God Level Demon

Chapter 2248

Chapter 2248 Chapter Devouring Thorn!

“Sir Xia, what should we do?”

Great Elder Cecil looks at Xia Ping, I want to know what Xia Ping is saying now.

“You don’t have to worry, the soldiers will cover the water and cover the soil.”

Xia Ping indifferently said that he could perceive that the strength of this Insect Clan army was not too forformable, only three Early Antiquity Saints, nine Immortal Saints, and he was able to cope.

If the other side has a Middle Antiquity Saint Level, he promises to start running, but now this situation is completely unnecessary, and there is full strength and Insect Clan fight to the death in the end.

“But the other side has three understanding of Space Law’s Middle Antiquity Saint, which is extremely important.”

Cecil is worried.

“This is not to worry, wait for your initiative to stalk the three Early Antiquity Saints, as long as they delay their time and distract them, I naturally have a way to catch them in one net.”

Xia Ping self channel.

“so that’s how it is, if Sir Xia is confident, then we naturally accompany in the end.” Upon hearing these words, Great Elder Cecil finally made up his mind.

He can see that Xia Ping is not a bluff, nor is it necessary to do so. It seems that there is absolute confidence.

If it is ordinary Immortal Saint to say these things, he will only be regarded as fart, but the mysterious human who signed the contract with World’s Tree, he is convinced.

Even the great existence of World’s Tree can be signed with this human. This is a thing that is not permanent. Such a character is an idiot. No one will believe it when you go out.

And now, he can only fight hard.

Thinking of this, Cecil’s eyes showed a hint of cold glow that seemed to penetrate the Tree World barrier and arrived outside of Void millions and millions.


At this time, the Insect Clan army finally arrived near Tree World, majestic and grandiose, imposing manner.

The mosquitoes Daoist, Black Ant Daoist and the locust True Monarch have three Early Antiquity Saints, and they stare at the distant Tree World, and they have a complexion gloomy to the extreme.

“Damn, Tree World really had an unpredictable change. The aura of Wood Devouring Insect, which was originally placed on this Void Banyan Tree, disappeared. What kind of method did the Treant in the end find to remove Wood Devouring Insect?! ”

Mosquito Daoist completely didn’t expect this to happen, in its idea of ​​among, Void Banyan Tree has been dead, will surely decay, and quickly rot under Wood Devouring Insect.

And when they come over, they can effortlessly clean up the mess and destroy Treant Clan.

But every day, every time, Wood Devouring Insect, Death, Void Banyan Tree seems to have recovered, and this has greatly affected their Insect Clan plan.

“Can’t blame is so arrogant and dare to kill our Insect Clan puppet worm. It turned out to find a way to get rid of Wood Devouring Insect. This group of Treant is really good.”

Black Ant Daoist complexion 狰狞.

It is also a clear understanding of why the current Treant Clan is so arrogant, it is the solution to the Void Banyan Tree trouble, with their own strength.

At first thought, their Insect Clan laid out the millions and millions of years of planning, and now there is a huge accident at the end, it has an infinite fury, unable to restrain one’s anger.

“Don’t worry, even if Wood Devouring Insect has all the Deaths, after the millions and millions of years of engulfing, Void Banyan Tree has long been in a very weak condition, there is no strength at the peak period.”

Mon Tr True Monarch sneered : “Now we insect Clan army arrived in this place, there are three major Antiquity Saint teamed up, strength arrogant, invincible, extinguished this Tree World is also with no difficulty.

A group of small and weak Treant, no matter how they struggle, how crazy, but also useless, will always die under our Insect Clan army, no longer exist. ”

It is filled with a terrible black murderous aura, which condenses into a substance. It seems to be able to with the no difficulty of tearing the void, condensing an inexhaustible shadow, which is tremble with fear.

“Do it, don’t need to talk to these small and weak Treant nonsense, tear the Great Formation of Tree World, kill all the Treant inside, destroy the nine, the film does not stay, the dog is not restless!”

The first shot was the mosquito Daoist, which caught a big hand and immediately added a Middle Grade Saint Artifact – Blood Devouring Thorn!

This is a bloodstain of hundreds of feet, the mosquito mouth transformed from its body, and then refines the rich materials of the Universe. It has special effects such as smashing, blood-sucking, Curse, Violent Poison and so on.

Once stabbed by the Blood Devouring Thorn, even Immortal Saint, their entire body’s blood will be swallowed up, and all the blood essence will be swallowed by the mosquito Daoist, as it is.

Even the Immortal Body can’t resist it.

With this Middle Grade Saint Artifact, the mosquito Daoist slaughtered a lot of Immortal Saints, and even with these Immortal Saint’s flesh and blood essence, they realized the Space Law and stepped into the Realm of Early Antiquity Saint.

It can be said that the mosquito Daoist is extremely terrible Devil, which is interesting terror-stricken at the news, slaughter countless.

In an instant, its figure flashed, the speed was extremely fast, and it turned into a black rays of light. The shuttle was a thousand-story space. When it arrived near Tree World, the Blood Devouring Thorn on the hand slammed it.

With a bang, a terrible blood-colored rays of light condensed into a pointed mouth, containing a terrible breaking force, tearing the void, all-conquering, and smashing to Tree World.

Blood-colored rays of light along the way, seems to be turned into a Blood Sea and the magic sea, emits for the countless maddening Demon Qi.

“Tree World barrier !”

At this time, Great Elder Cecil finally shot, his both hands hand seal, immediately communicated with Tree World’s own Restriction Formation, one after another Great Formation emerged from Void deep place.

Hōng lóng lóng ~~

The entire Tree World is full of green rays of light, forming a layer of green barrier, thousands of, seemingly formed an absolute space barrier, isolated everything, Myriad Laws Immunity.


This blood-colored rays of light bombardment used to, with no difficulty, torn thousands of layers of green barrier, ruining many green runes and Life’s aura, dyeing everything.

The entire Tree World was also hit by a slap in the face, as if it had to be hit all split up and in pieces. The pieces of Earth were shattered and shattered. It seems to have a nine-level earthshaking.

Countless Treant can feel this fierce sway, like the end of World.

But this Tree World barrier is always indestructible, or the blood-colored rays of light are resisted, without this strength breakthrough.

“Cecil, you are simply stubborn, do you think that with your Early Antiquity Saint, a small old weak soldier, can you counter our Insect Clan? Simply is a delusion, today I will tell you, Treant Clan I am gone, everyone Can’t stop, next year is your day of Treant Clan.”

Mosquito Daoist angrily shouted, feels Cecil to stop his strength and determination, but it is more berserk, simply is fury multiplication, if today does not extinct Treant Clan up and down, it is difficult to eliminate its heart anger!

(End of this chapter)