, which is more than twice as strong as before.

“It seems that every leaf has a strength of Space of formidable.”

Xia Ping’s eyes showed a hint of bright light. He found that every leaf on World’s Tree also changed qualitatively, as if engulfing the inexhaustible space energy and condensing the formidable Space Law.

Vaguely, each leaf above seems to be a separate space, internal contains a huge energy.

Legend among World’s Tree at the peak period, each leaf is a World. Now, this rumor may not be false, and there is a real possibility of realization.

In his eyes, the World’s Tree at the moment seems to be a Boundless universe, each leaf is a separate World, and the branches and roots are the space channels connecting these Worlds.

“The root of the World’s Tree seems to communicate with the Dimensional World of countless, connected to the Universe Source.”

Xia Ping’s Soul thoroughly smashed the physique of World’s Tree. He also found that World’s Tree millions and millions of roots had to be deeply rooted in the Void deep place, and each of the thick roots was connected to a Dimensional World.

The dimension of fire, the dimension of water, the dimension of earth, the dimension of wood, the dimension of gold, etc. These elements are like the eternal power furnace, providing World’s Tree with the energy of vast and limitless.

Even a thick root must communicate with the Universe Source. From the World’s Tree’s torso internal deep place, it seems to form a huge dark Vortex, greedy to grab a huge Source Energy.

It can be said that the current World’s Tree, which is captured every time, is more than a hundred times more than the Early Antiquity Saint formidable, and each time it is swallowed, it will form a huge energy Vortex.


With a bang sound, at this time Xia Ping body was shocked, and his Sea of ​​Consciousness trembled, seemingly got the infinite Raw’s Information from World’s Tree.

At this moment, he found that the entire world has changed, and the infinite mysteries of this World appear in front of his own eyes.

This universe seems to be vast and limitless, contain countless twisted spaces, layer upon layer stacks, and countless Dimensional World, mysteries about space appear in front of him.

He feels that he seems to have actually jumped out of this World at this time, as a bystander, no, as a god, a higher latitude identity touches this World’s Law’s Information.

This Law’s Information is also the source of this universe.

However, this is only a vague feeling, he did not really understand.

When he learned Space Law, it was when he stepped into the Early Antiquity Saint realm, but now there is such a divine light, which also brings great benefits to his future cultivation.

This equivalent to a huge breakdown from zero to one.

“It seems that wanting World’s Tree to continue to grow, we must devour some of the bodies of Early Antiquity Saint and plunder a lot of Space Law from them, which will quickly expand World’s Tree.”

Xia Ping blinked. He is now a clear comprehension of some of World’s Tree Evolution. It is simply a horrible Demon Tree that grows itself by plundering and consuming all Matter.

It can rob the Space Law, Time Law, Creation Law and other information, and continue to use it as its own, fusing one.

If it can kill enough Saints, then there is no end to growth, with the natural resources of All Heavens and Myriad Realms to provide it with growing nutrients.

Of course, he and World’s Tree are integrated. If World’s Tree grows up, these strengths will be fed back to him. The two complement each other.

“The surroundings seem to be filled with a lot of Soul energy.”

Xia Ping looked at all around and felt that the huge Soul energy was filled with this Void, which was left after the Insect Clan soldier Death. He immediately operated with the body’s Devouring Divine Ability.

Huā lā lā ~~~

Immediately, the huge Soul energy that permeated this Starry Sky immediately formed Vortex, madly pouring into his Sea of ​​Consciousness deep place, swallowed by his Soul, for his own sake.

In an instant, he perceives that his Soul Strength is increasing frantically with geometric speed, and the scope of Divine Consciousness spreading is constantly expanding, expanding, and expanding.

Even the volatility of Divine Consciousness has become more secretive, almost merging Void, and does not produce much Soul fluctuations.

At the same time, his Magic Power with the body has grown rapidly and continues to improve.

This time the Insect Clan army was wiped out, bringing him and World’s Tree tremendous benefits.


At this moment, Tree World among, many Treants also saw this scene, saw Xia Ping waved between World’s Tree and killed all Insect Clan soldiers as easy as blowing off dust.

“My God, is this the strength of God Lord? It’s too forformable, and simply is beyond imagination.”

“It’s the god of our Treant Clan, the only thing is the young period, but this strength is enough to shake the Void.”

“Yeah, this simply is the god of the young.”

“It’s hard to imagine that if God Lord continues to grow and reach maturity, our Treant Clan will surely be more brilliant and become one of the universe’s peak races.”

“Haha, this group of Insect Clan actually wants to destroy our Treant Clan, simply pipe dream.”

“There are God Lord adults here, we must be Wudi, invincible.”

Many of the Treant Elders and soldiers are extremely excited and excited, especially when they see the projections of World’s Tree and feel the irresistible source aura. They simply can’t wait to get down immediately.

This is simply the true deity of their Treant Clan, the true origin of Treant Clan.

As long as they stay with the gods, they can endlessly become stronger, no one can stop.

“It’s a Master, it’s too strong, and sooner or later it will stand in the Universe peak Expert’s rank.”

The mosquito Daoist next to it is even more revered. After it was taken as a slave by Xia Ping, it immediately loyal and devoted. There is no double heart at all. Even if you see the Death of the Insect Clan army, it is indifferent.

For these high-level Insect Clans, these Insect Clan soldiers are just cannon fodders, how much is there.

“Crap, Sir Xia is using what means, the violent mosquito Daoist actually surrendered, and also obeyed the post.” Next to the Great Elder Cecil has been monitoring the mosquitoes Daoist every move.

After all, the other party is always Insect Clan Saint, fierce, even if Xia Ping said that he has already conquered the other side, but he is still very vigilant, for fear that this mosquito Daoist is fierce.

But now I can see the expression of the mosquito Daoist. It seems that there is no meaning of betrayal. This is even more bizarre. He also admires Xia Ping’s means.

(End of this chapter)