God Level Demon

Chapter 2232

Chapter 2232 kills this troublemaker!

At the moment, Universe among, many big forces are also aware of this news, discus spiritedly.

“didn’t expect The biggest benefit of this time is actually Wu Wudi, even the Human Race has been put together by him, and the benefits have been scraped off by this brat.”

There is Saint emotionally said, who also didn’t expect this genocide action, the biggest benefit is actually a mortal, this brat simply is bold enough to have no side, the tiger mouth dare to pull the teeth.

“Hey, who knows what Wu Wudi is all about, even if it gets more benefits, he is also a human, and it is always good for Human Race, so I didn’t see that group of Human Race Saint is not too vitality │ angry ?”

“It is true, even if this brat is stir up trouble, it is ultimately Human Race’s. If it is a critical moment, then brat will definitely help Human Race’s, which is a great hidden danger for our other races.”

Some Saint discuss spiritedly.

“It is said that this brat has searched the entire Illusion Clan treasure house, and many Treasure need not be said. The most important one is the trump card carefully prepared by Illusion Clan – Cursed Black Coffin.”

One of them, Saint said solemnly: “This secret treasure is Illusion Clan who took a great price from the Dark Forbidden Area and won the Strength of Curse, which is the source of all evil.

Originally this secret treasure Illusion Clan is going to be made at a critical moment, killing Human Race with a surprise, and the strength inside is enough to kill the Expert of Rank in Invincible Saint.

Now that the secret treasure is in the hands of Wu Wudi, this is a very bad thing. It is definitely a time bomb. No one knows when he made it. Everyone must remember this. ”

His complexion is very dignified.

“Actually, I heard about this news. It is said that if Wu Wudi had stolen the secret treasure in time, this Human Race will surely suffer a lot, and maybe the Inbecible Saint will fall down a few. It is a pity.”

“The secret treasure’s name sounds ominous. It’s hard to control, but it has the strength of the enemy Perish Together. If it suddenly breaks out at a certain race headquarters, it will definitely hurt countless.”

“Be sure to find Wu Wudi’s whereabouts, so a sturdy trump card must not fall into the hands of such dangerous characters, especially in Human Race.”

“That’s right, such a secret treasure must be completely controlled before we can feel at ease.”

Many Saint complexion dignified, they are very jealous of the secret treasure Cursed Black Coffin, even Invincible Saint can kill Treasure, that simply is a big killing tool.

Even if it is difficult to control, but the key moment, for the enemy, it is a huge shock, just like the nuclear bomb.

Such Treasures can’t be controlled, then at all times will be a great threat.

So no matter what, they must find Wu Wudi and snatch the Cursed Black Coffin back.


Abyss World, a lot of Abyss Demon gather together, held a meeting, the demise of Illusion Clan was a great blow and hurt for the entire Abyss.

“Damn, how could this happen? Isn’t it that Illusion Clan is well hidden? Why was it discovered by Human Race and the entire race was destroyed?”

“I know, right? The war is imminent, Illusion Clan is destroyed. This is a great blow to us. It is like a broken arm. How can this kind of thing not have a bit of wind beforehand?”

“Without the help of Illusion Clan, we have a lot of inconvenience in invading the Universe, destructing many of our plans and even affecting our chances of winning.”

Many Abyss Demon gnashing one’s teeth are very unwilling.

After all, Illusion Clan’s help for Abyss is too great, whether it’s their strength or the special Ability they have, which is what Abyss needs, the best scout and spy.

With the help of Illusion Clan, their chances of winning Abyss will increase by at least 10%.

But now Illusion Clan is completely over.

“Why did Chief prevent us from assisting Illusion Clan before? If we shot at that time, Illusion Clan might not be destroyed.”

Abyss Demon is not willing to ask.

“Don’t cracking a joke, this Human Race is ready to come out, the purpose is to be foolproof, did not see the few Human Race antiques have not shot, can not bear it? Their purpose is to Prepare us to take action, once we dare to act, it will immediately be hit by Thunderclap, and countless.”

“Indeed, after the Human Race actually took out the divine tool Monster Suppressing Tower, with no difficulty, the Ollasg idiot was suppressed. If we traded, it must be the same as Ollasg.”

“In this action, Human Race not only wanted to destroy Illusion Clan, but also wanted to destroy part of our Abyss. There is no such thing as a success.”

“Yeah, it’s because of this danger that Chief has prevented us from carrying out rescue, otherwise we might fall into the trap and die with Illusion Clan.”

“damned Human Race, sooner or later, they will be destroyed. Starting from Immemorial Era, the most damned is this Human Race, and the enemy that kills us most Abyss is also theirs.”

Many Abyss Demon clenched the fist and resented.

They are not creatures without a brain, knowing that this may be a trap and it is impossible to fall in.

After weighing the pros and cons, they still chose to give up Illusion Clan. After all, they can’t let Abyss have all the strengths.

“Actually, I think everything blames Human Race Wu Wudi. If it wasn’t for this brat that leaked Illusion Clan, Human Race wouldn’t find Illusory World so quickly, and Illusion Clan would not die.”

An Abyss Demon angrily shouted.

“It’s the monk Wu Wudi. He destructed us once again for Abyss Altar. It killed a few of our companions and didn’t even look for him. Now it’s still destroying the Universe race corrupted by our Abyss. This person must die, otherwise I don’t know how much trouble it will bring us.”

Several Abyss Demon gnashing one’s teeth, the hatred of Wu Wudi’s reached its zenith.

This human has repeatedly made plans for Abyss, and they have suffered heavy losses. Such things and practices have made them intolerable.

” Needless to say, launch all the strength, find the Human Race Wu Wudi’s whereabouts and kill him.”

“Killing us so much Immortal Demon, but also killing Illusion Clan, our Abyss plan was severely frustrated, this human can not find death, must find him, peeling him cramps.”

“And his secret treasure Cursed Black Coffin, who must also find it back, the secret treasure chiefs have been coveting for a long time, if they are not trapped in Abyss, they have already been robbed. Can say such secret treasure Once mastered, it must be a big killing tool that can kill All Heavens and Myriad Clans.”

Many Abyss Demon are filled with horrible murderous aura and hate. They made a fuss this time. They must find the full power to find Wu Wudi, and let the bastard be extinguished. He can’t continue to be a troublemaker.

(End of this chapter)