God Level Demon

Chapter 2222

Section 2222 Refuge

At this time ,millions and millions Outside the light years, a planet of the remote Star Territory among.


At the moment, this planet is on a plain, and there are many Illusion Clan members coming from the Illusory World teleportation.

Among them, there are five Early Antiquity Saints such as Minerva and Sofia.

When they blew themselves at the Clam Mist Pearl and rip the Ten World Tower defense, they immediately teleported to the refuge of Illusion Clan through the emergency teleportation array that Illusion Clan left in Illusory World.

An emergency teleportation array like this is actually distributed throughout Illusory World, in order to prevent Illusion Clan from being annihilated by enemy one day, and other Illusion Clan people have the opportunity to escape.

However, because the Ten World Tower blocked the Space-Time, they were unable to use the teleportation array before, but after Clam Mist Pearl tore the blockade of the Ten World Tower, they immediately launched Teleport Formation, saving a large number of Illusion Clan people. go.

However, there are still too few people who can respond. The Illusion Clan members who can reach this shelter are still too few and too few. Compared with the number of Illusion Clan, it is just a drop in the ocean.

In fact, fortunately, it is a small batch escape. If most people escape, they will surely alarm Human Race Saint, leaving a lot of clues. When the time comes they can’t run away.

It is precisely because the number is scarce and insignificant, like flies, it is not enough to attract the attention of Human Race Saints.

“Finally escaped.”

An Illusion Clan black-clothed Early Antiquity Saint emotionally said, he couldn’t help but spit out a blood, and his body was greatly traumatized at the moment, all of which was left in a battle before the battle.

Because Human Race invaded Illusion Clan’s Saint, there are so many, very very formidable, even if they reach the Realm of Early Antiquity Saint, it is only a little formidable a little grasshopper.

Even the Extreme Antiquity Saint has fallen, let alone them.

Fortunately, they were smarter, and they were all very cautious. When they saw the situation, they immediately fled, and this did not become a cannon fodder. They were able to run out from Human Race’s pursuit among.

And by the way, I saved some of my important clan’s important characters, otherwise these Illusion Clan ordinary people would have died under the explosion of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering.

Even so, they have suffered extremely serious injuries and cannot be recovered within a short period of time.

“damn, which is the badard, actually leaked the news of our Illusion Clan, which caused such a big disaster.” A red-clothed Illusion Clan Saint gnashing one’s teeth, resentful, this simply is innocent, if not someone leaked The news of Illusion Clan, how could it be such a crisis.

Now Illusion Clan’s High Level fighting strength has basically disappeared. Most of the Illusion Clan soldiers are Death. It can be said that Illusion Clan is no different from the demise. Only some of the remaining soldiers will be defeated.

“Give up, it is estimated that the spy should be Human Race, otherwise Human Race can’t come out, and you have to know that even Ollasg can’t find the monk who leaked our Illusion Clan news, how can we rely on our strength? Can you know?

The most important thing is to know that it must be a good thing? The other party is probably the Human Race High Level. The forces are extremely important and cannot be revenge. “An azure-clothed Illusion Clan Saint next to him.”

When they heard these words, they were very helpless. It was true. Even the Illusion Clan at the peak period was not the opponent of Human Race’s. Now they can get the mysterious Human Race High Level.

“Okay, let’s not talk about these boring things now.”

At this time, Minerva stood up: “Now the entire Illusion Clan is up and down, it is estimated that we are left with us, even if there are still some left, but not much.

For the sake of the present, we must unite. First, we must determine the location of Chief’s. After all, the snake has no heads and no ones. We must find a Chief to give orders and lead everyone to move forward. We cannot fall here. ”

“Minerva, you are too much, we just left alive, you actually want to find power to fight for profit, but also want to be a Chief, are you crazy?”

Next to Sofia sneered, I suddenly saw the idea of ​​Minerva.

“I don’t deny that I want to be Chief’s ambition, but now who, besides me, has this strength, has this qualification to become the Chief of Illusion Clan.” Minerva indifferently said.


The other Illusion Clan Saints are embarrassed, and they can’t deny this fact, because whether it is about strength or the means of power, it is now Minerva first.


Minerva looks at Sofia: “You can’t continue to be willful anymore. You should be thinking about the overall situation of Illusion Clan. Let me join Double Cultivation. If I can get the power of Pure Yin with you, then advance to Middle Antiquity. Saint’s realm also has a certain degree of hope, and you and I, Double Cultivation, cultivation base will also make rapid progress. Now, besides me, who else deserves you.”


Sofia’s eyes showed a hint of cold glow, she didn’t expect Minerva to this level, to the moment of Illusion Clan matter of life and death, and there is Illusion Clan righteous to oppress themselves, simply is omnipotent.

But when I think that Illusion Clan is indeed stormy, they can’t continue to fight against Split, otherwise Illusion Clan will really disappear into this universe.

The other three Early Antiquity Saint eyes flashed are uncertain, and nothing is said, because Minerva, who hasn’t suffered much damage now, is Saint of their own strongest, and now he can only raise his breath.

And this is not a bad thing for Illusion Clan.


At the moment, a gravel on the ground was changed by Xia Ping. He followed Minerva and the others, attached to an ordinary Illusion Clan, and came to the refuge of Illusion Clan.

In reality When Clam Mist Pearl exploded, he also wanted to take the opportunity to leave, but at the same time he also discovered the enemy movement of Minerva. He moved in the heart and wanted to see what happened.

But he is completely didn’t expect Minerva just fled Illusory World and lived a life. Now he wants to force Sofia to come to the show. This method is really hot, ice-cold is ruthless, everything is just for the benefit.

In reality Minerva doesn’t like Sofia anymore, just wants to use Sofia for cultivation. Supreme Grand Dao is what Minerva is ultimately pursuing.

“Master, be sure to kill this Minerva.”

At this time, Azure Ox gnawed his teeth: “This bastard used to make a haze to kill you. You must never let him go and let him continue to grow stronger.”

“That is of course, you must find a way to kill him.”

Xia Ping rubbed her eyes, and the pupil’s deep place showed a hint of murderous aura, but now he has a few Saints around him, and he must find a way to get rid of it together.

(End of this chapter)