God Level Demon

Chapter 2250

Chapter 2250 sneak attack!

“It’s enough, you’ve done a good job. You can resist the combination of the three Early Antiquity Saints for a while, but it has also given me a certain amount of time, and also found their flaws, let them relax, pick up Give it to me.”

Hearing these words, Xia Ping nodded, his eyes showed a little cold glow, he waited for such a long time, and finally waited for the moment of Insect Clan’s three Early Antiquity Saint.

At this time, the mosquitoes Daoist, Black Ant Daoist and the locust True Monarch, the three major Antiquity Saints, were full of thoughts, thinking that they were about to break through Tree World, and at this moment they were the most relaxed moment.

Ordinary Saint is unaware of this, but Xia Ping can detect that his Divine Consciousness is far more powerful than the Early Antiquity Saint of the ordinary, reaching the point of shaking the old and illuminating the new.

“Meet me, it’s also your Inns Clan Saint.”

Xia Ping runs the pure Yang Inextinguishable Art within the body, driving the huge Magic Power with the body deep place. At this moment, the strength of the nine Violet Palace space is mobilized, gathering together, an unimaginable mighty power from him. Within the body deep place was born.

Huā lā lā ~~

In an instant, his big hand caught, the rune of the vast and limitless quickly condensed together, and suddenly became a two-handed dark dagger, engraved with the densely packed Void rune, which seemed to form a Supreme scripture.

This is a Supreme Divine Ability with his body, Nailing Head Seven Arrows Art, and also his strongest assassination Cultivation Technique. It is best for dealing with two Early Antiquity Saints!

The two daggers are the Curse Dagger condensed by the cultivation method, which contains the terrible Strength of Curse.

“Not enough, this Strength of Curse can’t kill Early Antiquity Saint, you need to add a Strength of Curse from Cursed Black Coffin.”

Xia Ping feels that with his own Strength of Curse although he can hit two Early Antiquity Saints, but it is not enough to kill them. Once they are not killed, I am afraid that they will usher in two violent Early Antiquity Saints.

To know that the injured beast is the most terrible, no one knows what they will do, so this time he will kill the two Early Antiquity Saints in an instant.

Therefore, he wants to fuse a series of Strengths from Cursed Black Coffin. This is the most terrible strength. Simply is the essence of law. Even Invincible Saint will have a headache, not to mention Early Antiquity Saint.

Once infected with the strength from Cursed Black Coffin, even the Early Antiquity Saint will die.

Hōng lóng lóng ~~~

A stroke from Cursed Black Coffin’s Strength of Curse, split second merging the Curse Dagger.

Immediately, the Curse Dagger seems to have changed the Heaven and Earth turning upside down. The whole dagger seems to be turned into a dark Matter, black is shining, black is not impurity, as if it is completely dark, devour everything. Rays of light , black hole also no more than this.

Even these two daggers seem to be in the form of liquid, like Life flowing, like the Nether River, the internal deep place emerges the densely packed Skeleton, as if the countless devil is crying, the countless Skeleton is from the Nether River deep place Climb out and pull all the living thing’s Soul into the Nether River deep place.

“This strength is too strange.”

Xia Ping feels that her heart is chilling. Fortunately, she only instills a little bit. If there is more, he may not be able to control it. Maybe it will be Backlash.

And mastering the two daggers is also the limit of his current Ability. More and more, the Strength of Curse will be out of control, so only two Early Antiquity Saints can be dealt at the same time.

But even then, as long as the two Early Antiquity Saints are killed, there is no threat to the Insect Clan army.


At this moment, Xia Ping’s Divine Consciousness captured the aura of the two major Antiquity Saints, the locust True Monarch and Black Ant Daoist. In his eyes, the two Early Antiquity Saints were the most threatening and needed the first to be removed.

In an instant, the two Curse daggers on his hands immediately flew up and smashed toward the two Early Antiquity Saints.

Whoosh, whoosh ! !

This hit did not have any sound, even did not produce any spatial fluctuations, completely merging Void, as if arriving at another Dimensional World.

Because this Curse dagger itself is made up of Strength of Curse, this strength is detached from everything, merging Void, and detached from Void, is a kind of mysterious force above the ordinary strength.

The Curs daggers of these two handles are suddenly turned into two dark rays, and the speed is approaching the incredible realm. It is beyond the speed of light, and it seems that this moment is still at rest.

Even the layered layer of Dimension space can’t resist this strength, with no difficulty’s shuttle past, across the countless space, without being resisted by any strength.

In the next second, the Curse dagger was precisely bombarded on the body of the locust True Monarch and Black Ant Daoist. This strength split second penetrated their Soul, and the sturdy Strength of Curse instantly exploded, Corrosion made them whole. Body.

Original Locust True Monarch and Black Ant Daoist complexion 狰狞, I want to motivate the Demonic Art within the body, explode the entire Tree World and kill all the Treants.

They all seem to be able to see these painful sorrows and desperate looks, so the expression of painful screams is enough to make them feel very happy, like a game.

But at this moment, the Curse daggers the bombardment on their Soul, and they pierced their bodies all at once.

“Aaah !!”

The locusts True Monarch and Black Ant Daoist made a scream of screams, like a man’s key to being kicked, giving a pig-like sound, and unimaginable pain spread over the whole body.

“Which turtle grandson, which turtle grandson actually dared to attack us, immediately rolled out and immediately rolled out of me, Father wants to unload you eight, tear the body to thousands of pieces.”

The locust True Monarch screamed, unable to restrain one’s anger.

No one can imagine how angry it is at the moment. As a comprehension of Space Law’s Early Antiquity Saint, it is now being sneaked out of speaking. This simply is a great shame and unforgivable.

It can’t wait to immediately grab the sneak attacker, kill it dozens of times, and even destroy the nine.

what? !

Hearing this sound, many Insect Clan soldiers are also startled, incredible looks at the locust True Monarch, completely didn’t expect that there are still people who attacked Early Antiquity Saint, and also caused great damage to the locust True Monarch.

The mosquito Daoist next to it also stunned, because it was not found at all because of this sneak attack. After all, there was no space fluctuation, and there was no smell.

“Sir Xia, is it successful?!”

Cecil, who stayed at Tree World among, was overjoyed. He knew that this would be the case for Xia Ping.

“Damn, no, this in the end is what the hell stuff, get out, get me out immediately Ah!”

At this time, Black Ant Daoist is once again screaming, and it suddenly finds a strange and horrible strength, seems to be turned into a black liquid, wrapped around his own Soul, seems to want to swallow its Soul. Clean.

Even this strength can’t be blocked at all, which makes it scare the soul flies away and scatters.

(End of this chapter)