God Level Demon

Chapter 2239

Chapter 2239 wants to cry without tears

one day later.

Little Gold perfectly satisfied left the School and said that I am having a great time today and tomorrow will continue.

The two lohen-faced little loli left on the roof, a pair of severely struck appearances, twitching from time to time.

“Wū wū, I am not convinced.”

For a long time, Chong Xiaoqian grievously said: “Why, I painstakingly played more than half a year of games, every day under the team dungeon, which activities are not absent, learn all kinds game technique, see all kinds Raiders video, but she is a Heavens In just one day, Rank has caught up with us, too much.”

She recalled the hard work of playing the game before, but compared with Little Gold, her efforts seem to be useless, can’t compare with others for a day.

When she thought of it, she wouldn’t be mad at me.

“can’t do anything about it, who told people to buy ten times experience card, ten times the money card, killing a Monster is better than killing ten, and she does not need to team experience, relying on oneself People brush, upgrade is of course fast.”

Tan Menglu mouth corner twitched and argued for Little Gold’s actions.

“If you don’t team up, who wants to form a team, the problem is that a person can’t brush Monster at all, can’t brush dungeon, Monster is attacking high blood. This guy is good, bought a bunch of universal coins equipment on Shop. She kills Monster is like brushing money. When a blade goes down, it kills a bunch of Monster. Even the boss can’t hold her three knives. When Monster hit her, there is no blood at all, is there any reason?”

Speaking of this, Chong Xiaoqian almost cried.

She clearly remembers how hard it is to play Monster. In order to avoid Monster’s attack, learn all kinds of operations, all kinds of Dodge, that kind of hard work needless to say.

There is no such trying hard in this life.

But now people, what game technique has not learned, is simply a greenhorn, newbie.

She just stood in the same place, letting those Monster fight, a drop of blood did not fall, and hardly smashed the Monster, and Shuā shuā shuā was completely destroyed.

Why is the gap between people so huge, and there is reason, is there fairness? !

“The most excessive thing is that she actually paid for the NPCmercenary group to help her brush the blame. This is officially cheating. It’s too much. If you have money, you can play like this.”

Chong Xiaoqian gnashing one’s teeth.

Ordinary person is just a team to blame, but Little Gold is good, taking advantage of his own money, actually hired the game character to help brush together, and does not need to share experience.

As a result, it is obviously that, Little Gold’s game character, Rank, has soared and can’t stop.

“Hehe, don’t worry, this game is just a part of the content. The most important thing is the PK with other players. Even if she has more money on her body, she will stop the game when she meets other players. The most important game is this game. Still a game technique, she still has to learn.”

Tan Menglu is still very reluctant to admit a mistake, his expression is very stiff.

“Fart, you don’t mention this thing okay, I will be a fire when I mention this.”

Chong Xiaoqian snarled: “Before Little Gold and we met a dead guild Shadow Wolf, those guys are asking us trouble every day, and we often kill them with themn’t that a joy?

The Shadow Wolf’s Chief is also a Big God Level player. We have been bullied several times by them and have formed a deep hatred. It can be said to be absolutely irreconcilable.

To be honest , although both are enemies, but they are all their own, I am also very convinced of the Shadow Wolf’s Chief, everyone all kinds sao operation, what round step, pacing, and what Blade Technique Sword Technique and the like, a cow, is worthy of a large God Level player who has been in the game industry for more than a decade. Our operation technique is still can’t compare with others.

At that time, the Shadow Wolf’s Chief was stunned in front of Little Gold, and wanted to do all kinds of bells and whistles. He wanted to play Little Gold, all kinds movement technique, all kinds of flashes, all kinds of skills, huā lā lā.

Who can think of it, Little Gold doesn’t look at it, just a blade, a blade, just gently rub it, crit, the Shadow Wolf’s Chief is dead, crisp like paper paste, whole body The equipment exploded on the ground of huā lā lā. You didn’t hear the cry of the Shadow Wolf’s collapse. It was the smell of the sorrowful tears.

It is said that the equipment that broke out was that their guild spent a month brushing the boss, and finally it was finally brushed out. Now, a blade burst out, and it took a month to work hard.

The other members of the Shadow Wolf saw the situation and wanted to take revenge. Didn’t expect Little Gold to make a step forward, but also a few knives, all hacked, the equipment exploded, and all became pauper. ”

She can see the collapse of the Shadow Wolf group, which is estimated to be an indelible mental shadow.

It is obviously a big God Level player. After playing for a long time, he honed the countless technique, but was manipulated by a game greenhorn without brain. He hacked to death with a few knives, without any difficulty.

“This is purely because Little Gold bought a Dragon Slaying Blade worth 30 million universal coins. It’s normal for the property cow and the knife crit.” Tan Menglu complexion is already black and coke-like. She can’t support it.

“Yes, because she bought a Dragon Slaying Blade, she can effortlessly hack a big God Level game player and kill the trump card game guild, just like cutting a melon.” If this happens then, what is the meaning of this game, it is not fun at all, formidable is not forformable, buy a Dragon Slaying Blade is not enough? Also hone my ass technique, this game I do not want to play, not at all fun “”

Chong Xiaoqian Wū wū Cried, feeling that her many years of faith had completely collapsed. She felt that she had lost all interest in the game at once, and there was no feeling of indulging in the past.

Through this incident, she discovered that people with rich talents are playing games, they are played by games and are played by rich people.

“Bastard Little Gold, it’s really too much.”

Tan Menglu can no longer stand it, cursed: “There is nothing to do with money. If you have money, you can bully people like this. Can you have money in the game world act willfully? Even if it is true, you can’t bully it.” ”

She thinks that Little Gold is simply the bastard Master Xia Ping deliberately sent over, wanting to help them quit yin.

I have to say that it is very successful, they are not interested in this game at once, it seems to have lost all the fighting spirit.

After all, my own painstakingly for a few months, not as much as others spend some money, even the big god players have been hacked to death by others, this is how to play, but also play an egg.

“After killing, you can’t play this game with nouveau riche.”

Chong Xiaoqian and Tan Menglu, two gnashing one’s teeth, decided to refuse to play the game with Little Gold again.

(End of this chapter)