God Level Demon

Chapter 2234

Chapter 2234 Immortal Realm Middle Stage

Xia Ping also ignored the arrangement of Sofia and the others, and he came to the quiet room of his retreat.

Drop Di~~

He just entered the quiet room at the at this time, the system’s sounded up: “Congratulations to the Host, caused Illusion Clan, Abyss Demon, etc. enemy a lot of hatred, this time a total of 370 Hate Crystals, hope to make persistent efforts “”

Three hundred and seventy Hate Crystals? !

Hearing this, Xia Ping’s eyes suddenly lit up. He had seven hundred Hate Crystals before, but spent a hundred Hate Crystals for the exchange of creation balls, plus three hundred and seventy hatred.

In other words He now has a total of 970 Hate Crystals, not far from a thousand Hate Crystals.

Thinking of this, Xia Ping is a bit sorry, if there is no exchange creation ball, I am afraid he has reached a thousand Hate Crystals, if this happens then he can get system Big Gift.

But it doesn’t matter. It’s just a gap of 30 Hate Crystals. It’s not very far away, and it doesn’t take too long for him to reach system’s requirements.

He is still looking forward to the Big Gift donated by system, and he doesn’t know what kind of Treasure he will give.

“Come on, and if you do another wave of hatred, you can get Big Gift.”

Xia Ping is looking forward to it.

But he quickly let go of this, because the foreign object is not as important as its own cultivation base, this is the root of everything, the foundation of everything.

“I don’t know what Longevity Pill feels like?”

Xia Ping big hand Once caught, I immediately took out a lot of Longevity Pill from the storage space, which was obtained from Illusion Clan Treasure Amun, the number of simply is inexhaustible, like a mountain.

This originally said that the supply of Illusion Clan to many Saint’s Medicinal Pill is now his own.

Suddenly, Longevity Pill emits a fascinating scent. Medicinal Pill internal emerges a densely packed longevity rune that seems to be filled with immortal aura, deep and unmeasurable.

Ordinary people smell this kind of aura, can be disease-free and disaster-free, and prolong life.

Ordinary Thunder Tribulation Realm cultivator Eat a Longevity Pill, I am afraid that the whole body will be full. After all, this is the Medicinal Pill that Saint can take. Other people want to eat it, that is, it is nothing to do, and it is dead.

“It tastes good, a bit like peanuts, very crisp.”

Xia Ping grabbed a hand, just like grabbing a melon, squish squish eating, like a cow chewing on peony, swallowed these Longevity Pill directly.

Then he runs Sun Furnace with the body, immediately swallowing these Longevity Pill, with the body deep place, and the huge Hell’s Flame, and instantly refining these Longevity Pill.

Huā lā lā ~~

In an instant, these Longevity Pills were refining, producing huge life energy, and Universe Source Energy, and they were extremely pure, without any impurity.

To be honest , originally reached Xia Ping of Immortal Realm Initial Stage. The universe energy per throughput is extremely large. To grow a little Magic Power, you need to consume the countless years of skills.

Of course, this is not a big deal for Immortal Saint, which has an infinite lifetime, but if you want to grow your cultivation base quickly, it is quite a torment.

But after swallowing these Longevity Pills, Xia Ping immediately discovered that the growth of Magic Power on his body seemed to be like an airplane, with a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

A Longevity Pill is equivalent to a thousand years of Immortal Saint condensed Magic Power, a hundred Longevity Pill is equivalent to hundred thousand Years Immortal Saint concise Magic Power, the huge capacity of aong contain energy is obvious that.

Xia Ping immediately felt that with the body deep place, there was a huge Universe Source Energy, almost filled with every corner of his body, so that his nine Violet Palace space is filled with dark-gold Magic Power, almost It is full.

This simply is to be added to the huge thousand years of Magic Power, saving the skill of not knowing how many years.

“It’s Longevity Pill. The benefits to cultivation are too great. It seems that even if it is promoted to Saint Realm, the demand for natural resources is also vast and limitless.”

Xia Ping is very emotional, swallowing a hundred Longevity Pill and getting the magic of the thousand years of Magic Power, simply is to improve his efficiency, not to suffer from Haha’s cultivation, hard to concise Magic Power.

So many Immortal Saint retreats for millions of years, so for thousands of years, they don’t have much natural resources, they can only rely on penance, if this happens then the efficiency is too low.

If he is not plundering a large number of Medicinal Pill from the Illusion Clan treasury, it is estimated that he will follow in such a footsteps. To be honest he can’t stand such a thing.

“Devouring, continue to swallow.”

Xia Ping is so extravagant that it seems like no money, swallowing a Longevity Pill and quickly refining it.

Immortal Saint sees such a scene, it will be green, and it will be terrible. God is unfair.

One hundred, two hundred, three hundred, five hundred… When he swallowed a thousand Longevity Pills, an unparalleled huge energy came in, like the sea, rushing, almost Xia Ping The space within the body is completely filled.

This energy is too big, simply is an Immortal Saint cultivation of millions of years of Magic Power.

“Well, have you broken through?!”

I don’t know how long it took, Xia Ping in the heart, he felt his Sea of ​​Consciousness deep place. A dark-gold door seemed to be shattered by the huge Universe Source Energy, and he let him step into one. New realm.

Immortal Realm Middle Stage !

He felt that entering the Immortal Realm Middle Stage was a matter of course, because there wasn’t much bottleneck, just need to concise Magic Power, and engulf the Universe Source is enough.

Now that he has swallowed up thousands of Longevity Pills, the equivalent to consumes an incredible amount of wealth, allowing him to get a breakthrough and suddenly enter the Immortal Realm Middle Stage, which is a matter of course.

Hōng lóng lóng ~~~

After entering the Immortal Realm Middle Stage, Xia Ping immediately felt that his nine Violet Palace spaces had doubled immediately, and the Magic Power of the body was expanded by a factor of nine.

If the Magic Power before him was only comparable to the Early Antiquity Saint of the ordinary, then the Magic Power on his body can definitely surpass the vast majority of Early Antiquity Saint.

Even if you understand Space Law’s Early Antiquity Saint, it’s not much better than the current Xia Ping.

At the same time, his Soul energy has also grown dramatically. Divine Consciousness has expanded to twenty light years, and it is almost a matter of time to cover a small Star Territory.

“Hmm? This feeling?!”

Vaguely, Xia Ping perceives that her Divine Consciousness penetrates Void, perceives the countless Dimension space, and even penetrates Void, comprehending a trace of the essence of space.

Suddenly, the space energy coming out of a silk emits seems to merging his body, causing a special change in his body, which seems to be about to crystallize and space.


Xia Ping blinked and he had guts a hunch. Once he fully understood the essence of space, his strength could be increased by a thousand times. This is a qualitative change.

(End of this chapter)