God Level Demon

Chapter 2230

Chapter 2230 Soul Seal Bondage

During the momentary, Illusion Clan Five Great Early Antiquity Saint, four dead, leaving Sofia one without death, the entire Earth is turned into a dead place, filled with Death’s aura.


Sofia’s incredible looks at Minerva, who has died completely, she can fight Minerva for countless years, naturally knowing how terrible Minerva is.

And he still understands Space Law’s Early Antiquity Saint, which is arrogant and powerful, but now it is actually killed by an Immortal Saint. If it is passed out, it will definitely shake the entire universe.

She is now thinking, Sea of ​​Consciousness is blank, and there is no idea.

“Say, do you want to die, or want to live?”

Xia Ping condescendingly, holding the Samsara Brush, the eyes are indifferent, the faint looks at Sofia, the emits out of the infinite murderous aura, completely shrouded the Sofia whole body.

“You don’t kill me?”

Sofia at this time regained her consciousnessness, she was a little surprised at the sight at Xia Ping, because she was Early Antiquity Saint and realized the existence of Space Law.

Once he recovers his injuries, he will definitely bring him a huge threat.

“As long as you let go of your Soul and merging this Soul Seal, then you can live and don’t promise to die.” Xia Ping said faintly, the big hand caught a moment and condensed a Soul Seal.

This is inheritance from the Blood Soul Saint’s Supreme Secret Technique. Once the enemy is planted with the Soul Seal, it can immediately enslave each other. Life and Death are between their own thoughts.

He had never used Soul Seal before because he couldn’t find anyone worthy of slavery.

Now this Sofia is the Early Antiquity Saint, and realizes the existence of Space Law. If you are enslaved, you will be able to give yourself a great boost.

Of course, if the other party does not agree, then kill, anyway, he has no loss, and will not discuss anything with the other side, no matter how he can not let an enemy with his own enemies alive away.


Sofia pupil shrink, seeing this black Soul Seal, her instinct noticed that this Soul Seal is a very strange mysterious thing, once she let go of Soul, she will be permanently enslaved by the other party, in other words she will be involuntarily.

In the moment of the moment, she had the idea of ​​rejection, because she realized the Space Law’s Early Antiquity Saint, and the Universe was a very honorable existence, and it became a slave of others, simply cracking a joke.

But she felt the murderous aura passed by Xia Ping’s body. If she refused, this human Wu Wudi would not be merciless, and she would kill herself in an instant.

If it is normal, she will definitely die and will not agree to this kind of thing.

But now Illusion Clan has been killed by bits and pieces. If she is still dead now, then I am afraid that there will be very few people who can survive the entire Illusion Clan.

Maybe will disappear forever in the universe’s history long river agong, in order to consider the survival of the race, she is still soft, and must survive the burden of humiliation.

“Well, I promise you, but I have a condition that I can’t kill my people.”

Sofia said solemnly.

“Your tribe? Do you still have a tribe?”

Xia Ping looked at all around, a moment ago and fought against several major Antiquity Saints, almost destroying the planet’s surface. The Illusion Clan, which was supposed to be on the plain, was basically dead.

These ordinary people couldn’t bear the fluctuations of Saint’s battle, only slightly affected, and they all died. Basically, there is no living thing in this planet.

“Of course, a moment ago, when I was fighting, I had put some of Lawrence Clan’s people in my space Magical Artifact among, so they avoided it and there was no Death.”

Sofia said that there is a space in her Magical Artifact, and some Illusion Clan people are alive, they are basically the elite of Lawrence Clan, and her confidant.

As for the other clan’s people, she did not rescue, because it was too late, and only saved people close to their Lawrence Clan.

“I can’t promise this condition. What can’t you kill? Do you think your family has a gold medal? Your life is not so valuable.” Xia Ping sneered.

“No, I don’t mean this. I just hope that you will give them a chance to live. They can be your men and do things for you. I believe that you also know that I’m Illusion Clan’s Ability, which will definitely provide you with great help.”

Sofia earnestly said.

“You are not unreasonable. Illusion Clan’s Ability is really a bit different. Well, you, and your people can be my men, but if you violate my rules and try to betray me, then Just can’t blame me.”

Xia Ping touched his chin, and if he could conquer Illusion Clan, it would be a big boost.

“This is a matter of course. If anyone will betray you, then my first one will not forgive her.”

Sofia nodded.

“In this case, you let go of your Soul defense and let Soul Seal enter Soul among.”

Xia Ping big hand caught the black Soul Seal and immediately entered Sofia’s Soul deep place.


Sofia perceives that this black Soul Seal enters its own Soul like Life, and seems to be transformed into a locust, emits out of the gloomy aura.

Her instinct wants to resist this strange strength, but perceives the murderous aura of Xia Ping’s body, she still chooses to give up the resistance, let the black Soul Seal enter her Soul deep place.


The next second, the Soul Seal instantly smashed Sofia’s Soul deep place, releasing thousands of black lines and plunging into every corner of her Soul, like the Neural Network.

Vaguely, Xia Ping immediately perceives that Soul Seal has completely merged Sofia’s Soul, and he now knows Sofia’s current idea of ​​the thing of the back of one’s hand.

At the same time, Sofia’s inner feelings were also very strange. She had been extremely resistant to the needful Xia Ping before, but when the black Soul Seal entered her Soul, she suddenly increased her feelings about Xia Ping’s to an unprecedented level.

Even if she knew that Xia Ping had enslaved herself a moment ago, she still didn’t feel any despising. It seemed to be a matter of course. Soul Seal’s strength is always affecting her emotions, unnoticeable influence.

This is the horror of Soul Seal, which can make the soul of the Soul Seal a slave to death, loyal and devoted, which is more than a million times more brainwashing.

“How do you feel now?”

Xia Ping asked.

“Master, I feel that I am very good, not as good as ever. It seems that I have gotten rid of a lot of troubles, my mind is silent, and even the speed of comprehending the Universe Principle is much faster.”

Sofia start to talk, she has thoroughly recognized Xia Ping as the main.

“Very good, then you are advanced to the Mountains and Rivers Bead space.”

Xia Ping is very satisfied. This time he not only conquered some of the Illusion Clan, but also conquered an Early Antiquity Saint. This is a huge boost, and the gain is too great.

(End of this chapter)